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2005 Up to present Project Manager

1. Organizing conferences, corporate events, promo actions, road shows, professional seminars:

  • project budgets accounting; projects cost optimization;

  • project performance analysis; event quality rating reports; tips on improvement of vendors' activities in regions;

  1. Direct marketing

  2. Media campaigns

  3. Accounting:

  • responsible for project realization and financial results;

  • working with financial documentation.

2003-2005 Office Manager

  • Coordinated and assigned human resources to optimize project performance

  • Significantly enhanced efficiency, productivity and cost-effectiveness


more than 300 successful projects


Tennis, snowboarding, cross-country skiing


French, German


Exercise 1.

  1. Is the resume complete?

  2. What information is missing?

In the letter of application (cover letter) one should explain the reason why In hi she wants to get the position. It is necessary to relate your interests to those ill i he company and to show that you can contribute to the job. For that purpose it I* important to highlight your strengths such as skills and experience.

Diana Stepleton 32 Six Avenue,New York, N.Y.,


November 20, 2007

Commodities United Ltd

3244 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of Personal Assistant to the Marketing director which was advertised in the Financial Times last week. It has always been my dream to work for a progressive company where 1 will be able to utilize my knowledge and my skills. For the last two years I have worked as a project manager and acquired experience in organizing promotional activities and advertising campaigns. My job has familiarized me with many of the challenges involved in marketing. As you can see from my enclosed resume the job suits me perfectly. If you require any further information do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Diana Stepleton Enc. 1


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Exercise 2.

Answer the questions.

  1. What is the layout of the letter?

  2. What kind of information is there in the body of the letter?

  3. Will the letter and resume be successful?

  4. Will they invite Diana to an interview? Why?

ГЧ? Exercise 3. L£l 1) Write your CV.

2) Write a letter of application.

Если в предложении стоит подряд несколько существительных, то толь ко последнее переводится на русский язык существительным, остальные ЯВ] ляются к нему определениями.

Например: projectscostoptimization-оптимизация стоимости проекта.

Exercise 4.

Translate the following word combinations into Russian.

Project realization; team building conflict management; quality customer servin strategies; project performance analysis; event quality rating reports; project pcrformanci optimization; thel994 French arms total; quality requirements check up; unemployment rate increase; company profits level drop; switchboard operator phone number.

Exercise 5.

Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary.

1. Where did you find ... advertisement? 1 found it in ... Herald Tribune. 2. She graduated from ... Cambridge university with honors. 3. They promised us.., 5% discount if we decrease... price. 4.... Global Metal Holding is ... well-established company with ... offices in several cities. 5. She is ... Londoner and he is ... Musco­vite. 6.1 am writing to apply for... position of a sales manager.

Гу Exercise 6.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Сколько предложений о работе получил твой друг? 2. Ваш работодатель повысил вам оклад? 3. Мой оклад увеличится на 50% в следующем месяце. 4. Мы опаздываем, поторопись! - Но моя машина не заводится! 5. Мне нравится эти предложение. Я пойду и напишу сопроводительное письмо и сделаю изменения и своем резюме. 6. Я думаю, они пригласят меня на собеседование. 7. На какую должность вы собираетесь подать заявление? 8. В резюме вы должны подчеркнуть свои сильные стороны. 9. Мы можем гордиться своими достижениями. 10. Я бо юсь, что у меня не достаточно опыта для этой работы. 11. Они должны понимать, какую пользу вы иоинесете компании

Unit3 Workingonthetexts^^*

/ hiring the interview a candidate may be asked two or three tricky questions, liiuil tlir interview and say whether there are such questions here or not.

Two days later Diana received a call from Commodities United Ltd. They Hniiid her to an interview.

Diana came 15 minutes Ih'Ihii- I lie appointed time. She Kpt surprised to learn that it hi l In' director of marketing till 11 -■< -1 ( who was going to llllimrw her and not a [fl'ph sriiuitive of the HR ||i-|>.K 11 iK-nl as the usual ll'iti i i<-c was. He introduced jliir.rll as David Robinson. He №|ч a dark-haired and good-JOukin;; New Yorker with a mil и I aura of success. Mis face «чип <l familiar to her. She might have seen him* in chronicles and the financial fiihiiims ol the major newspapers and TV programs.

David extended his hand verifying her name in his notes and the hand that IjmiI. his was cool and long with perfect nails. She looked very British and ladylike. Slie was tall and siraight-backed with a calm and handsome if not fashionably Hfiiililul face. She wore no jewelry and only a touch of make-up round her eyes. mis first idea was to make her the face of his company. Then he looked at her h с again.

"( rood morning, Miss... or shall I say Mrs. Steplcton?"

"It's Miss.... Good morning."

"Some information is missing in your resume. You didn't mention your age, (ii.ii и al status and children".

"I wanted to lay emphasis on skills, qualifications and working experience. Ц didn't want to exceed one page. If I have to fill in an application form, I'll supply Bon with all relevant data".

"Where do you come from? You have a British accent."

"You are quite right Sir, 1 am British."

"Why have you come here? Why did you leave your last job?"

"The USA is the country of great opportunities, don't you know? She smiled tin i he first time".

"So, you've come here to seize your opportunity?"

"It depends..."

Suddenly David wanted to impress her. He had already made his decision pnd now he was rationalizing his choice. He spent a considerable time giving Diana

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an enticing description of the company's background and its future aims anc prospects.

"So there you have it, Miss Stepleton. By the wav, are you a solo or team player?"


"Good. Can you tell me what your strengths and weaknesses are?"

"My strength... well... I am a workaholic. I believe this is my strength,... anc my weaknesses... it's difficult to say... well... I think I have no weaknesses" - she laughed.

"How do you deal with difficult people?"

"Difficult people? Oh, yes... it's very simple... I become difficult myself.

David laughed appreciating the answer, then he asked:

"Can you work under pressure?"

"Well, we all have to work under pressure, but I can't say I like tight, deadlines."

"Have you got any questions concerning your responsibilities?"

"Well, I understand my major responsibility is to bring business and profit tq the company."

"Wonderful! Any questions about the salary?"

"Your ad read "Attractive salary and fringe benefits". What are those benefits?"

"Our company provides you with a car, low interest mortgage, and after si» months a successful candidate will be eligible for a bonus based on the performance. Anything else?'

"No, thank you".

"Well, Miss Stepleton, thank you for coming. I was pleased to meet you. We'll let you know about our decision by the end of the week."

"The pleasure was entirely mine Mr. Robinson. Good bye."

"Good bye".

'She might have seen him - она могла его видеть.

Exercise 3.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

I. Несколько работодателей предложили ему хороший оклад и социаль­ным пакет. 2. В этом журнале не хватает двух страниц. 3. Каково ваше семей-Ног положение? 4. В резюме необходимо сделать акцент на квалификацию, профессиональные навыки и опыт работы. 5. Люди обычно принимают реше­ти и течение первых пяти минут, а остальное время пытаются обосновать i nun выбор. 6. Вы способны работать в команде? 7. Дэвид - трудоголик, и он limnт людей, которые умеют работать. 8. В прошлом году мы часто работали в I 11II (совой ситуации и выполняли работу в сжатые сроки. 9. Каковы были ва­ши обязанности на этой должности? 10. В следующем году фирма обеспечит pfrx своих сотрудников квартирами. И. Если вы будете хорошо работать, то •trpc I полгода будете иметь право на получение премии. 12. С вашим бухгал­тером трудно иметь дело.

Exercise 4.

Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.

for x 5; in x2; with x2;onx2; to x2.

1. What can I do ... you? 2. What position are you looking ...? 3. He wrote a Irlici to apply ... the position of office manager. 4. ... the last four years I have lU'qinied some experience ... organizing advertising campaigns. 5. Please find my (V inclosed ... the letter. 6. The company invited Diana ... an interview. 7. Your

Eftee seems familiar ... me. 8. It is necessary to lay emphasis ... your professional i\|iinence. 9. Please fill ... the application form. 10. This firm is not eligible ... a

'Доап 11. Familiarize yourself... these materials. 12. Your salary will depend ... your |mi !(ч mance.