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negotiation(s) - переговоры

negotiator - переговорщик

charm- очаровывать

admit- признавать

trick- хитрость

embarrass- смущать

fail- терпеть неудачу

sidelong- косой

glance- взгляд

draft- проект

suppliers- поставщики

carefully- тщательно

sharp- ровно; острый

counterpart- противная сторона

preliminaries- предварительные

замечания point- пункт; точкаitem- изделие (здесь)extend- продлеватьreplacement- заменаfaulty- бракованныйparts- запчасти

clause- статья, пункт (контракта)omit- опускать, пропускатьfault- винаinterrupt- перебиватьintervene- вмешиватьсяqueueup- выстраиваться в очередьquantity- количествоdiscount- скидкаadvance- авансовый

assure - заверять

inspection - проверка

delivery - доставка

facilities - средства

forward- направить

drawup- составить


mutual- взаимный

benefit- выгода

owe- быть в долгу

passing- проходящий

attraction- притяжение

lust- вожделение

admire- восхищаться

calmness- спокойствие

thought- мысль

self-composure- самообладание

serenity- безмятежность

rest- давать покой

mere- простой, чистый

decline- отклонить

cry- плакать

landline- стационарный телефон

hesitate- колебаться

pick up - поднять

receiver - трубка

determination - решительность

gloomy - мрачный

betray - предать

trial - пробный

Word combinations

burst out laughing - расхохотаться

get down to business - перейти к делу

at least - по крайнее мере

to get in touch (with) связаться (с кем-л.)

tomymind- по моему мнению

todoone'sbest- сделать все возможное

to place an order with a company - разместить заказ в компании

to execute (to do) one's duty - исполнить свой долг

terms of payment - условия платежа

terms of delivery - условия доставки

Letter of Credit - аккредитив

as far as sinth is concerned - что касается...

shipping facilities - средства доставки

to strike a deal - заключить сделку

a mere accident - чистая случайность

nothing in particular - ничего особенного

toenjoysmb'sconfidence- пользоваться доверием (кого-л.)

sleep on it/counsel with your pillow - утро вечера мудренее

to find out - выяснить

CIF (cost, insurance, freight) - оплата стоимости , страховки и фрахта

FOB (free on board) - бесплатно на боргу (доставка до борта судна)




Lesson 11. Contracts

Grammar: The Passive Voice of Simple Tenses; Modal verbs: to be, shall

Unit 1 The Passive Voice of Simple Tenses

To be + Participle II (3-я форма глагола)

Present Simple Passive





I am invited

I am not invited

Am I invited?

You, we, they

We are invited

They are not invited

Are you invited?

He, she, it

He is invited

She is not invited

Is he invited?

Past Simple Passive





I was invited

I was not invited

Was 1 invited?

You, we, they

They were invited

We were not invited

Were you invited?

He, she, it

She was invited

He was not invited

Was he invited?

Future Simple Passive

I, we




I shall/will be invited

We shall/will not be invited

Shall I be invited

You, they

They will be invited

You will not be invited

Will you be invited?

He, she, it

He will be invited

She will not be in­vited

Will he be invited?

Употребление времен в страдательном залоге полностью совпадает < употреблением времен в действительном залоге.

Так как в страдательном залоге действие производится не подлежащим а над подлежащим, и в основном, акцент делается на самом действии, а не н; деятеле, то деятель чаще всего опускается. Действующее лицо или предме вводятся союзом by или with (неодушевленный).


  1. The company was founded in 1970 by my grandfather.

  2. The letter is written with a pencil.

Способы перевода страдательного залога на русский язык

Существует несколько способов перевода страдательного залога с анг­лийского языка на русский язык, например:

1. Самим страдательным залогом:

I was invited to the conference. Я был приглашен на конференцию.

2. Неопределенно-личным предложением:

1 was invited to the conference. Меня пригласили на конференцию.

3. Возвратными глаголами с окончанием на -ся:

A lot of new hotels are built in Russia every year. Каждый год в России строится много новых гостиниц.

Особенности употребления страдательного залога в английском языке

В английском языке так же, как и в русском, страдательный залог образуется от переходных глаголов. Но в отличие от русского языка некоторые глаголы допус­кают образование страдательного залога как с прямым, так и с косвенным дополне­нием. К ним относятся: to accord, to advise, to allow, to ask, to award, to deny, to teach, to tell, to promise, to order, to give, to show, etc.

I was shown the contract. The contract was shown to me. Мне показали контракт.

Exercise 1.

Read and translate the following sentences:

l. The contract will be signed as soon as all the details are agreed upon. 2. The order was placed two weeks ago, but as far as I know they have not executed it yet. 3. Will they be shown many samples? 4. The terms of delivery were not discussed during yesterday's negotiations. 5. He was made a nice offer he couldn't reject. 6. The shares oi this company arc listed on several stock exchanges. 7. A letter of introduction will be emailed to many companies next week.

9 Exercise 2.

Open the brackets using the correct form of the Passive Voice.

1. Many new companies (to found) in our country every year. 2. This work (to do) tomorrow. 3. My question (not to answer) during the talks. 4. Our new project (to finish) next year. 5. The money(to receive) yesterday. 6. The Letter of ('redit (to open) within a week after signing the contract. 7. The goods (not to deliver) on time. 8. We often (to invite) to participate in conferences. 9. Business

Английский для бизнесменов


letters usually (to write) on special forms. 10. The mail (to bring) by the secretary five minutes ago.

Exercise 3.

Translate from Russian into English using the correct form of the Passive Voice.

1. Каждый день заключается множество сделок. 2. Условия контракта, как правило, обсуждаются представителями компаний. 3. Офисное оборудо­вание меняют каждые 5 лет. 4. Телевизионное оборудование этой фирмы экс­портируется во многие страны. 5. Товары нашей компании производятся в не­скольких странах. 6. Я знаю, что контракт будет подписан завтра. 7. Товар ее был поставлен вовремя, так как у фирмы было слишком много заказов. 8. Me- | ня пригласили на конференцию 2 дня назад. 9. Вчера им предложили кредит 1 на б месяцев. 10. Проблема была обсуждена на собрании.

Unit 2 Working on the text«Ц#

Read and translate the text paying attention to the Passive Voice.

When Diana opened her eyes in the morning it was almost 9 o'clock. She I overslept, because she had not got a wink of sleep almost all night, and drowsed off I only at sunrise. Her mood matched the weather outside that was very depressing. 1 She took a quick shower, dressed up, and hurried to work without breakfast, j Although she had been thinking all night she didn't make a decision what line of I behavior to take. The best way was to pretend as if nothing had happened. She 1 hoped to slip to her cubicle unnoticed but at that very moment her mobile rang and I Silvia asked her to come to Mr. Robinson's office. Diana had nothing to do, but to 1 face the reality. When she entered the office Silvia told her that a message was left 1 for her by Mr. Robinson who had gone to Chicago. Diana couldn't refrain from sighing with relief when she heard the news. On her boss desk Diana found a short j memo which read as follows:

BMMBBBBffiflBnRffiMSBBRHL amendments Where necessr,

Please read the contract and mc touch.

Exercise 1.

Find English equivalents in the text.

Проспать; не сомкнуть глаз; задремать; восход; соответствовать; принять решение; поведение; притворяться; случаться; проскользнуть; вздохнуть с об­легчением; в записке говорится; сделать поправки; распечатанная копия; за­помнить; набрать номер.


Exercise 2.

Answer the questions.

1. Why was Diana late for her work? 2. Was she happy when she learnt that )avid was not in the office? 3. What was Diana's feelings.

Д Exercise 3.

Translate from Russian into English.

1. О Боже! Я проспал! Я не сомкнул глаз всю ночь, так как готовился к экзаменам. 2. На календаре был написан номер телефона и какое-то имя. 3. Вам вчера оставили сообщение? 4. В письме говорилось следующее: г-на Брауна пригласили принять участие в переговорах. 5. Он притворился, что не узнал ее. 6. Диана вздохнула с облегчением, когда узнала, что Дэвид уехал в командировку. 7. Мне всегда сообщают все новости.


Exercise 4.

Listen to the telephone conversation and answer the following questions: l.Whom did Diana phone? 2. Why did she leave the office? 3. What did she suggest? 4. What was the response of the other party?


Next to it there was a printed copy of the contract. She also noticed a name with a telephone number written on the calendar. That was it. She tried to memorize the number and went quickly to her working place. She left the contract on her desk and hurried downstairs out of the building. Five minutes later she was sitting in a cafe, dialing a number.

Working on the text ^^

Read and translate the text paying special attention to the Passive Voice and the usage of modal verbs to be, shall.

Diana returned to her cubicle and studied the contract.



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CONTRACT # 04834/-I-103

Sky [трех Ltd, New Delhi, India hereinafter referred to as the Seller on the one pan and Commodities United Ltd, New York, the USA hereinafter referred to as the Buyer on the othei part have concluded the present Contract as follows:


The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought goods on CIF New York terms in accordance with the specification attached to the present contract and which is an integral pan thereof.


Quality of the goods delivered under the present contract shall conform to the Export Quality Standard and be certified accordingly. The Seller shall assure and guaranty that the quality of the goods shipped against this contract will strictly conform to the samples, presented to the consignee of the goods.


The total value of the Contract is USD 1.820.000 (US Dollars One million eight hundred and twenty thousand).

The prices are firm for the duration of the contract, not subject to any alteration and include the cost of packing, marking, loading, including the cost of materials used for this purpose, customs duties.


Entire goods in respect of this Contract are to be delivered within 90 days from the date of this contract. Partial shipments are allowed.


Payment as per the present Contract shall be made by irrevocable, transferable and divisible Letter of Credit opened by the Buyer for the total value of the Contract. The Letter of Credit is to be opened within 10 working days after signing the present Contract and shall be valid for 120 days. The L/C shall be opened by the Buyer in favour of the Seller.

The payment is to be made against the presentation of the following documents:

  1. Invoice in 3 copies;

  2. Full set of Clean on Board Bills of Lading marked "Freight Prepaid";

  3. Certificate of Origin; 4 Works Certificate;

  1. Packing List in 3 copies;

  2. Insurance Policy;

  3. Certificate of Quality.

All charges as to the opening of the Letter of Credit (prolongation and amendments) arc-to the Buyer's account.


  1. The goods are considered to be delivered by the Seller and accepted by the Buyer: - as for the quality - in accordance with the standard quality certificate and with the pre-shipnienl samples; - as for the quantity of the cases - in accordance with the shipping documents.

  2. In case of any complaints concerning in tare shortage, provided the packing is not damaged, or if the quality of the goods do not correspond to that of the preshipmcnt samples, the Buyer has the right to make a claim on the Seller within 30 days of the landing of the goods.

  3. Immediately after the Buyer's request the Seller is to replace (at the Seller's expense) the damaged articles with new ones of good quality.

  4. The Buyer has the right to check the goods on the spot before loading.


The quality of the goods to be delivered under the present Contract shall be confirmed by I he Certificate of Quality issued by the Manufacturer. The Seller shall guarantee high quality of I he goods delivered under the present contract as well as their full correspondence to the data stipulated in the Specification to the Contract. The period of guarantee shall be 12 months from I he date of signing the Acceptance Protocol but not more than 30 months from the date of the last delivery.


The goods shall be shipped in seaworthy packing in accordance with the requirements of Etch particular type of the material. The Seller shall be responsible for any damage or breakage of (lie goods that may be caused by improper packing. The marking shall be clearly made with indelible paint on the top of the case.


The Seller shall insure the goods against all usual marine risks at his expense.


The parties are not liable for failure to perform their obligations under the present Contract, if such failure was caused by force majeure circumstances such as: fire, flood, earthquake, war, provided these circumstances have directly affected the performance of this ('on tract.


All the disputes that may arise out of the present contract or in connection with it are to I»' settled in amicable way by negotiation. Otherwise they should be settled by the International Commercial Court in accordance with the procedures and rules of the said court.


Exercise 1.

Find English equivalents in the text.

1. Именуемый в дальнейшем; с одной стороны/с другой стороны; в соот­ветствии; прилагать; неотъемлемая часть; соответствовать (2); удостоверять; образец; получатель; общая стоимость контракта; твердая цена; не подвержен каким-либо изменениям; погрузка; таможенные пошлины; условия платежа; условия доставки; безотзывный; переводной; делимый; быть действительным; в чыо-л. пользу; против предъявления; счет-фактура; сертификат происхож­дения; заводской сертификат; полный комплект чистых бортовых коносамен-гов; расходы; в случае; заменять поврежденный предмет; обуславливать (ого­варивать); отгружать; упаковка, пригодная для морских перевозок; акт прием­ки; поломка; несмываемая краска; морские риски; за чеи-л. счет; неспособ­ность выполнить обязательства; пожар; наводнение; землетрясение; при усло­вии; урегулировать споры.



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Exercise 2.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the subject of the contract? 2. How many clauses are there in the contract? Enumerate them. 3. What way of payment did the parties choose? 4. How is the payment executed? 5. What party is responsible for shipment and delivery? 6. Is there an inspection clause in the contract? 7. How are the goods | accepted? 8. What circumstances are considered to be force-majeure? 9. How are j disputes settled?

Exercise 3.

Translate the contract in writing.

Exercise 4.

Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

a) irrevocable; b) integral; с) improper; d) consignee; e) issued;: f) transaction; g) Buyer; h) disputes; i) insurance; j) flood; k) damage; 1) clauses; m) obligations; n) force-majeure.

A contract is a legal document of a 1 between two parties the 2__

and the Seller. All the legal 3 of the parties are stated in the contract. The

contract usually includes a number of 4 . The Seller is usually held responsible

for any 5 caused by 6 packing. GIF prices include cost, 7 , freight.

The payment will be made by 8 and divisible L/C. The Certificate of Quality

is usually 9 by the manufacturer. All 10 must be settled in amicable way.

An appendix is an 11 part of the contract. Earthquake, 12_ or war are

called 13 circumstances. 14 of the goods can be the third party of the

contract besides the Buyer and the Seller.

Exercise 5.

Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.

as x 3; from; hereinafter x 2; \vithx3; under; by.

to x 4; on x 2; of x 2; during; in x 3;

1. Global Metal Holding ... referred the Seller ... the one part and Sky

Impex ... referred the Buyer ... the other part agreed ... follows. 2. The total

value ... the contract and the terms ... payment were discussed ... the firsl

negotiation. 3. The invoice ... 3 copies must be sent ... the consignee immediately. 4. The goods are shipped ... accordance ... the specification. 5. The goods ... the contract are to be ... full conformity ... the samples, presented ... the consignee. (>. When the agreement is signed ... our counterparts I will sigh ... relief. 7. My friend cannot refrain ... asking questions.

"' Exercise 6.

Translate from Russian into English.

1. Контракт обычно содержит такие статьи, как: предмет контракта и общую стоимость, условия доставки и платежа, гарантия а качество товара, упаковку и маркировку, форс-мажор и арбитраж. 2. Спецификации - это при­ложение к контракту, которое является его неотъемлемой частью. 3. Марки­ровка была сделана несмываемой краской на трех сторонах коробки. 4. В Пользу вашей фирмы 3 дня назад был открыт аккредитив на полную стои­мость товара. 5. Испытания будут проводиться за неделю до погрузки. 6. Пла­теж был осуществлен после предъявления следующих документов: счета-фактуры, полного комплекта чистых бортовых коносаментов, сертификата происхождения и заводского сертификата. 7. Неисправные детали заменили в речение недели. 8. Если споры нельзя уладить полюбовно, путем переговоров, дело решается арбитражным судом в соответствии с юридическими процеду­рами. 9. Продавец продал, а покупатель купил товар согласно спецификациямjна условиях СИФ Москва. 10. Фирма Н. именуемая в дальнейшем Продавец сIодной стороны и фирма С. именуемая в дальнейшем Покупатель с другой сто­роны заключили настоящий договор о нижеследующем.