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advantageous advocate be liable for common sense conduct a case consider the evidence convene

credibility of the evidence determine the facts discretion equity

extend mercy find for impanel injury

lay down the law


виправдовувати вигідний прихильник нести відповідальність здоровий глузд вести справу розглядати докази скликати

достовірність доказів визначати факти

повноваження діяти на власний розсуд принцип справедливості приймати рішення про помилування виносити рішення на користь включати до списку присяжних спричинення шкоди вирішувати питання права

mete out individualized justice

non-jury system nullify

pass upon the facts



preliminary instructions

pursuit of justice





set financial damage amounts

substantive question




within the confines of the law

виправдовувати в рамках закону вести справу вигідний визначати факти викликали до суду вимога

виносити рішення на користь вирішувати питання права

включати до списку присяжних встановлення справедливості встановлювати справедливість у кожному випадку

встановлювати суму фінансового збитку готовність

достовірність доказів

здоровий глузд

нести відповідальність

перерва в засіданнях

питання по суті справи

повноваження діяти на власний розсуд

попередні вказівки

постанова судді

приймати рішення про помилування

приймати рішення стосовно фактів

принцип справедливості


розглядати докази

системи судів без участі присяжних





спричинення шкоди формувати упереджене ставлення що стосується справи встановлювати справедливість у кожному випадку

системи судів без участі присяжних скасовувати

приймати рішення стосовно фактів що стосується справи формувати упереджене ставлення попередні вказівки встановлення справедливості спантеличувати вимога

перерва в засіданнях постанова судді

встановлювати суму фінансового збитку

питання по суті справи

викликали до суду



в рамках закону



within the confines of the law

conduct a case


determine the facts



find for

lay down the law impanel

pursuit of justice

mete out individualized justice

set financial damage amounts willingness

credibility of the evidence common sense be liable for recess

substantive question discretion

preliminary instructions ruling

extend mercy pass upon the facts equity advocate

consider the evidence

non-jury system










  1. Work in pairs. In the text below find the words that correspond to the definitions given in the box.

A. choosing; B. board; C. arrive; D. room where cases are judged; E. appointed;

  1. legal representative; G. make a formal promise to tell the truth in a court of law;

  1. ask someone questions to find out if they are suitable for a job etc.; I. potential;

J. neutral; K. process of choosing jurors; L. excuse; M. state that a juror is not acceptable; N. serving as juror; O. objecting to a candidate; P. excusing a juror for specific reasons; Q. restriction; R. excusing a juror without any specific reasons; S. make sure; T. substitute.

The first step in the selection of the trial jury is the choosing of a “jury panel”. When a person is selected for a jury panel he (or she) will be directed to report, along with other jury members, to a courtroom in which a case is to be heard once the jury is selected. The judge assigned to that case will tell him about the case and will introduce the attorneys and the people involved in the case. He will also take the oath, by which he promises to answer all questions truthfully. Following this explanation of the case and the taking of the oath, the judge and the lawyers will interview him and the other members of the panel (prospective jurors) to find out if he has any personal interest in it, or any feelings that might make it hard for him to be impartial. This process of choosing jurors is called Voir Dire, the phrase meaning “to speak the truth”.

Many of the questions the judge and each of the attorneys ask a person during Vior Dire may seem very personal to him, but he would answer them completely and honestly. The lawyers are trying to make sure that members of the jury do not have past experiences which might prevent them from making an impartial decision.

During Voir Dire the attorneys may ask the judge to excuse any member of the panel from sitting on the jury for this particular case. This is called challenging a juror. There are two types of challenges. The first is called a challenge for cause, which means that the lawyer has a specific reason for thinking that the juror would not be able to be impartial. There is no limit on the number of the panel members that the lawyers may have excused for cause.

The second type of challenge is called a peremptory challenge, which means that the lawyer does not have to state the reason for asking that the juror be excused. Like challenges for cause, peremptory challenges are designed to allow lawyers to do their best to assure that their clients will have a fair trial. Unlike challenges for cause, however, the number of peremptory challenges is limited.

Those jurors who have not been challenged become the jury for the case. Depending on the kind of the case, there will be either six or twelve jurors. The judge may also allow selection of one or more alternative jurors, who will serve if one of the jurors is unable to do so because of illness or some other reason.

  1. Complete the following sentences with the words you have found in Activity 1.

The process of choosing jurors is called (1). Potential jurors are interviewed

in the open court by each of the attorneys. There are two ways of (2) potential

jurors: “ (3); and “ (4)”. (5) jurors may be

(6) for cause for any number of specific reasons. Some of the more obvious

ones are that a candidate: is a witness in the case; is related to a party; has some close personal or

business relationship to a party; has already (7) in a case involving one or more

of the parties; has already formed an opinion or is otherwise (8); is an alcoholic,

drug addict, mentally incompetent, or convicted felon; does not speak or understand English well enough to follow the proceeding and participate in jury deliberations. There is no (9) to the number of (10) jurors who may be

  1. for cause. Each time a (12) juror is (13), another will

(14). When they have run out of (15), each side may exercise

its (16). No reason need be given for peremptorily (17) a juror,

but each party has only a limited number of (18) challenges. In criminal cases

the number of peremptory challenges allowed each party is six in capital cases, four in all other

felony cases, and three in misdemeanor cases. Each party is allowed three (19)

in civil cases. Beginning with the complaining party, each side takes turns exercising its

peremptory (20) one at a time. A peremptory challenge is lost when the turn

comes to use it and it is not used. When all (21) are used or passed, the jury is

complete. The jury then (21) to do its duty.

  1. Listen to the text from a handbook on the jury service for the U.S. citizens and fill in the gaps. You will hear the text twice.

The right to (1) of our fellow citizens is one of our most important rights

which is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. By (2), then, you

are helping to (3) one of the most important ___ (4). Your name

was (5) from voter (6) and placed on a list of

  1. . Next, your answers to the Questionnaire for Jurors were (8) to make sure

that you were eligible for (9) and were not exempt from service. To be

(10), you must be over 18 years of age, a citizen of the United States, a

(11) of the country in which you are to serve as a juror, able

  1. in the English language and if you have been convicted of (13), you must

have had your civil rights (14). People who meet these requirements may be

(15) from jury service if they have illness that would interfere with their

(16) to do a good job, would suffer great jury service if required to serve, or

are unable to serve for some other reason. You are here because you were found to be eligible for jury duty and were able to serve. You are now part of the 'jury pool', the group of people

from which (17) are chosen. Your job as a juror is to listen to all the

(18) presented at trial and to ‘decide the facts’ - that is, to decide what really

happened. The judge, on the other hand, ‘decides the law’ - that is, makes decisions on

(19) that come up during the trial. For example, the judge may have to decide

whether you and the other jurors may (20) certain evidence or whether one

lawyer may ask a witness a certain (21). You should not try to decide these

iegal issues, sometimes you will even be asked to leave (22) while they are

being decided. Both your job and that of the judge must be done well if our

  1. of trial by jury is to work. In order to do your job you do not need any special

(24) or ability. It is enough that you keep an open (25),

concentrate on the evidence being presented, use your (26), and be fair and

(27). Finally, you should not be (28) by sympathy or

prejudice: it is vital that you be (29) with regard to all people and all ideas.

  1. Explain the meaning of the following word-combinations related to the choosing of the jury from the text.

Trial by a jury; citizen; to guarantee; to serve on a jury; to select at random; voter; registration records; list of potential jurors; to be eligible for service; a resident; to be convicted; a felony; to restore rights; requirements; to be excused from jury service; to interfere with; to suffer hardship; 'jury pool'; a juror; evidence; to decide the fact; to decide the question of law; a courtroom; a judge; a system of trial by jury; knowledge; ability; to keep an open mind; to use common sense; to be fair; to be honest; not to be influenced; prejudice; to be impartial; to regard; to learn 'from the inside'; to find something challenging; experience.

  1. Work in pairs. Fill in the table below on the basis of exercises 1-3. Then use the table to tell your partner everything you know about the selection of the jury.

SELECT10N0FraE'miALJUR^^^^3#C^ * " ,

I Where should a prospective juror go first?

What does the judge tell the prospective jurors?

Why do the prospective jurors take the oath?

What is the purpose of interviewing the prospective jurors?

Why may the prospective jurors be excused from sitting on the jury?

What is challenge for cause?

What is peremptory challenge?

How many challenges for cause are allowed?

How many peremptory challenges are allowed?

How many jurors may there be on the panel?

What is the function of alternative jurors?


Requirements for prospective jurors

Reasons to be excused from jury service

The functions of a juror

The functions of the judge

Work in pairs. Put the verb into the correct form using the passive. There is an example at the beginning (0).

  1. The courtroom (clean) every day. - The courtroom is cleaned every day.

  1. When you (select) for a jury panel you (direct) to report to a courtroom in which a case is (hear) once a jury (select).

  2. The prospective jurors (question) by the judge and the lawyers.

  3. The process of questioning (call) Voir Dire.

  4. The questions (answer) completely and honestly.

  5. The decision should (make) impartially.

  6. Any member of the panel may (excuse) from sitting on the jury for this particular case by the judge.

  7. If one of the jurors has had a car stolen and still feels angry or upset about it, the attorney for the person accused of the theft could ask that the juror (excuse) for that reason.

  8. Please try not to take offence if you (excuse) from serving on a particular jury.

  9. If you (excuse), you will either return to the juror waiting area and wait (call) for another panel or (excuse) from service, depending on the local procedures in the county in which you live.

  1. Write a survey report on the choosing a jury in the US law system. Use the texts in this part of the lesson or any other materials you may come across. See also: Survey Report in the Recommendations on Creative Writing Work.

  2. Translate into English

Добір присяжних. Процес добору присяжних називається voir dire (фр. «казати правду»). Потенційні кандидати у присяжні проходять співбесіди з адвокатами сторін на відкритому судовому засіданні. Існує два шляхи відведення кандидатів у присяжні: відведення на конкретній підставі» та «відведення без наведення причин».

Кандидати у присяжні можуть відводитися на конкретній підставі з цілої низки причин. Найпоширенішими з них є такі: присяжний: є стороною або свідком у справі; є подичсм будь-якої сторони; має близькі підприємницькі або особисті стосунки з будь- якою стороною; вже має власну точку зору або упередженість щодо однієї із сторін; є алкоголіком, наркоманом, психічно хворим або вчинив тяжкий злочин; недостатньо володіє англійською мовою, аби слідкувати за судовою процедурою та брати участь у всіданні присяжних. Не існує обмежень щодо кількості потенційних присяжних, які южуть бути відведені на конкретній підставі. Кожного разу, коли відводиться черговий кандидат у присяжні, на його місце запрошують іншого.

Коли обидві сторони вичерпали можливості відводу на конкретній підставі, вони можуть використати своє право на відвід без зазначення причини. Для цього не потрібно зазначати тичину, але кожна сторона має обмеження щодо кількості відведень без зазначення причини.

кримінальних справах з вищою мірою покарання кожна сторона може використати право доводу без зазначення причини 6 разів, в інших кримінальних справах щодо тяжких злочинів -

  • рази, а у справах щодо незначних правопорушень - 3 рази. У цивільних справах кожна гторона може використовувати право відводу без зазначення причини лише 3 рази. Починаючи : заявника, кожна сторона по черзі використовує своє право відводу без зазначення причини, /торона втрачає право на один відвід без зазначення причини, коли надходить черга його

  • икористання, але таке право не використовується. Коли кожна сторона вичерпує ліміт відводів Уз зазначення причини, формування складу журі завершується. Потім членів журі приводять :: присяги щодо належного виконання їхніх обов’язків.

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