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_ПРАВКА_грамматика для всех направлений.doc
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Тема 22. Независимый причастный оборот

Основные формальные признаки НПО:

  1. Существительное (местоимение в именительном падеже), стоящее перед причастием;

  2. Наличие запятой, которая всегда отделяет НПО.

Когда НПО стоит в начале предложения, он переводится с помощью союзов «когда», «так как», «после того, как», «если», «поскольку».

The professor being ill, the lecture was put off.

Так как профессор болел, лекцию отложили.

The experiment having been finished, the conference started.

Когда эксперимент был завершен, началась конференция.

The device tested, the scientists left the lab.

После того, как прибор протестировали, ученые вышли из лаборатории.

Когда НПО стоит в конце предложения, он переводится с помощью союзов «и», «а», «но», «причем».

The inventor demonstrated his new device, the students watching its operation very attentively.

Изобретатель продемонстрировал свой новый прибор, а студенты наблюдали за его работой очень внимательно.

Task 1. Сравните предложения a) и b), назовите те, в которых используется независимый причастный оборот.

a) Having finished the translation, I gave it to the teacher.

b) The translation having been finished, I gave it to the teacher.

a) Having finished the experiment, the students left the lab.

b) The experiment having been finished, the students left the lab.

a) Having solved the first problem, we began to solve the second one.

b) The first problem having been solved, we began to solve the second one.

a) Having tested the instrument, the scientists started to use it in their work.

b) The instrument having been tested, the scientists started to use it in their work.

a) Having read the article, we decided to discuss it.

b) The article having been read, we decided to discuss it.

a) Having made a report, we went to the conference.

b) The report having been made, we went to the conference.

Task 2. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

1. My brother having lost the key, we couldn't enter the house.

2. The teacher being ill, the lesson was put off.

3. The weather having changed, he decided to stay at home.

4. There being much time left, she wanted to have a rest.

5. The keys having been lost, the man couldn't open the door.

6. The weather being nice, we will spend a good time in the country.

7. The work having been finished, the workers went home.

8. The task done, all the pupils handed in their composi­tions.

9. The work finished, they hurried home.

10. The dinner cooked, we decided to go for a walk.

11. The winter being cold, we spent three months in the city.

Task 3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

1. The night being dark, I could see nothing in the yard.

2. The sun having set, it began getting dark.

3. It being Sunday, the shop was closed.

4. The weather being terrible, the flight was impossible.

5. There being nothing to eat, the boys returned home hungry.

6. The article translated, the students had nothing to do.

7. The door closed, he couldn't enter the room.

8. The flat repaired, she felt comfortable.

9. It being weekend, he could go to the country.

10. The concert finished, disco started.

11. It being her birthday, she decided to have a party.

Task 4. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот.

1. It being late, Ann went to bed.

2. It being the day of my English exam, I got up early.

3. The evening being warm, we went for a walk.

4. Her breakfast eaten, she turned from the table.

5. He smoked a cigar, coffee having been drunk.

6. Tom was sitting silent, his eyes fixed on his father's face.

7. I heard the woman speaking, her voice trembling.

8. The news having been heard, she fainted.

9. She looked at him, her eyes shining brightly.

10. She opened the door with her heart beating fast.

11. The bell gone, students left the classroom.

Отработка грамматического явления на базе технического перевода

Переведите на русский язык.

1. Industrial application of energy increasing, more and more energy is needed every year.

2. An alternating current flowing through a conductor, its direction reverses at regular intervals.

3. An electric current passing through a conductor, we generally detect it thanks to its various effects.

4. The molecules or atoms of gas being ionized, an electric current passes through that gas.

5. The flow of the current being reduced, the speed of the motor is correspondingly decreased.

6. The resistance being very high, the current in the circuit was low at the constant voltage.

7. The plant having offered new high-tech micro motors, the modern small-sized appliances appeared at the market for selling.

8. The young physicist having discovered a mistake in calculations, the experienced specialists corrected it.

9. Numerous calculations having been carried out at the research institute, it became possible to produce new airplanes.

10. The first TV-sets having been shown in 1939, the news about it spread throughout the world.

11. There are many different forms of energy, kinetic energy being one of them.

12. Metals are the best conductors of electricity, non-metals being rather poor ones.

13. The present article is about optical electronics, with special attention being paid to lasers.

14. Lasers produce intense, directional, pure in colour, light beams, the latter being focused by the lens system.

15. In transistor there are two circuits, one of which contains the emitter and the base, the other containing the collector and the base.