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8. Say how the following questions are formed:

What's the reason for your visit to the United Kingdom?

Where are you staying?

Are you staying in London?

When are you leaving?

What company is inviting you?

Who is inviting you?

Are you with the Group?

Is there a leader of the Group?

Where is your Group Leader?

9. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones?

— Good morning

— Good morning, sir. May I see .. card, please?

— Certainly. Here.

— Thank you. What's the reason ...?

— I'm on a business . . programme.

— And how long are ..?

— A week ...

— Have you got ...?

— Yes, certainly. Here ...

— May I see ... receive . ?

— Just a minute, I'll .. Group Leader ... Here is ...

— Thank you. Everything is... Here is ...

Упражнение 15


1. Underline the sentences true to the text:

• The group undergoes formalities at Immigration and then goes to leclaim their luggage.

The group reclaims the luggage and then undergoes formalities at Immigration.

• Some participants had difficulties at Immigration.

Some participants had difficulties at the Luggage reclaim point.

One participant had a difficulty in finding his suitcase.

• The difficulty was eliminated with the help of an Immigration officer.

The difficulty was eliminated with the help of a Customs officer.

The difficulty was eliminated with the help of an official responsi­ble for luggage.

  • to eliminate — устранять

• All the participants of the group have a few things to declare for Customs.

All the participants have nothing to declare.

A few participants have something to declare.

• They all pass through the led wall corridor.

They all pass through the green wall corridor.

Most of them pass through the red wall corridor.

• Some other passengers pass through the red wall corridor.

All the passengers pass through the green wall corridor.

The text does not speak about this detail.

• All the countries have the same list of things liable to duty.

Every country has a different list of things liable to duty.

All the countries have similar lists of things liable to duty.

2. Match English and Russian equivalents:

Luggage Reclaim point

Таможенный контроль

Immigration point

Выдача багажа


востребовать (получить) багаж

"Nothing to declare"

багажная лента-транспортер

things liable to duty

паспортный контроль

customs duty



работник (официальное лицо)

to leclaim luggage

"Не имею предметов, подлежащих декларированию"

to collect luggage

предметы, за ввоз которых необходимо заплатить пошлину

an officer

таможенный сбор

an official

получить багаж

3. Insert the verbs as in the text and say in what forms they are used:

After undergoing formalities at Immigration the group ... to the Luggage Reclaim point. They ... the monitor showing their Flight Number and ... their suitcases and bags on the belt. But one of the participants of the group ... his suitcase and ... Andrew Lvov for help.

Настоящее законченное время (Present Perfect)

Present Perfect образуется с помощью вспомогатель­ного глагола have/has + 3-я форма глагола (причастия на­стоящего времени):

I have collected the luggage.

He/ She has collected the luggage.

We have collected the luggage.

They have collected the luggage.

Вопросительные предложения образуются изменением порядка слов:

Have/has + подлежащее + 3-я форма глагола

Have you collected the luggage?

Yes, we have./ Л/о, we have not.

Has he/she collected the luggage?

Yes, he/ she has. / No, he/ she hasn 't.

Have they collected the luggage?

Yes, they have./ No, they haven't.

Отрицательная форма образуется добавлением части­цы nor: have not (haven's/has not (hasn't)

I haven't collected the luggage.

He/ She hasn't collected the luggage.

We haven't collected the luggage.

They haven't collected the luggage.

Present Perfect выражает действие, законченное или выполненное к настоящему моменту. Например:

So, all of them have collected the luggage.

There is a crowd meeting passengers who have just arrived.

Have you been to the Heathrow airport?

Have you been to Britain?

При перечислении нескольких последовательных дей­ствий, законченных к данному моменту, Present Perfect не употребляется. В таких случаях употребляется Настоящее простое время (Present Indefinite).Например:

They соте to the Luggage Reclaim point and collect their luggage.