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4. Insert prepositions:

Не leported the lesults of his visit ... the General Director

The businessmen made an appointment... 11 o'clock the same day

They met... Mr. Freiser's premises.

After some preliminaries the got down ... business.

Judging... your early call the news is good.

The Director gave me the go-ahead... the purchase

Here is the list ... the devices we are interested.

If our customers are satisfied ... the devices they will order some more

5. Insert articles:

It's ... rather small order.

It's... trial order Meanwhile we'll contact our customers in... few other cities in Russia.

When do you need.. devices?

At... earliest we can deliver them during ... second half of... month.

How do you want us to ship ... goods?

... cif prices will be much higher than ... basic plices stated in our brochures

Let's discuss ... plices now.

I don't mind... break now.

6. Use the verbs in the right forms:

Judging by your early call you (to bring) us good news.

Last night I (to speak) with my General Director and he (to give) me the go-ahead to the purchase.

If our customers (to be satisfied) with the devices they will order some more.

If our customers (to like) your devices they (to order) some more.

If they (/o be happy) about your devices they (to make) another older.

If they (to be interested) in your goods we (to make) a few more contracts.

7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

— Judging by.... good news, haven't you?

—... true. Last night.... go-ahead to... And here is.. inteiested in.

— And how many...

— ... all in all...

— ... disappointing...

— I agree.. It's... But... trial... If our customers... Meanwhile we'll contact... They might...

— And speaking about your trial. . when... need...

— Can... next..

— At the earliest... half... And how do you want us

— By air, this... They... not heavy and besides... impatient... as possible.

— If I understand you properly you.... cif terms by... The.... much higher than...

— Then let's..

— Shall we have...

— I don't mind...

8. Sum up how the devices were ordered.

Разделительные вопросы, вопросы-переспросы

Disjunctive questions

Эти вопросы образуются с помощью соответствующего вспомогательного глагола в отрицательной форме и местоимения, соответствующего подлежащему главного предложения.


We shall have a break, shan't we?

You have brought us good news, haven't you?

You speak English, don't you?

They are discussing the terms of delivery, aren't they?

В русском языке в аналогичных случаях мы употреб­ляем слова "..., да?", "... нет?" или "правда?".

9. Translate into Russian:

Last night you spoke to the General Director, didn't you?

Mr. Smirnov had a fact-finding visit, didn't he?

He studied all the materials, didn't he?

He reported the results to the Director, didn't he?

He telephoned Mr. Freiser in the morning, didn't he?

They made an appointment for 11, didn't they?

It's a small order, isn't it?

It's rather disappointing, isn't it?

You agree with me, don't you?

You agree to that, don't you?

We shall discuss it after the break, shan't we?