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4. Translate into Russian:

Have you ever been to London, Nick?

Have you been to London?

1 have made a hotel reservation for you.

We have received your fax message.

I am sorry I have not spoken to him yet.

We have discussed all the details.

5. Make short dialogues:

• Example

— Have you ever been to London?

— Yes, I have. I was there last October. (or: No, I haven't. But I hope one day I'll see London.)







New York









• Example

— I know that the group has arrived, but l haven't seen them yet.

— I haven't seen them either. But I hope we shall meet one of these days.

Mr. Lvov

the participants

the bankers

the foreign trade executives

our businessmen

6. Insert articles:

Andrew Lvov and ... gentleman who did not find his suitcase go to ... place shown by ... official and see ... suitcase. ... gentleman picks up ... suitcase, puts it on ... trolley and joins ... group. So all ... par­ticipants have collected their luggage.

7. Insert prepositions:

Now they are moving ... the Customs point ... the way, it is not necessary to fill in any declaration forms. They see the sign "Nothing to declare" and the green walls ... the passage. They all have nothing to declare and pass ... this corridor. They see a few Customs officials standing ... the rack. The officials say nothing ... them and they safely pass.

8. Insert words as in the text:

Some passengers pass through the red wall corridor since they have something ... and probably they have to ... some forms and pay ... Usually every country has a list of the things ..., in addition to "the duty free" allowance.

9. Translate into Russian:

Excuse me, one of our suitcases is missing.

Where can it be?

What's your flight number?

Some luggage is over there.

There wasn't enough space on the belt.

We had to remove some.

We had to put it on the floor.

10. Read the following:

One of our cases is missing.

Some luggage is over there.

We had to remove some suitcases.

Where can it be?

What's your night number?

There wasn't enough space.

11. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

— Excuse me, one of our suitcases ... Where ...

— What's .

— It's SU ..

— Some .. over there. I hope you'll find yours .. There wasn't enough ... We had to .. and floor.

— Thank ...

12. Sum up the text. The following plan may be of help:

• the group undergoes formalities at the Immigration point

• they go to the Luggage Reclaim point

• one suitcase is missing

• the official helps them to find the missing suitcase

• the group has nothing to declare and they safely pass through the green corridor

• they get out into the hall where passengers are usually met

Упражнение 16


1. Read the following:

• welcome, way, motorway, well, work, waiting

meeting, morning, thing

there are three

is the only one

far away for us

• I hope you have had a nice trip.

I hope you feel well.

It's waiting for us outside.

Is there only one airport?

2. Underline the sentences true to the text:

• David and Andrew seem to know each other very well.

David and Andrew have never met before.

  • each other — друг друга

• Andrew introduces every participant to David at the airport.

Andrew offers to make introductions but David says it can be done later.

David introduces himself and says the participants may introduce themselves later.

• David and the group go to taxis to get to London.

They go to the coach.

They go to the bus.

• The motorway is very busy.

The motorway is not busy at all.

• There is only one international airport in London.

There are two international airports there.

There are three international airports in this city.

• Moscow flights usually come to Heathrow.

They usually come to Stanstead.

They usually come to Gatwick.