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The most famous britain’s department stores

HARRODS: founded in 1849. Has 300 departments. More than 4000 people work there. Visit the food halls. Their displays are amazing. You can buy more than 500 different kinds of cheese. Harrods will send anything anywhere, even fridges1 to Finland! The Harrods shop on the fourth floor sells only things with the famous Harrod’s logo2 on. Good for gifts3.


1 fridge [frid ] – холодильник; 2 logo [lugu] – эмблема; 3 gift [gift] – подарок

JOHN LEWIS started from a textiles business in 1864. Is now a part of the John Lewis Partnership, which includes more than 20 department stores and more than 80 supermarkets. People who work there have a share1 in the profits. Does not sell food, but very good for textiles and houshold goods.


1 share [] – делить, участвовать

HARVEY NICHOLS founded in 1813 as a small linen1 store. Has now got seven floors. Very stylish. Specializes in designer clothes and expensive gifts. Open each week day until 8 p.m. Interesting and unusual window displays. The fashion department for young people is on the lower ground floor. It’s called “Zone”.


1 linen [`linin] – белье, лен

SELFRIDGES opened in March 1909 after the largest ever advertising1 campaign by a retailer2 to date. Sells almost everything. At Christmas all shop windows are devoted3 to a theme, such as Alice in Wonderland or Father Christmas; no goods are displayed. “Miss Selfridge” on the ground floor sells fashionable and affordable clothes.


1 advertising [ædv`taizi] – рекламный; 2 retailer [`ri:teil] – розничный торговец; 3 devote [di`vut] – посвящать

Ex. 1. Comprehension questions.

  1. What are the most famous stores in Great Britain? Why?

  2. What is Harrods famous for?

  3. Does John Lewis sell food? Why?

  4. What does Harvey Nichols specialize in?

  5. Where is “Zone” situated? What is it?

  6. How does Selfridges change at Christmas?

Ex. 2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases:

  1. продовольственные залы; 2) потрясающий; 3) различные виды сыра; 4) вещи со знаменитой эмблемой; 5) текстильный бизнес; 6) включает; 7) прибыли; 8) хозяйственные товары; 9) стильный; 10) дорогие подарки; 11) отдел модных товаров; 12) рекламная компания; 13) витрины; 14) на первом этаже; 15) модная и доступная одежда.

Ex. 3. Make up questions to which the following sentences might be the answers.

  1. It has 300 departments.

  2. Harrods will send everything anywhere.

  3. It started from a textiles business in 1864.

  4. It’s very stylish.

  5. Selfridges was opened after the largest-ever advertising compaign.

  6. Alice in Wonderland, Father Christmas and others.

Ex. 4. Find some more information on Selfridges.

Selfridges The original department store

Selfridges department store, on Oxford Street in London, is one of the largest department stores in the world. The store is enormous: it has more than 300 departments on six floors, 2,500 employees, and every day more than 100,000 people from all over the world walk through its doors, eat in its five restaurants and use its four lifts and three escalators. In 1909 Gordon Selfridge, an American, founded the London store which now carries his name. He had been with Marshall Field, a large department store in Chicago, for many years. At Marshall Field he had introduced many new things, and he had totally redesigned the store to attract1 women. He introduced writing rooms and powder2 rooms. He gave the store beautiful window displays and lighting which stayed on at night. He put full page advertisements in the newspapers. He introduced the ‘annual3 sale’ and the ‘bargain basement’. He started a restaurant in the store. For the first time customers could eat and shop in the same place.


1attract [æt`rækt] – привлекать; 2powder [`paud] – пудра; 3annual [`ænjul] – ежегодный

  1. Now look at this extract from the text and complete the sentences.

Gordon Selfridge founded the London store which now carries his name.

  1. A department store is a shop which ___________.

  2. Gordon Selfridge designed window displays which _________.

  3. An annual sale is a sale which __________.

  4. A bargain basement is a place which __________.

  5. A lift is something which _________.

  6. Gordon Selfridge introduced lighting which _________.

  7. A powder room is a name which means _________.

  1. Work in pairs. Fill in this chart with details about Selfridges from the text, and with details of a department store in your town. (Try to find out the details).

Number of:








Now change partners and ask your new partner questions about his/her department store.

Where is the department store?

  • It’s in _________.

How many employees has it got?

  • I don’t know. / It’s got about________.


Some shops and the goods they sell.

(Некоторые магазины и их товары)

  1. Bookseller’s (bookshop) [`buk`slz] – книжный магазин

  2. Dress shop = Women’s outfitters [`aut`fitz] – магазин женской одежды

  3. Draper’s [`dreipz] – магазин тканей

  4. Furniture shop [`f:nit] – мебельный магазин

bedroom suit [swi:t] – спальный гарнитур

sette [sti:] – диван

  1. Haberdasher’s [hæb`dæz] – галантерейный магазин

belt - ремень

thread reel [red ri:l] – катушка ниток

needle [ni:dl] - игла

pin [pin] - булавка

button [`btn] - пуговица

gloves [`glvz] - перчатки

scarf [ska:f] - шарф

toiletries a.o. [`tilitriz] – туалетные принадлежности и др.

  1. Jeweller’s [d u: lz] – ювелирный магазин

Ring [ri] - кольцо

Ear-rings [`i:`riz] - серьги

Necklace [`neklis] - ожерелье

Pendant [`pendnt] - кулон

Bracelet [`breislit] - браслет

  1. Men’s outfitter’s [`aut`fitz] – магазин мужской одежды

  2. Record shop [`rk:d] – магазин продукции звукозаписи

  3. Shoe shop [u:] – обувной магазин

  4. Stationer’s (Am E: stationery) [`steinz] – магазин канцелярских товаров

writing pad [`pæd] - блокнот

writing paper – писчая бумага

notebook [`nutbuk] – записная книжка

file [fail] – папка для бумаг, документов

ruler [ru:l] - линейка

rubber [`rb] - стерка

ball point pen – шариковая ручка

felt-tip pen - фломастер

fountain pen - авторучка

  1. Newsagent’s [`nju:s`æd nts] – магазин периодических изданий (печати)

newspaper - газета

magazine [,mæg`zi:n] - журнал

greeting card [gri:ti ka:d] – поздравительная открытка

envelope [`nvlup] - конверт

stamp [stæmp] - марка

poster [`pust] - плакат

  1. Milliner’s [`milinz] – магазин дамских головных уборов

  2. Toy shop – магазин игрушек

Ex. 1. Match up the shop (departments) with the appropriate goods.

  1. Haberdashery a) pendant, necklace, ring

  2. Stationery b) records, music disc

  3. Record Department c) post stamp, greeting card

  4. Perfumery d) living room suite, cabinet, sofa

  5. Newsagent’s e) scent, eye-shade, hand cream

  6. Furniture shop f) ball, Teddy bear, doll

  7. Jeweller’s g) button, gloves, needle

  8. Toy shop i) felt-tip pen, note paper, ink

Complete the table:













Ex. 2. Name 2-5 things you might buy at:

  1. Model: You can buy some needls, pins and buttons at Haberdacher’s.

  1. Household goods department

  2. Children’s department

  3. Draper’s

  4. Haberdasher’s

  5. Shoe shop

  6. Men’s outfitter’s

  7. Milliner’s

  8. Bookseller’s

  9. Stationer’s

  10. Dress shop.

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