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Measures to Be Taken

We have only a few years to attempt to turn things around. We must consume less, recycle more, conserve wildlife and nature. Through international co-operation, new laws financial incentives, governments can act to protect the Earth rather than destroy it. Industry can invest in research and development of new processes and technologies that reduce pollution, lessen waste and use natural, renewable resources.

Farming must be gradually changed to organic, this means farming without artificial fertilizers and chemical pesticides.

The amount of energy we use including energy consupmtion in transport must be reduced. To solve this problem and to put a stop to pollution we’ll have to find energy from alternative sources, such as solar collectors, solar ponds, high-temperature collectors, solar electricity, ocean heat, hydroelectricity, wave power, wind power, geothermal power, animal power, burning etc. Renew able resources can be produced near to the areas where they are needed, so that no energy is wasted in transporting or transmitting them. Most of them produce little or no pollution and they will never run out.

We could lessen the damage that transport is causing to our environment by making improvements in three areas – the source of energy we use for transport (oil, electricity, steam hydrogen, biofuels), the type of vehicles we drive and the way in which our transport is planned. Many European cities are trying a kind planning called “traffic calming”. The idea is that traffic should not be allowed to dominate cities.

Everything that can be recycled should be recycled. Recycling reduces waste and also helps save energy.

We must find a safe way of disposing our sewage. At the moment our seas and some of our rivers are heavily polluted with it. All sewage should be treated. The waste could then be used as fertiliser, or dried and burnt to provide power.

Rain forests could be managed rather than destroyed. Trade in wild animals and plants must be regulated and protected by international agreements and these should be a complete ban on trades that endanger wild animals – for example, trades in fur, ivory and rhino horns. We must save Antarctic from development. It is the last great wilderness left on the Earth.

Of course it’s impossible for all these things to happen overnight. Yet we must try to start putting them into practice to change our world. Doing nothing could eventually cost the Earth.

Lots of ideas have been put forward by organizations such as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, the Green Party, the World Wide Fund for Nature, Transport 2000, the World Health Organization and many more and most of the environmental alternatives have a cost.

If enough people have the will, they can force governments to act. And once governments begin to act, then we all can look forward to a better future.

What You Can Do to Help!

Here are some ways in which you, your friends and your family can begin trying to save the Earth right now:

  • try not to waste energy

  • before you throw anything away, stop and think. Might someone else have a use for it?

  • if you have a choice, avoid buying packaged goods

  • don’t waste paper

  • before you buy anything, ask yourself if you really need it

  • never drop litter

  • protect wild life, wild plants and trees

  • put out food for wild creatures in winter

  • safeguard water supplies

  • don’t buy anything that involves cruelty to animals

  • help to clean up your local environment

  • try to reduce noise pollution

  • buy organic products wherever possible

  • join conservation organizations

  • keep yourself informed about environmental issues

  • explore nature in the right way

  • use the law of nature in your life

Ex. 14. Read the following statements and give your opinion. Try to develop the suggested ideas. Be ready to give your reasons orally.

1. What does the word “ecology” mean? – The word “ecology” came from the Greek which means “home”. 2. Ecology is the science of how living things are related to their environment, isn’t it? 3. What are some scientists’ predictions about environmental problems? – Scientists predict that by the year 2025 the population will rise 8.5 billion, and by the year 2050 in will double. 4. What are some types of pollution? 5. What can you do to make this world a better place? – There is much that we can do. Factories can clean their smoke. Cars and planes can be done so that they do not pollute the air. The dirty water from the factories and sewage can be made clean again. We must learn not to litter. 6. What can you do to help prevent pollution?

Ex. 15. Render in English:

Через искусство – к Зеленой планете – таким был девиз I Республиканского фестиваля «Дети и экология – XXI век». Фестиваль проходил в конце мая 2000г. в Республиканском Экологическом центре учащихся.

Как можно остановить загрязнение окружающей среды? Как привить чувство красоты? Один из классиков сказал: «Красота спасет мир».

Стремитесь к духовному совершенству3. С открытым сердцем входите в царство природы и, чутко внимая ее дивной музыке, станьте добрее, берегите ее, творите красоту своими руками.

Почему некоторые люди, имея глаза, не видят красоту полевого цветка, равнодушно проходят мимо заросшего белыми и желтыми кувшинками4 пруда. Имея уши, не слышат ни песни жаворонка5 в лазурном6 небе, ни трелей соловья7 в прибрежных кустах, ни волнообразной флейты золотой иволги8.

Ex. 16. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions.

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