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Cfs. Tired All the Time


chromic fatigue syndrome

[`krnik] [f`ti:g] [`sindrom]

синдром хронической усталости

to be prone to – быть склонным к …

to be exhausted [ig`z:stid] – быть истощенным, измученным

to transmit [trænz`mit] - передавать

contagious [kn`teid s] - заразный

susceptible [s`septbl] – чувствительный, восприимчивый

Ex. 1.Read the text with a dictionary.

How common is chronic fatigue?

Estimates range from ten thousand cases

to as many as five million

The real number is somewhere in between – about 1 per cent of the population, or 2,4 million people. Most of them are in their twenties and thirties. And there are twice as many women as men.

Why are young woman more prone?

It isn’t cleat yet. it may be simply that women are more likely to go to doctors, so they’re diagnosed more frequently. But it could be hormonal, though doctors can’t explain why.

Why is CFS so hard to diagnose?

Because at first glance CFS looks like something – or everything – else. CFS has similar symptoms other diseases. It also resembles a variety of psychiatric illnesses – depression, panic disorder. There’s no test that can say, yes, you have CFS, or no, you don’t. So the diagnosis becomes a process of ruling out all these other diseases.

What are the symptoms of CFS?

Persistent flulike aches and fatigue – you’re really exhausted, to the point that you can’t get out of bed for at least four to six months. That sounds like a long time, but anything less than that could just be a prolonged virus, and CFS is more than a prolonged virus.

The symptoms are: mild fever; sore throat; lymph node swelling and/ or tenderness; muscle weakness; muscle aches; prolonged fatigue; headaches; joint pait; neuropsychologic complaints – depression, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, and sleep disturbances. For a doctor to officially diagnose CFS, a patient must have eight symptoms for a period of at least six months.

How does the illness usually start?

Patients might initially feel tired and achy, then feel worse over a period of three to six months, become increasingly exhausted from even minimal activity, and have more sore throats and muscle and joint aches. Sometimes they’re very restless all the time and can’t get to sleep. Some patients complain of extreme vertigo.

Is cfs contagious?

No one knows – we’re not sure how it’s transmitted. I think it probably is contagious and that certain people, perhaps because of a faulty immune system, are more susceptible than others. Nevertheless, some patients have families, boyfriends, and friends who are perfectly fine.

Ex. 2. Read the words correctly.

Psychiatric, hypochondria, sclerosis, symptom, chronic, to diagnose, experience, fatigue, depression, physical, virus, lymph, neuropsychologic, patient, syndrome, muscle, immune system.

Ex. 3. Choose the suitable word to complete the sentence and translate it.

  1. Some patients complain of extreme головокружение.

a) pain b) fatigue c) disturbance d) vertigo

  1. Doctors think CFS is probably заразна.

a) definitive b) prolonged c) contagious d) harmful

  1. CFS is hard to diagnose because it находит/имеет сходство Lyme disease, mild sclerosis, depression, panic disorder, hypochondria.

a) looks like b) goes c) makes d) resembles

  1. CFS is more than a длительный virus.

a) contagious b) prolonged c) exhausted d) cognitive

  1. Боли в горле are among other symptoms of CFS.

a) headaches b) joint pain c) lymph node swelling d) sore throat

  1. No one knows how CFS is передается:

a) transmitted b) exhausted c) heard d) caused.

Ex. 4. Add suffix –ness and make the nouns from the adjectives.

Happy, weak, tired, tender, ill, forgetful.

Ex.5. From the list of symptoms choose the most important.

High BP



Muscle aches

Extreme activity

Food allergies

Lymph node swelling

Stomach aches

Prolonged generalised fatigue

Falty immune system

Add some more symptoms.

Ex. 6. Answer the following questions.

  1. How common is CFS among people?

  2. Why are people from 20 to 30 more prone to fatigue? Why are women more prone to the disease?

  3. Why isn’t it simple to diagnose CFS?

  4. What are the symptoms of the chronic fatigue?

  5. How does it usually start?

  6. Do you think that this disease exists in Belarus? Are there many people suffering from it? Why?

Ex. 7. Complete the brief-summary.

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