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1. Match the words which are close in meaning:

1. loose

a. a book

2. frequent

b. doubting

3. a copy

c. to show

4. to market

d. free

5. skeptical

e. to sell

6. to demonstrate

f. often

2. Find in the text the words which describe or mean the following:

1. an alphabetical list of names, subjects etc at the back of a book, with the numbers of the pages where they can be found;

2. easy to reach or get into;

3. to be able to understand the difference between two similar things;

4. having a lot of experience;

5. an amount of money you pay regularly to receive copies of a newspaper or magazine;

6. a book with a stiff paper cover.

3. Writing. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations.

1. a manual

2. suitable for

3. be wary of

4. a rethink

5. a discounted price

4. A. Translate the word-combinations given below.

To make reference to somebody; list of reference; reference room; reference bible; library index; to index a book; to distinguish one thing from another; second-hand bookseller; original paperback; mass-market paperbacks; quality (trade) paperbacks; an instruction manual; a computer manual; accessible to all; to make a subscription; subscription edition (publication); by subscription; sophisticated traveler; available supplies; by all available means; to make something suitable for something.

Make up sentences with these word-combinations.

B. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the words from the topic vocabulary.

1. No further reference to him was made. 2. The writer gives no references to his authorities. 3. I have been looking for this reference book for two months! 4. It was so noisy it was difficult to distinguish what he was saying. 5. You have distinguished yourself! 6. His first novel sold over 20,000 copies in paperback. 7. Paperbacked editions are cheaper. 8. If there’s a pen and paper handy, I’ll make a shopping list. 9. He is not accessible to pity. 10. Storing customer details on computer makes them readily accessible. 11. This is a series of books sold only by subscription. 12. He pretends to be a sophisticated columnist. 13. These shoes are not available in your size. 14. The doctor is not available now. 15. We have found nothing suitable. 16. I’m a bit wary of driving in the fog.

5. Insert prepositions (at, for, into, of, on) where necessary:

1. Your book … Brecht might be so detailed that it could act as a frequent reference … theater historians.

2. Traditional, printed dictionaries and encyclopedias were … one time the heart … hard reference publishing, and librarians are their key purchasers.

3. Sophisticated packagers are available to help the ambitious writer move an idea to market without knocking on the doors … trade houses.

4. If publishing houses are sometimes messy organizations, some books really do fall … more than one category.

5. No editor wants to take … a manuscript with multiple personality disorder.