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1. Match the given words and word-combination with their definitions.

1. columnist

a. a person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a newspaper or magazine

2. photograph

b. a journalist who regularly writes a particular kind of article in a newspaper or magazine.

3. staff

c. the number of copies sold of a newspaper or magazine

4.executive editor

d. a collection of data

5. database

e. a picture made using a camera

6. circulation

f. all the people employed by a particular organization

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

To make a profit; to write column of humor; business department; to produce the printing plate; to have a thorough knowledge; to keep copies of past stories and pictures; editor in chief; managing editor; to run the press; to express the views of publisher; suburban editor; foreign editor; to sell ads; editorial stuff; to accompany story; national and international databases; to supervise the distribution of the newspaper; financial editor; art director; to handle the financial records; special facilities; to develop ways of drawing attention to the newspaper; to deal well with people; promotion manager

3. Find English equivalents in the text. Make up your own sentences with them.

Ежедневная колонка; заведующий отделом распространения; работать в типографии; альманахи и энциклопедии; редакционный отдел; работать с людьми; сотрудники; место для размещения рекламы; тематические объявления; фотолаборатория; издатель, владелец газеты; приносить прибыль; привлекать новых читателей и рекламодателей; база данных; возглавлять отдел; коммерческий директор; быть ответственным за новости; подразделять на; набирать текст; помощник заведующего редакцией; технический отдел; еженедельная газета; осуществлять контроль; печатная машина.

4. What are these people responsible for? Use the information from Text 13.

1. a managing editor;

2. production manager;

3. business manager;

4. publisher;

5. a feature editor;

6. a photographer;

7. a promotion manager.

5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

1. An executive editor directs all the departments.

2. Artists and photographers need special facilities to entertain the staff.

3. The circulation manager supervises the distribution of the newspaper.

4. The editorial department is responsible for features.

5. The mechanical department prints the newspaper.

6. The smallest weekly papers have 2 000 workers.

7. The circulation manager develops ways of drawing attention to the paper to attract new readers and new advertisers.

8. Under the assistant editor are managing editors and news editors.

9. Metropolitan dailies don’t employ special columnists to write columns of humor, advice, or general information.

10. A production manager directs the department's operations.

6. Answer the following questions:

1. How many workers do the smallest weekly papers have? 2. How many employees are there in the largest metropolitan dailies? 3. What departments does a newspaper have? Who directs all the departments? 4. What kinds of editors do you know (according to the text)? 5. Why do newspaper’s editorials express the views of the publisher? 6. How do many newspapers assist the editorial staff? 7. Does the business department try to ensure that the paper makes a profit? 8. How do managers of this department organize their work? 9. What is the difference between ‘accountant’ and ‘bookkeeper’? 10. Does the mechanical department print the newspaper?