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1. Find in the text the words which describe or mean the following:

1. something important or difficult that you do successfully;

2. the effect something or someone has;

3. to change because of other things that happen;

4. the state of being able to read and write;

5. to help something to develop and be successful;

6. to be in charge of.

2. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations.

1. to be at the heart of

2. mass-producing

3. technical innovation

4. close interplay

5. to promote

3. A. Translate the word combinations given below.

Responsible job; the environmental impact of increased road traffic; recent scientific and technological innovations; a meeting to promote trade between Taiwan and the U.K.; to promote a bill in Parliament; depend on parents; the invention of the telephone; a new adult literacy campaign; to spread a newspaper; to spread oneself; the limitation of armaments; a remarkable achievement; jeweller’s craft; mass-produced furniture.

Make up sentences with these word combinations. Let your partner translate them into Russian.

B. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. If any of the children go hurt, I should feel responsible. 2. Warnings about the dangers of smoking seem to have little impact on this age group. 3. We must encourage technical innovation if the company is to remain competitive. 4. I want a job with good promotion prospects. 5. The country depends heavily on its tourist trade. 6. We depend entirely on donations from the public. 7. The invention of the computer has revolutionized the business world. 8. News of the explosion spread swiftly. 9. The interest rate has been fixed at 6.5%. 10. Learning to drive is a great achievement. 11. She is full of craft. 12. Janet did not dare pursue the matter too far.

4. Paraphrase the following sentences. Use your own words instead of the topic vocabulary words and word combinations shown in boldface.

1. When he loses his temper, he isn’t responsible for his actions.

2. This would have a significant impact on our relations.

3. Innovations are an integral part of our work.

4. She’s been on lots of talk shows, promoting her latest film.

5. They’re developing new inventions and fresh ways of doing things.

5. A. Insert prepositions (by, for, from, of, to, upon) where necessary:

1. Its impact … civilization is impossible to calculate.

2. The history of publishing is characterized … close interplay of technical innovation and social change, each promoting the other.

3. The invention … printing in Europe is usually attributed … Johannes Gutenberg.

4. Printing in Europe is inseparable … the Renaissance and Reformation.

5. Possibilities … printing … mass-producing written matter were evident.

6. Freedom … the press was pursued and attacked for the next three centuries.

B. Make these sentences negative and interrogative. Write down short answers to the interrogative sentences.

6. Translate the sentences given below from Russian into English:

1. Кто отвечает за эту работу? Уже давно пора предоставить результаты.

2. Телевидение оказывает большое влияние на формирование мнения людей.

3. Наше тесное сотрудничество помогло продвинуть поразительные технические новшества в этой компании.

4. От чего зависят результаты Вашей работы? Вы можете их улучшить?

5. Существующие ограничения не позволяют нам распространять данные услуги и закрепить наш прошлый успех на новой территории.

6. В основе ее успеха лежат огромный труд и титанические усилия.

7. Мы готовы к выпуску массовой продукции.