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1. Find the words and expressions from the vocabulary that have the following definitions:

a. a strip of material, as of ribbon or leather, that is placed between the pages of a book to mark the reader's place;

b. manuscripts of an ancient text;

c. low-cost, requiring the reasonable amount of money to be paid for;

d. to make or become unusable through long or heavy use.

2. Find English equivalents in the text, make up your own sentences with them.

Потратить на улучшение, трудоемкий процесс, привести к, на одном уровне, попасть в руки (людей), ценный товар, постепенное ослабление, стать наиболее распространенным, самый старый (по данным источников), древние цивилизации.

3. Find synonyms for the words in the first column.

1. to phase out

a. to change for

2. worn out

b. to liquidate gradually

3. to replace with

c. manuscript

4. codex

d. shabby

4. Find antonyms for the words in the first column. Make sentences using word pairs in one phrase.

1. verbal

a. expensive

2. by hand

b. written

3. painstaking

c. automatic

4. affordable

d. easy

5. Translate the following sentences into Russian

1. Everybody voted in favor of phasing out the issue of this edition since it’s not so popular anymore, and replace it with a new project.

2. We don’t have enough money now so we’d better find something affordable.

3. All the objects on our trade fair are made by hand and present a result of a very painstaking process.

4. Due to the censorship restrictions they had to cut out certain parts of the book.

5. The codex was better than the scroll in several ways, e.g. it could be opened flat at any page, allowing easier reading.

6. He made several bookmarks in the book not to forget the most important chapters.

7. On the cover of the old book there was a relief image of the castle with a sun shining above its towers.

6. Translate these sentences into English

1. Пергамент был популярен, потому что чернила с него нельзя было смыть водой.

2. Если устное общение невозможно по каким-либо причинам, можно воспользоваться жестами.

3. Гравюра на металле постепенно заменяла ксилографию в качестве основной техники иллюстрации.

4. Среди найденных глиняных табличек встречаются самые разные документы: законы, справки, отчеты.

5. На самом деле, и печать, и подвижная литера, и первая печатная книга появились еще в Древнем Китае, а не в Европе.

7. Answer the following questions:

1. What kinds of written means were used to save information in ancient times? 2. How many periods can you count in the history of printing? 3. What was the invention of Julius Caesar? 4. Could all people in the Middle Ages read books? Why? 5. What changed with introduction of the printing press by Gutenberg? 6. How did early bookmarks look like? What function did they have? 7. What was happening in the history of printing after the 19th century?

9. Discussion point. Read the following quotations and express your point of view on them.

• “The printing press is either the greatest blessing or the greatest curse of modern times, one sometimes forgets which”, James Matthew Barrie

• “The greatest inventions were produced in the times of ignorance, as the use of the compass, gunpowder, and printing”, Jonathan Swift

• “What gunpowder did for war the printing press has done for the mind”, Wendell Phillips

The following phrases may help you to start you off: To my mind, I believe this quote to be true/false because…, I doubt that…, The author could have meant that…, I agree with the quote because…