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12. Fill in the chart with the necessary information from the text.

Jean-Baptiste de

Joseph Prestwich

Joseph Lucas
























13. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following terms.


коренная подстилающая порода

yield (v)



гравий; галька, галечник

confined / artesian aquifer

напорные воды


регулирующий, потенциометрический

water table well

наблюдательная/ режимная скважина

water table

уровень подземных вод

confining layer

водоупор (водоносного пласта); кровля


(водоносного пласта)

perched aquifer/ groundwater

верховодка; подземные воды, не


связанные с нижележащими запасами


склоновая эрозия; смыв


чечевицеобразная залежь


помещать посередине, вставлять


задерживать, преграждать



unconfined aquifer

безнапорные воды


суммарное испарение (испарение плюс



consolidated rock

сцементированная порода



capillary fringe

капиллярная зона

confining layer

водоупор (водоносного пласта ); кровля


( водоносного пласта )


14. Read the following short texts and fulfill the after-reading exercises. Pay attention to the diagrams and underlined words.

Ground Water Aquifer

A water-bearing layer of rock or sediment capable of yielding usable quantities of water; composed of unconsolidated materials such as sands and gravel, or consolidated rock such as sandstone or fractured limestone.

Confined or Artesian Aquifer

stream водоток; река ; water table well наблюдательная/ режимная

скважина; (non) flowing artesian well – (не) проточная артезианская скважина; water table уровень подземных вод; potentiometric surface

– потенциометрическая поверхность, confined aquifer напорные воды; impermeable bedrock непроницаемая подстилающая порода

An aquifer in which ground water is held under pressures greater than atmospheric pressure by upper and lower confining layers, forcing water to rise in wells to heights above the top of the aquifer (artesian wells). Also known as artesian aquifer.


Perched Aquifer

stream - водоток; река; springs - родник; regional table water – местная наблюдательная/ режимная; low permeability layer - низкий проницаемый пласт

An aquifer in which a ground water body is separated from the main ground water below it by an impermeable layer (which is relatively small laterally) and an unsaturated zone. Perched aquifers are common in glacial outwash, where lenses of clay formed in small glacial ponds are present. They are also common in volcanic depositional sequences where weathered ash layers of low permeability are sandwiched between high permeability basalts. Water moving downward through the unsaturated zone will be intercepted and accumulate on top of the lens before it moves laterally to the edge of the lens and seeps downward to the regional water table or forms a spring on the side of a hillslope.


Unconfined Aquifer

evapotransporation суммарное испарение; stream

водоток; река; precipitation – осадки; (un)saturated zone – (не) насыщенная зона; water table уровень подземных вод; ,unconfined aquifer – безнапорные; capillary fringe капиллярная зона; confined (artesian) aquifer напорные воды

An aquifer under atmospheric pressure which is only partially filled with water. The top of the saturated area is known as the water table. It is also known as a water table aquifer.


15. Read the texts once more carefully and choose the correct alternative for these words and word combinations.


5. confined aquifer

2. erosion

6. rain, snow belong to

3. stop \ catch smth

7. vaporization

4. be in a very small space between

8. water table

two other things



16. Find the words in texts with the opposite meaning to the following ones.


2.artesian aquifer

3.saturated zone


17. Match the words in the right column with the words in the left one.

1. saturated

A. aquifer

2. artesian

B. bedrock

3. permeability

C. zone

4. atmospheric

D. pressure

5. impermeable

E. layers

6. depositional

F. table

7. unconsolidated

G. sequences

8. fractured

H. outwash

9. water

I. limestone

10. glacial

J. materials

18. Read underlined key hydrogeology terms and fulfill the after-reading exercises.

Artesian well – a well whose source of water is a confined (artesian) aquifer. The water level in artesian wells stands at some height above the water table because of the pressure (artesian pressure) of the aquifer. The level at which it stands is the potentiometric (or pressure) surface of the aquifer. If the potentiometric surface is above the land surface, the well is a flowing artesian well.

Capillary fringe – the area of the saturated zone just above the water table in which water is held in the soil by surface tension.

Cone of depression – the conical-shaped depression of the water table around a pumping well caused by the withdrawal of water; a valley in the water table. Because of pumping, ground water in the vicinity of the well will deviate from the natural direction of ground water flow and flow towards and into the well.

Confining layer – layer of geologic material which hampers the movement of water into and out of an aquifer. Examples are unfractured igneous rock, metamorphic rock, and shale, or unconsolidated sediments such as clays.

This is also known as a confining bed.


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