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3)Работа над грамматическим материалом Направлена на формирование компетенции–ок-1 55 мин.

а)Времена группы Simple Active стр.285-288 (Марковина,2010)

Задание1.Прочтите, переведите следующие предложения. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

1.This drug relaxes the muscles and relieves pain.2.This drug helps to alleviate the symptoms and reduces the risk of re-infection.3.A person whose resistance is low catches disease more easily.4.When someone panics his heart beats more rapidly and his temperature rises.5.The laboratory analyses the blood samples and then the doctor examines the results and diagnoses the condition.6.He then recommends a course of treatment and prescribes any necessary drugs.7.The gland releases hormones into the blood stream causing an immediate reaction.8.She suffers constant pain and controls it by using morphine.9.If the surgeon operates now the chance of success increases to about 50%10.The sinoatrial node regulates the heart beat.11.The patient presented with acute abdominal pain.12.The doctor diagnosed him as having hepatitis B.13.Her condition improved, so we reduced the dose.14.The doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics.15.The pharmacist mixed the chemicals in this bottle.16.The nurse disinfected and dressed the wound.17.His pulse rate increased by 10%.18.The book provides basic information about biophysics.19.Each chapter ends with a series of case studies.20.At the end of the book there was a separate section with questions.21.The organism will create antibodies to kill bacteria.22.This procedure will cure the patient.23.This drug will help to regulate blood pressure.24.This medicine always causes multiple side effects.25.The nurse heated the solution to 25°.26.They will test the new drug next month.27.The nurse washes the area with a bit of antiseptic.28.We meet with such cases every day.29.Blind people develop an acute sense of touch.30.A diet high in saturated fats increases the risk of heart disease.31.In this clinic we use only disposable needles.32.The drug begins acting after a very short time.33.The clinic has a staff of 200 people.34.They use special devices to sterilize surgical instruments.

Задание2.Поставьте вопросы к словам, выделенным курсивом:

1.Basic medical school textbooks often contain large amounts of information.2.The physician made the differential and presumptive diagnoses.3.Other health problems came directly from the stated chief complaint.4.The test confirmed the malignancy of the growth.5.She will give birth to twins next month.6.He went to see an ENT-specialist about his deafness.7.We will equip the operating theatre with the latest scanning devices.8.The doctor set the patient’s broken arm.9.The doctor put her to sleep with a powerful narcotic.

Задание3.Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильную временную форму:

1.In ancient times medical practice (mix) religious rites and empirical treatments.2.We (decide) on a definite plan of treatment next week.3.Yesterday our team (perform) three noninvasive surgeries.4.Staff meeting (take place) every Monday.5.In 1993 a new strain of V. cholerae (kill) 5000 people.6.These new "sulpha drugs" (begin) to be prescribed in vast quantities by 1941.7.I (see) him a year ago when he (complain) of headaches.8.At the last visit she (complain) of nausea and vomiting.9.The committee (consider) three grant applications at their next meeting.10.The first symptoms (develop) the day before yesterday.11.We (start) a course of antibiotics the day before yesterday, and now the patient (appear) normal.12.At our next appointment I (refer) you to an eye specialist.13.A few minutes later he (to breathe) in the smoke from the fire and it (to make) him cough.14.The patient (to suffer) from an allergic reaction to oranges but (to refuse) to see his doctor about it.

Задание4.Ответьте на вопросы:

1.When did you enter the Volgograd medical university?2.Which courses do the students of the department of bioengineering systems and technologies do in the first year?3.How many lectures and practical classes do you have every day?4.Do you have a day-off?5.Do you often go to the library to prepare for your classes?6.How often do you use Internet to search for some new information?7.Do your teachers give you a lot of homework?8.How long does it take you to do your homework?9.How do you usually spend your free/spare time?10.Do you live with your parents or rent a flat?11.How often do you go to see your parents?

б) Наречия little, a little, few, a few, many, much, a lot of, a lot, plenty of

Наречия few(мало), a few (несколько), many (много) используются с исчисляемыми существительными. Наречия little (мало), a little (немного, некоторое количество), much (много) используются с неисчисляемыми существительными. Наречия a lot of, plenty of (много) применяются как с исчисляемыми, так и неисчисляемыми существительными.

Задание1.Выберите правильный вариант. В некоторых предложениях возможны Choose the proper word. Sometimes there may be more than one answer.

1. (Little/a little/few/a few) errors were made in the test. 2. (Many/much/a lot of) evidence was gathered last year. 3. There isn't (many/much) time left. 4. I don't know (many/much) about water metabolism. 5. You had (much/plenty of) chances to complete your work in time. 6. There was (many/plenty of) room for all the students in the lecture hall. 7. There are (many/much/a lot of) questions that still remain unanswered. 8. I liked his suggestion (many/plenty of/a lot). 9. I don't see (many/a lot of) similarity between these two reports. 10. After the treatment the patient felt (any/much) better. 11. (Many/much) of the world's leading doctors were trained in Edinburgh. 12. He was asked a great (many/much) of questions and answered them all. 13. There is (few/little) time to prepare for the exams. 14. You should try to do as (many/much) as possible to complete this study in shorter terms. 15. They spoke of him as (few/little) as possible. 16. There was too (many/much) rain and too (few/little) sun. 17. I am (few/little) affected by the cold. 18. There were (a few/ a little) who failed the test. 19. I read only the first (few/little) pages of the book. 20. I have got (few/a few/a little) questions to you.