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2) Изучающее чтение«Higher education in Russia»Направлено на

формирование компетенции–ОК-1 60 мин.

Задание 1.Расскажите о школе, в которой вы учились. Используйте Present or Past Simple Active:

  • At what age do children go to school in Russia?

  • When does the academic year begin at school?

  • At what age do they finish school?

  • What subjects do pupils study at school?

  • Do pupils take any exams at the end of the academic year?

  • What school subjects were the most interesting for you?

  • Did you work hard at school?

  • What school subjects were the most difficult for you?

  • Do pupils have vacations at school?

  • How often do they have vacations?

  • When did you finish/leave school?

  • What certificate do pupils get after finishing school? (General Certificate of Secondary Education)

  • What did you do after leaving school?

  • Was it difficult to study at school or is it difficult to study at the University now?

Higher education in Russia

Every Russian citizen has the right to free education. Before going to school children may go to nursery schools or kindergartens. At the age of six children start going to school. First they go to primary school where they learn to read, write and count. Primary school finishes in the 3-rd form. Then pupils go to secondary school. After the 9-th form pupils take school exams and get a school certificate. After it they can choose either to stay at school or go to a college to get a profession. Most pupils stay at school and finish it with a school diploma which allows them to enter an institution of higher education.

After finishing school pupils can go on to higher education. There are a lot of institutes and universities in Russia. They offer various departments which an entrant can choose according to his or her abilities. It is difficult to enter an institute. Entrants should attend university courses and then pass entrance exams. Nowadays a new examination system is being introduced. The so-called General State Exam allows pupils to enter any Russian university if they get good and excellent marks for it. Pupils take this examination after the 11-th form.

Students in Russian universities usually have five years of studies. At the end of every semester students have an examination session and take exams. If students pass the exams well they get a scholarship paid by the government. In most universities and institutes graduates pass State exams and defend their final project. After graduating from an institution of higher education they can continue studies and enter a post-graduate school. After defending a dissertation they get a PhD degree. In medical universities students usually study for 6 years.

Задание2.Найдите английские эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям: иметь право на что-л., детский сад, в возрасте, начальная школа, сдавать экзамены, получать диплом об окончании школы, поступать в высшее учебное заведение, выбирать в соответствии со способностями, сдавать вступительные экзамены, внедрять новую систему экзаменов, ЕГЭ, получать хорошие и отличные оценки, в конце семестра, получать стипендию, защищать диплом (дипломный проект), поступать в аспирантуру, после защиты диссертации

Задание3.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

  • Where may children go before starting attending school?

  • At what age do children start going to school?

  • What do children learn at a primary school?

  • At what age do schoolchildren go to a secondary school?

  • What can pupils do after finishing school?

  • When do pupils take General State Exam?

  • What does it allow pupils to do?

  • How long does the course of studies usually last in Russian universities?

  • In what cases do students get a scholarship?