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С.Д. КОМАРОВСКАЯ world economy.docx
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Ineffectiveness theorem) had to a large extent been accepted, but in the world of economic theory

Friedman’s findings were overshadowed by the more elegant route to similar conclusions based on

rational expectations, and associated with new classical economics.

Vocabulary Notes to Text

1. controversy — полемика (дискуссия)

2. to fine-tune — усовершенствовать

3. an adherent — приверженец, сторонник

4.7.2. Match the following terms with the correct definition

Work with a partner.

1. trade barrier

2. tariffs, import

3. protsa .t4oqu .isce5x teduection

a) The imposition of tarifs, quotas or other devices (nontarifT bariers) to restricthe inflow imports.



d) A general term covering any government limitation on the

free international exchange of merchandise. These barriers

may take the form of, for instance, tariffs, quotas, import deposits,

restrictions on the issue of import licences or stringent

regulations relating to health or safety standards.

e) In international trade the quantitative limits placed on the

importation of specified commodities.

4.7.3.Read the text, complete it using the words from the box, and translate it into Russian

commodities, quotas, limits, production, tariffs

By quotas in international trade we mean the quantitative ... (1) placed on the importation of specified

commodities. The protection afforded by ... (2) is more certain than can be obtained by raising

import... (3) as the effect of the latter will depend on the price elasticities of the imported ... (4). Quotas,

like tariffs, can also be used to favour a preferred source of supply. The term also applies to quantitative

restrictions on ... (5) which may be set by cartels or colluding oligopolists.

4.7.4. Written/Oral Practice

Make up sentences and microdialogues with the following word combinations on the subject of the unit.

Work with a partner.

а) пошлина — tax, tariff, duty, excise

excise — акцизная пошлина excise — акцизная пошлина duty on luxury gods — пошлина на предметыimport (entrance) duty, importax, duty роскошиon imports

(on entry), charge on imports nfant-industry duty, protective duty-покрови-— возная,

импортная пошлина тельственая пошлина для новых отраслей проlevieduty, imposed tax — взимаемая пошмышленостилина

protective (protection) tarif — протекционистforeign trade duty — внешнеторговая пош ская пошлина

Import (entrance) duty, import tax, duty on imports

(on entry), charge on imports — ввозная,

импортная пошлина

levied duty, imposed tax — взимаемая пошлина


customs duty on imported gods, primage duty-discriminating (discriminatory) duty — таможеная пошлина на импортируемые


пошлина introduce a duty — водить пошлинуoverstated duty — завышеная возная colect (exact, levy) a duty, colect (charge) a fe-пошлина

взимать пошлину

prohibitive duty — запр етительная пошлинаe п тоишаьд тсвлобнож yы tdurom ftpexm—

retaliatory duty; penalty tariff — карательная

ытая соунп тялоьлiseт ку tsceaovdumte—

establish (set, fix) a quota — устанавливать


с)акцизы— excise [duty], excise tax, indirect tax

excise on imports — импортный акциз universal excise — универсальный акциз

excise tax on vehicles — акциз на автомобили excise — взимать акциз

excise tax on oil and petrol — акциз на нефть abolish excise tax — отменить акциз

и бензин


t r a i n i n g

g r a n t

с у б с и д и я

н а

о б у ч е н и е

d)субсидия-subsidy, grant, appropriation(s)

grant — б езвозмездная субсидия industrial subsidy — промышленная state (public) subsidy, state (government) grant- comodity subsidy — государственая субсидия apropriations in aid — финансовые субсидиinvestment grant — инвестиционая subsidy on exports, export — экспортная


т о в а р н я с убсидуияeбducaсtionиal gдrantи — суябси дия

на grant — давать субсидию


е) тариф — tariff, rate; (стоимость проезда) fare

ad valorem rate — а двалорный тарифlaitern,ferpfira t)e ,tcerabdu l(aiternferp

antidumping tariff—антидемпинговый т (specаial, columрn) rate;disиcount (promфotional) are f

гнарий тофыь л—

basing (basic) tariff — базисный тариф