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С.Д. КОМАРОВСКАЯ world economy.docx
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1.7.2. Match the following terms with the correct definition

Work with a partner.

1. absolute advantage

2. comparative advantage

3. Gross Domestic Product


4. productivity

5. real GDP

a) Total value of goods and services produced in the economy.

b) A person, company or country has an absolute advantage if

its output per unit of all goods and services produced is higher

than that of another person, company or country.

c) GDP adjusted for inflation. Real GDP provides the value of

GDP in constant dollars, which is used as an indicator of the

volume of the nation’s output.

d) Describes the ability of a person, company or country to produce

a good or service at a lower cost relative to other goods

and services. Even though a country may have an absolute

advantage over another country, it still will be better off specializing

in the good or service in which it has a comparative

advantage and trading for goods and services it doesn’t produce

as efficiently.

e) The amount of physical output for each unit of productive input.

1.7.3. Read the text, complete it using the words from the box, and translate it into Russian

labour code, is financed, conditions, developing countries, security

International Labour Organization (ilo)

An organization was established in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles that became affiliated to the

United Nations in 1946. Its aims are the improvement of working ... (1) throughout the world, the

spread of social... (2) and the maintenance of standards of social justice. It has drawn up a .......(3)

based on these aims. The ILO offers technical assistance t o ...... (4), especially in the field of training.

Its budget.......(5) by contributions from its 173 member countries. The organization was awarded

the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969.

1.7.4. Written/Oral Practice

Make up sentences and microdialogues with the following word combinations on the subject of the unit.

Work with a partner.

specialization of enterprises-специализация пердприяитй lrсaoпbuи ецзи ifonалциiltcezяapруд та—s

а) специализация — specialization

international specialization- международная trade specialization — торговая специализация

с п е ц и а л и з а ц и я


b) разделение — division (деление), sharing; separation, split-off (отделение)

separation of power — разделение власти in-factory (in-plant) division of labour — внут-

revenue sharing — разделение доходов ризаводское разделение труда

division of power — разделение полномочий international division of labour — междунаро

division of labour — разделение труда ное разделение труда

с) преимущество — advantage, benefit, edge

absolute advantage - абсолютное преимущество economic advantage — экономическо е

natural advantage- естественное преимущество


competitive advantage, competitive edge - кон-

w ithdraw advantage — лишать

курентное преимущество


h ave (take) priority of over), enjoy benefits comparative advantage - сравнительное пре-

пользоваться преимуществом


d) обмен — exchange, swap (мена)

asset swap, exchange of assets — обмен акти- two-way exchange-двустороний обмен в а м и

barter, swapping — натуральный обмен mutual (reciprocal)exchange — взаимный обмен comodity (merchandise) exchange-товарный обменforeign tradexchange — внешнеторговый

обмен trade exchange — торговый обмен

e) капиталоемкий — capital-intensive

capital-intensity, capital coefficient, capital — average capital coefficient — средняя капита-

output ratio — капиталоемкость лоемкость

f) трудоемкий — labour-intensive, labour-consuming

labour intensity, labour coefficient, labour labour-output ratio — трудоемкость произ-

input — трудоемкость водства