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Exercise 1. Learn the new words and word-combinations:

  1. to be able to – быть способным (к чему-л.)

  2. to condition – обуславливать(ся), определять(ся); condition – условие;

  3. desire – желание, страсть;

  4. to direct – направлять, побуждать; direction – управление; направление;

  5. to drive – побуждать, стимулировать;

  6. mind – разум; умственные способности, ум;

  7. to move – двигать (ся), передвигать (ся), перемещать (ся);

  8. needs – потребности;

  9. passion – страсть;

  10. to require – нуждаться ( в чем-л. ); требовать ( чего-л. );

  11. reason – причина, повод, основание;

  12. to satisfy – удовлетворять.

Exercise 2. Practice to pronounce the following words:

to motivate, motivation, irrational, pleasant, unpleasant, survival, distinction, passion, desire, decision, disgust, contempt, reflex, experience, to encourage, complex, specific, to derive, excellence, to accumulate.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the words and word-combinations:

a human being, individual, distinction, experience, a conditioned reflex, indifferent, to motivate, be motivated by, a source of motivation, prior conditioning, to form concepts, to form ideas, to satisfy needs, the basic needs, to weigh alternatives, to apply effort, in a direction, to realize little, rational decision, irrational decision.

Exercise 2. Read the text and translate it.

Human beings are very complex psychologically. Humans have minds that are able to think, remember, learn, and form ideas. Human minds are able to direct actions toward specific goals. In other words, people can be motivated by reason and intelligence. But passions, desires, and other feelings can also motivate people strongly—often in a direction different from that which reason directs. These feelings are called emotions. The word is derived from the Latin verb movere, which means “to move”. Because an emotion moves humans to do things, some psychologists have compared it to the mainspring (or battery) of a watch. Just as the hands of a watch would be motionless without its mainspring or battery, so humans can be indifferent and realize little or nothing if there are no emotions to motivate them.

This does not mean that emotions are the only source of motivation. All individuals are forced to satisfy the basic needs for food, shelter, and clothing. These necessities are required for survival. It is possible, however, for a person to seek to satisfy needs excessively. Some individuals, for example, are driven beyond reason to accumulate more than they ever need.

The philosopher Aristotle noted that to live good life individuals must be able to differ between what is really good for them and what is apparently good for them. Making this distinction is a matter of clear and rational thinking that is to weigh alternatives. Emotions may divert a person from a rational decision to an irrational. This doesn’t mean that all emotions are negative. Ideally, emotions should encourage reason. An individual who has a specific talent but does not care to apply effort to it will probably realize little.

  1. mainspring – ходовая пружина (часового механизма);

  2. excessively – чрезмерно;

  3. apparently – очевидно, несомненно;

  4. beyond – вне; выше, сверх.

Exercise 5. Match the words with the opposite meaning. Mind the prefixes of adjectives:

    1. to appeal, late, rational, innate, uncertain, conscious, unknown, pleasant, complex, mechanistic, indifferent, internal, positive;

    2. irrational, unpleasant, external, negative, to reject, simple, cognitive, different, learned, known, early, unconscious, certain.

Ex.6. Put the irregular verbs into the Past Simple:

There is a way out from this situation. – There was a way out from this situation.

  1. We feel sorry because we do it.

  2. Psychologists begin to view man as an active creature.

  3. He finds his interests in psychology.

  4. R.G. Geen gives three main examples of social motives.

  5. The study of motivation has its roots in philosophy.

  6. Piaget sees play as an adaptive activity.

  7. Latent learning shows that learning take place in the absence of reinforcement.

Ex. 7. Answer the questions on the text in writing:

  1. What differs human from non-humans?

  2. How can people be motivated by?

  3. What do we call emotions?

  4. Why do the psychologists compare emotions with the mainspring of watch?

  5. How can emotions encourage reason?

  6. What things does a person consider pleasant or unpleasant?

  7. What conditions our behaviour?

Ex.8. Read and translate the following sayings. How do you understand them?

1. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.


  1. The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary.

(Vidal Sassoon)

  1. I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.

(Bill Cosby)

  1. Sleep, riches, and health, to be truly enjoyed, must be interrupted.

(Jean Paul Richter)

  1. When we are happy we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy.

(Oscar Wilde)

Text 2.

The Functions and Value of Play (part I)

Ex.1.Learn the new words and word-combinations:

  1. to care for – заботиться (о чем-л.), беречь (что-л.);

  2. function – функция;

  3. to inherit – наследовать; унаследовать;

  4. inherent – врожденный;

  5. opportunity – возможность;

  6. to provide – давать, предоставлять; обеспечивать; обусловливать;

  7. to punish – наказывать;

  8. to recognize – узнавать, опознавать, признавать;

  9. to reveal – открывать, обнаруживать, показывать;

  10. value – важность, ценность.

Ex.2. Read the following text:

Children's play is an inherent and vital part of their lives. It serves as a means of communication and provides a way to express ideas and emotions that are too complex for verbalization with a limited vocabulary. Through play, children reveal themselves by acting out their hopes, fears, and needs. Play also helps children recognize emotions in themselves and in others. It gives them an opportunity to find solutions for conflicts and problems.

Young children like to imitate adults. They dress in grown-up clothes, often copying the facial expressions and body movements of adults while dressing. They will get dressed and go off to work like their parents, cook meals, clean house and care for their “children,” perhaps putting them to bed, or punishing them for misbehaving.

Children also imitate adults in work and social situations. A child easily plays at being a bus driver, seriously taking fares from passengers and opening and closing the bus door. He or she may become a checker in a supermarket checking out purchases or a teacher in a classroom explaining assignments. The child may entertain friends at a party and imitate the dancers or singers seen on television. Any area of adult life encountered while growing up may become a subject for play.

1. assignment – задание

Ex.3. Practice to pronounce the following words.