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Английский Учебно-методическое пособие по СРС.doc
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4 Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление причастий:

1) Не speaks like a man having his opinion of everything.

2) At the conference they discussed new methods used in building.

3) The article translated by the student is very interesting.

4) While translating the article she used a dictionary.

5) Once started, the matter will take care of itself.

6) And having said this, he took his hat and went away.

7) Being asked what he thought of this plan, the student said that he approved of it.

8) A new road will soon be built joining the plant with the railway station.

5 Определите формы с окончанием -ing и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) I don’t like being spoken to in such a manner.

2) You can master the language by speaking English every day.

3) You surprised me by not having done this work in time.

4) I thought of the question being discussed at the meeting.

5) She never did a thing without asking somebody's advice.

6) Reading aloud is very useful.

7) She likes being invited to the theatre.

8) I heard the singing of a bird.

9) She does not like reading aloud.

10) He likes being told such stories.

11) It being very late, we had to return home.

12) The meeting was held at the beginning of the working day.

6 Употребите сказуемое в следующих предложениях в Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive). Переведите предложения на русский язык:

Образец: Не has worked at the plant for many years.

He has been working at the plant for many years.

Он работает на этом заводе в течение многих лет.

1) They have talked for more than an hour.

2) She has taught English for ten years.

3) He has done very little work recently.

4) They have argued about that or more than two hours.

5) They have lived in Moscow since 1953.

6) We have used this textbook since January.

7) They have travelled all over Europe.

7 Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

Образец:He has been working for that firm for ten years.

Has he been working for that firm for ten years?

He has not been working for that firm for ten years.

1) She has been teaching there many years.

2) They have been waiting here a long time.

3) She has been taking music lessons many years.

4) They have been discussing the matter all day long.

5) You have been studying English a long time.

6) It has been raining like this for an hour.

8 Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на времена группы Perfect Continuous (Progressive):

1) Не has been doing that same kind of work for many years.

2) Have you been looking through these magazines long?

3) For how long have you already been doing your morning exercises?

4) He had been speaking for an hour and a half when he decided to have an interval.

5) They had been waiting long before the train arrived.

6) We felt very tired because we had been working for many hours.

7) They will have been working at this problem not less than two years if they complete it this year.

8) He has been attending that school for four years.