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Английский Учебно-методическое пособие по СРС.doc
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12 Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму герундия:

1) I remember having obtained these data in our previous experi­ments. 2) We were surprised at hearing that he had refused to take part in the scientific conference. 3) We remember having been told about the different points of view on this theory. 4) This scientist achieved great results by working hard at the problem. 5) There are two different methods of solving this problem. 6) I remember having seen this device at our plant. 7) Solving difficult problems is his favourite occupation.

13 Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот:

1) There being an extensive system of free evening and correspondence education in Russia, a great number of people are part-time or correspondence students. 2) The translation having been done, we went for a short walk. 3) College courses finished, all the graduates get work according to their speciality. 4) The new methods having been introduced, the productivity of labour at the plant went up. 5) There is always water vapour in the air, the amount depending upon various conditions. 6) Technical and scientific problems having been solved, the first space flight could be realized. 7) It being very late, we had to return home.

14 Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму причастий:

|1) The workers having refused to return to work, the manager dismissed them from the plant. 2) Holiday accommodation and facilities being cheap, all the students can spend their vacation in camps and rest homes. 3) The man reading near the window is our teacher of English. 4) Having seen so little of the country, he could not give full answers to all your questions. 5) And saying so he left the room. 6) Having arrived two days before the opening of the |conference, they had enough time to do the city. 7) Knowing how fond he is of good music, I brought him a few records.

15 Замените следующие предложения восклицательными, употребляя what, what a, how:

Образцы: 1) She plays the piano well.

How well she plays the piano!

2) It is a beautiful day.

What a beautiful day!

1) They have learned English very quickly.

2) She has good taste in everything.

3) We are having beautiful weather now.

4) It must have been a very interesting experience.

5) It was a strange thing for him to say.

6) London is a beautiful city.

7) She speaks English very well.

16 Закончите следующие предложения, употребляя вспомогательные глаголы:

Образец: She didn't like the movie but I ...

She didn't like the movie but I did.

1) She does not have classes tomorrow but I ...

2) At first I didn't like the new teacher but now I ...

3) She dances well but her sister ...

4) He is a serious student but his brother ...

5) They won't be able to attend the meeting but George ...

6) She likes to study languages but I ...

Критерии оценки самостоятельной работы студента

В критерии оценки входят: полнота, глубина, осознанность, систематичность знаний, умений и навыков по дисциплине. Уровень знаний оценивается в баллах.

«5»(отлично) – за глубокое и полное овладение содержанием учебного материала; за грамотное, логичное изложение ответа, за качественное внешнее оформление.

«4»(хорошо) – если студент полно освоил учебный материал, ориентируется в изученном материале, осознанно применяет знания для решения практических задач, грамотно излагает ответ, но содержание и форма ответа имеют отдельные неточности.

«3»(удовлетворительно) – если студент обнаруживает знание и понимание основных положений учебного материала, но излагает его неполно в применении знаний для решения практических задач, не умеет обосновать доказательно свои суждения.

«2»(неудовлетворительно) – если студент имеет разрозненные, бессистемные знания, беспорядочно и неуверенно излагает материал, не может применять знания для решения практических задач, допускает значительные ошибки в выполнении практических заданий.