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10 Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями, соответствующими лич­ным местоимениям, данным в скобках:

1) (Не) . . . composition is very interesting.

2) (We ). . . son goes to school.

3) (You) . . . sister is young.

4) (They) . . . knowledge of the subject is very poor.

5) (He) . . . name is John.

6) (I) . . . family lives in Kiev.

7) (She) . . . friends often visit her.

11 Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений:

1) I often see (they, them) in the bus.

2) She lives near (we, us).

3) (We, us) always walk to school together.

4) He teaches (we, us) English.

5) She sits near (I, me) during the lesson.

6) I always speak to (he, him) in English.

7) What is the matter with (he, him) today?

8) He explains the lesson to (we, us) each morning.

9) There are some letters here for you and (I, me).

10) I know (she, her) and her sister very well.

12 Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений:

1) Would you like to see some of (her, hers) poems?

2) (Their, theirs) knowledge of the subject is not much superior to (our, ours).

3) You take care of (your, yours) things and I'll take care of (my, mine).

4) All (our, ours) clothes were dirty, and (my, mine) especially so.

5) (Their, theirs) boat was faster than (our, ours).

6) I'm afraid they will take (your, yours) word against (her, hers).

7) (Their, theirs) home is pretty but (our, ours) is prettier.

13 Заполните пропуски указательными местоимениями this, that, these, those:

1) All ... is very interesting 2) … exercises are very easy. 3) ... will do. 4) ... chair is very comfortable. 5) ... is my English book. 6) Try one of . . . 7) ... are the TV sets of the latest type. 8) … office at the end of the hall is the administra­tion office. 9) ... books are over there on the table.

14 Заполните пропуски глаголом to be, употребляя соответствующую форму в Present Indefinite (Simple):

1) Не . . . a good student. 2) They . . . old friends. 3) I . . . a teacher. 4) John . . . absent from class today. 5) The weather . . . good today. 6) The sky . . . clear. 7) We . . . both students. 8) Mr. Smith . . . sick today. 9) She and I . . . cousins.

15 Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1) They are in Europe now. 2) She is a clever girl. 3) It is cold today. 4) He is in his office. 5) They are members of the country club. 6) Both sisters are tall. 7) John is angry with you. 8) She is a good tennis player. 9) The stamps are in my desk. 10) She is a good teacher.

16 Заполните пропуски глаголом to have, употребляя соответствующую форму в Present Indefinite (Simple).

1) She . . . one sister and two brothers. 2) We . . . a large library at school. 3) They . . . a new car. 4) She . . . green eyes. 5) Helen . . . a headache. 6) The secretary . . . a new typewriter. 7) Mr. Smith's office . . . three large windows. 8) We . . . many friends in Moscow. 9) Both brothers . . . red hair. 10) Harry's dog ... a long tail.

17 Употребите оборот there is (are) в следующих предложениях. Переведите их на русский язык:

1) ... a new moon tonight. 2) ... someone at the door. 3) ... a lot of students absent today. 4) ... three lamps in the room. 5) ... two large windows in the room. 6) But . . . only one door. 7) ... a lot of English classes in our school. 8) ... nobody in the room now. 9) ... no one at home. 10) ... a letter for you on the table.

18 Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

Образец: There is a flag on the top of the building.

Is there a flag on the top of the building?

There isn't a flag oh the top of the building.

1) There is a big parade today. 2) There are two lamps in the room. 3) There are ten new words in the lesson. 4) There are enough chair for everyone. 5) There is a good restaurant near here. 6) There is a comfortable chair in each room. 7) There are many pictures on the walls of our room. 8) There are more than ten sentences in each exercise.