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6. Подберите к каждому слову подходящее определение.


The things needed for a particular activity


The quality of having none or not enough of smth


Keeping in good condition


The work of building


A thing or group regarded as being a complete whole


Smth mixed with smth else so that it is not pure


A room or place where things are produced, repairs are done


To mend smth wrong or broken

7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.

1. (There be) several proliferations at our faculty.

2. Each student (to acquire) good theoretical and practical knowledge.

3. All road-making machinery (to divide) into several types.

4. Road-making machinery (to study) by the third-year students.

5. Knowing road-making machines (to constitute) the foundation of their speciality.

6. Each mechanics (to know) how to prepare the machine for use.

7. It is well know fact that the proper maintenance of machinery (to contribute) to the long period of its use.

8. When the need arises, engineer (to know) how to repair the machine.

8. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What qualification do the students of your faculty acquire? 2. What specializations are given to the students of this faculty? 3. What is your specialization? Why did you choose it? 4. What types of machinery do you study? 5. What is it necessary to do for the proper service of machinery? 6. With what machinery do you prefer to work?

9. Прочитайте и переведите диалог о поломке машины, обращая внимание на специальные термины.

plug – свеча зажигания

gauge – измерительный прибор

to charge – заряжать батареи

to adjust – регулировать

– Donald, I know you are a driver of long standing. I would like you to have a look at my car.

– What’s wrong with your car?

– I don’t know yet. I can’t trace the fault.

– Let me have a look. When did you have your plugs checked?

– Three days ago. I thought I had run out of gas but the tank is half full.

– Have a look at the patrol gauge once more.

– All right. The tank is half full, as I have already said.

– The carburetor is in order. The engine is misfiring.

– So it is.

– I guess the battery has run down. It needs recharging.

– Too bad.

– Don’t get upset about it. It won’t take you long to have your battery recharged.

– Do you really think so?

– I am sure of it. The other day I went to the gas station to have the brakes adjusted. They did it in no time.

– Where is the gas station?

– It’s three miles south of the supermarket. Do you know the place?

– I think so. In my car the brakes are a bit slack. I hope they can easily be adjusted.

– I advise you to have the engine greased.

– I’ll follow your advice. Thank you, Donald.

– Don’t mention it, Paul. I’m very sorry I couldn’t help you.

– Well, you have helped me to trace the fault. I wish I had bought a new car…

– Well, this one is much cheaper. It hasn’t got too many miles on it. It’s practically new.

– I must admit it runs smoothly. It was in good condition when I bought it.

– When was it?

– A year ago.

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