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9. Сделайте краткое сообщение на предлагаемые темы.

1. Types of bridges.

2. The site for a bridge.

3. The functions of bridges.

10. Расскажите о своей специальности, используя предлагаемый план.

a) the similarity of purposes of bridges and highways; the principal differences between them;

b) the types of bridges;

c) the main parts of a bridge;

d) the criterion of choosing the location of the bridge;

e) why do you want to be a bridge engineer.


1. Прочитайте и выучите.

environment – окружающая среда

to seem – казаться

to design – проектировать, разрабатывать

commissioning – пуск, ввод в действие

maintenance – обслуживание, эксплуатация

stage – ступень, этап, шаг

disposal – размещение, расположение

endeavours – избавление, устранение

averting – предотвращение, предупреждение

contamination – загрязнение, порча

hazardous – опасный, рискованный

assessments – отчисления

to save – спасать, сохранять

to destroy – разрушать

to investigate – разрабатывать, исследовать

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


It seems that engineering and ecology have nothing in common; however, nowadays people understand that all modern technologies should be “ecologised”. That is, a future specialist (an engineer-ecologist) will take part in the building process on its every stage (pre-designing, designing, commissioning and maintenance of the constructed object).

Environmental Engineering is the development of processes and infrastruc­ture for the supply of water, the disposal of waste and the control of pollution of all kinds. These endeavours protect public health by preventing disease transmission, and they preserve the quality of the environment by averting the contamination and degradation of air, water, and land resources.

Environmental engineering is a field of broad scope that is connected with such dis­ciplines as chemistry, ecology, geology, hydraulics, hydrology, microbiology, economics, and mathematics. It was traditionally a specialized field within civil engineering and was called sanitary engineering until the mid-1960s, when the more accurate name environmental engineering was adopted.

Projects in environmental engineering involve the treatment and distribu­tion of drinking water; the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater; the control of air and noise pollution; the management of municipal solid waste and of hazardous waste; the cleanup of hazardous-waste sites; and the preparation of environmental assessments, audits, and impact studies.

The main task of highway and bridge construction is to save but not to destroy clean lakes and rivers. The whole world and particularly our country need specialists in this sphere. That’s why the qualification “Environmental Engineering” was created at the Highway Engineering faculty in 2001. The students study such specialized subjects as ecological law, monitoring and expertise.

Northern areas of the Omsk region are being investigated now. It is necessary to build roads and bridges there paying attention to wildlife and using environmentally friendly technologies. So, the need in such specialists as engineer-ecologists is constantly growing.

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