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15. Расскажите о своей специальности (civil engineering).



1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why do you consider it is important to work in the sphere of automobile economy?

2. What areas could it be divided into?

3. What is your qualification?

4. What do the specialists of your qualification particularly do?

2. Прочитайте и выучите.

supplies, deliveries – поставки

retail – розничный

wholesale – оптовый

choice – ассортимент

promotion – продвижение (товара)

domestic operations – местные операции

non-scheduled operations – нерегулярные перевозки

scheduled operations – регулярные перевозки

pooled operations – совместные перевозки

mode – вид транспорта

Составьте 3 предложения с новыми словами.

3. Обратите внимание на произношение следующих букв и буквосочетаний.

sch [∫] nonscheduled, scheduled;

oo [u:] bookkeeping, goods, pooled;

i в открытом слоге [ai] price, provide, profile, private but: service [i].

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


The students of the faculty are trained in the following qualifications: Marketing; Management of Organization; Standardization and Certification and Management of Quality. The students of the faculty study a lot of specialized subjects: automatic systems of management; bookkeeping; finances and credit; economy of automobile transport enterprises, loading and unloading mechanisms; cargo transportations; passenger-carrying operations; principles of the theory of transport systems and others.

The work in the field of economy now is impossible without knowing what marketing and management are. Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or user. Marketing activities include: designing or developing a product or service; transporting and storing goods; providing a variety of choice; buying in large volumes and then selling them by item; installing, servicing; repairing, instructing; or updating and improving. Marketing includes the Four Ps: product, place, price, and promotion. But most of all, marketing is research: finding out who the customers are and what they need.

There is no single concept of management yet, so “management” has many definitions. In practical business, management can be defined as the art and science of directing people with the aim of getting things done through their efforts. Effective management is the key to business success and you need for these strong management skills. There are two management specialities at the faculty: management of organisation and quality management.

There is also standardization and certification profile. The students of this speciality study the standards concerning the sphere of automobile production and transportation. They should also know how to improve the quality of goods and services.

It is not enough simply to produce a product; it must be stored and transported. The shipment can be done by motor, water, air, railway, sea, river, pipeline transport. There are various kinds of operations: commercial, international, domestic; nonscheduled, scheduled; pooled; transit or private.

Passenger traffic operations are analyzed by different transport modes. The local passenger-carrying operations are conducted in cities and country areas. The most concern arises by carrying passengers in large cities. The specialists which are engaged with this problem carry out investigations of passengers flows and count the number of passengers on city routes.

Commercial work presupposes making contracts, agreements, supplies; deliveries; trade-retail and wholesale and financial work.

The graduates of the faculty work at various enterprises, connected with economy, organization, management, transportations.

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