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9. Подберите к английским словосочетаниям из текста соответствующий русский перевод.

Major opportunity, luxury product, manufacturing methods, hand tools, rich man’s toy, a large business, more or less marginal, a staff car, national supplies, the cachet of royalty, world exporters.

Знак королевского достоинства, главная возможность, машина для персонала, инструменты, игрушка богача, мировые экспортеры, роскошный товар, местные поставщики, более или менее второстепенные, методы производства, большой бизнес.

10. Кратко перескажите текст упр. 8 (см. План реферирования в приложении).

11. Расскажите о своей специальности, используя следующий план.

    1. qualification of your faculty;

    2. the targets of commercial work;

    3. what marketing and management are;

    4. the integral parts of marketing;

    5. the modes of transportation of goods;

    6. passengers transportations;

    7. your specialized subjects.



1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why did you choose the profession which deals with information technologies?

2. Are there any problems in this sphere in Russia? What are they? How could they be solved?

3. What particular field of information technologies do you want to work in?

2. Прочитайте и выучите.

possession – владение, обладание

entire – весь, полный

allow – позволять

share – доля, акция

currency – валюта

deficiency – нехватка, недостаток

hire – нанимать на работу

spreadsheet – крупноформатная таблица

applications – приложения, прикладные программы

allocated – размещенный

means – средства

storage – хранение

transportation – передача

maintenance – обслуживание

forecasting – прогнозирование

cryptographic – криптографический, шифровальный

Составьте 3 предложения с новыми словами.

3. Обратите внимание на произношение следующих слов.

Possession [pə' zə∫(ə)n];

success [s(ə)k' səs];

struggle ['strΛgl];

currency ['kΛr(ə)nsi];

allocated ['ǽləukeitid];

facility [fə ' siliti];

curriculum [kə' rikjuləm].

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.



Nowadays only the possession of the all information causes the success in competitive struggle in the local and global markets of services and goods, to work effectively in share and currency markets and to carry out economic policy. Therefore it is extremely important to have experts able to manage information flows.

The Information Systems in Management faculty was established in 2000 and has three qualifications: Computer Technologies in Business; Information Safety and Automated Systems of Management.

In Russia there is a strong deficiency of experts in the field of computer business technologies. Many companies hire either economists with knowledge of a computer in the context of a text editor and a spreadsheet, or engineer-programmers with knowledge of economics in the context of the popular Economics.

The students specializing in computer technologies in business study the work of economic applications in the allocated computer networks, the use of the Internet and networks in business and finances and use of modern means of programming of applications under Windows. The faculty trains experts combining strong theoretical knowledge in the field of economics, profound knowledge in computer facilities and the software and understanding of realities of the business world.

The students of the second qualification deal with automated systems of processing, storage and transportation of information with a certain level of confidentiality and methods and means of information safety maintenance of the automated systems.

The students specializing in automated systems of management deal with computer systems and networks; the automated systems of processing and management the information; the systems of the automated designing and the software of computer facilities and the automated systems.

The curricula of the faculty include discrete mathematics, the theory of decision-making, modeling of systems, information technologies, network technologies, bases of forecasting, cryptographic protocols.

The computer laboratories of the faculty are well equipped with modern computers connected into the local nets and having access to the Internet.

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