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15. Расскажите о своей специальности (highway engineering, highway economy).


1. Прочитайте и выучите.

clearance – габарит

truss bridge – мост со сквозными фермами

reinforced concrete – железобетон

approach – подъезд к мосту

arch bridge – арочный мост

rigid–frame bridge – однопролетный мост с жестким каркасом

beam bridge – балочный мост

truss bridge – мост с фермами

arched cantilever bridge – арочный консольный мост

concrete slab bridge – бетонный мост

leaf bridge – разводной мост

lattice bridge – решетчатый мост

suspension bridge – висячий мост

right-angle bridge – прямоугольный мост

curvature – кривизна дороги

pier – бык (промежуточная опора моста)

abutment – опора, береговой устой моста

waterway – фарватер, водный путь

arched cantilever bridge – арочный консольный мост

floor beam – поперечная балка мостового настила

concrete slab bridge – мост с проезжей частью из железобетонных плит

double-deck bridge – двухъярусный мост

stone masonry bridge – каменный мост

parkway – парковая дорога

span – пролет моста

open-deck bridge – мост с ездой поверху и понизу

Составьте 3 предложения с новыми словами.

2. Распределите слова в три столбика в зависимости от произношения окончания буквы «g».




Bridge, general, grade, alignment, highway, engineer, aiming, design, rigid, carrying, stage, rightangle, large, opening.

3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why did you choose the profession of a bridge engineer?

2. Why is bridge engineering so popular nowadays?

3. What types of bridges do you know?

4. What are the most popular bridges in the world?

5. What building materials are used in construction of bridges today?

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


Bridge engineering is one of the oldest specialities of our academy. Highway bridge engineers use the same analytical tools as other structural engineers. Principal differences are in clearance and loading requirements.

Bridges consist of substructures of abutments and piers under superstructures carrying the roadway between these supports. Types of bridges include slab, truss, arch, and suspension bridges, each with a distinctive form of superstructure. Rigid frames are bridges in which the substructure and superstructure are rigidly joined. A further distinction is made in terms of materials, the most common of which are reinforced concrete, steel, and timber.

The important construction for the bridge structure is the approach alignment. Sometimes there may be sharp turns at the approaches because the most favourable bridge site was the sole criterion for the location. Today the general policy is to determine the proper highway location and require the bridge engineer to furnish structures for it. This of course results in more expensive crossings, for skew bridges cost more than rightangle ones, and the introduction of horizontal and vertical curvature into large bridges creates serious design and construction problems. However, the end result is a better roadway. When the approximate location is fixed, there must be a complete and extensive report and special survey for the site. It should include accurate data on the channel or waterway for all stages of water, the foundation conditions, and the stream character.

The form and proportion of the structures are varied considerably in different situations and are matters for cooperative determination. Arch and right-frame-type bridges with stone masonry walls have been commonly accepted on many parkways as appropriate for the short span over a highway and over small streams. The concrete iron bridge has also been popular along parkways, because of its lower costs. Today there is a tendency for highway bridgework to be a beam-type open-deck structure, supported by columns and with little emphasis on abutments.

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