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18. Подготовьте устное сообщение по одной из следующих тем.

1. Высшее образование в России в сравнении с Великобританией и/или США.

2. Высшее образование в Великобритании.

3. Высшее образование в США.

4. Традиции в системе высшего образования.

5. Изменение системы высшего образования (на примере любой страны).

6. История образовательных учреждений (на примере одного/нескольких колледжей, университетов и т.д.).



1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What can you tell about your academy?

2. What is interesting in it?

3. What faculty do you study at?

4. What subjects do you study?

5. What are general-educational and what are specialised ones?

2. Прочитайте и выучите.

Chemistry – химия

Drawing – черчение

Geometry – геометрия

A Foreign Language – иностранный язык

Science – наука

Strength of materials – сопротивление материалов

Electrical engineering – электротехника

to combine – сочетать, совмещать

attention – внимание

almost – почти

significant – значительный

to depend – зависеть

hoist – подъемные

to belong – принадлежать

Book-keeping – бухучет

acquaint – знакомить

descriptive geometry – начертательная геометрия

Составьте 3 предложения с новыми словами.

3. Обратите внимание на произношение следующих букв и буквосочетаний.

au [ơ:] automobile, automatic;

ch 1) [t∫] church, China, cheese;

2) [k] school, Technological, Chemistry, mechanical, Mechanisms, Mechanics;

3) [∫] Machinery, machine.

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


The Siberian Automobile and Highway Academy is one of the largest in Russia. It was founded in 1930 and had only two faculties. Now there are six faculties at the academy. They are: Automobile Transport, Transport Technological Machinery, Highway Engineering, Civil Engineering, Economical Engineering and Information Management Systems Faculty. Over 9000 students study at these faculties.

The students of all faculties study general–educational and specialized subjects. The former are studied by the first and the second-year students. These subjects are: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Drawing, Drawing Geometry, Philosophy, History, Foreign Languages. Great attention is paid to the study of computers and composing programmes for them. Specialized subjects are studied by the third and fourth-year students, depending on their speciality. There are some specialized subjects common for all specialities. Two such subjects are Theoretical Mechanics and Strength of Materials.

The students of mechanical faculties study Electrical Engineering, Machine Elements and Hoist Mechanisms, Science of Metals and Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. The students of building faculties study such subjects as Building Materials, Building Mechanics, Bases and Foundations, Geology and Geodesy. The students of the Economical Engineering Faculty and the Information Management Systems Faculty study Automatic systems of management, Programming, Book-keeping, Finances and Credit and Economy of Automobile Transport Enterprises.

The Academy also has a Postgraduate Department, Research Centre, Centre of Arts, Scientific Library, Publishing Department, experimental school 149, Sanatorium, Sport and Recreation Camp, and four hostels. The Academy’s computer centre of has been functioning for about 30 years. Today it operates over 200 computers, 60 of which are connected to local nets. The centre also provides the students and teaching staff of the academy with an excellent opportunity to work with such a wonderful facility as Internet. Every year scientific conferences are held here.

Graduates of the academy are engineers, mechanics, builders, economists, and managers, who work successfully both in Russia and abroad.

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