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Hydrogeology СУХОРУКОВА Part 8.doc
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7. Discussion- You have to give a lecture on “Hydrologic cycle”. Use the keys and diagram.


1. Atmospheric water in circulation

2. Formation of storm clouds

3. Precipitation (snow, rain, hail, etc.)

4. Evaporation of precipitation in transit and moisture diffusion

5. Net precipitation on Earth surface

6. Snow storage and melt

7. Infiltration

8. Deep percolation

9. Ground –water flow and storage

10. Overland flow and depression

11. Evaporation of intercepted and surface water

12. Evapotranspiration

13. Surface storage in lakes and reservoirs

14. Evaporation from lake surfaces

15. Surface streams

16. Evaporation from streams

17. Ground-water exchange from channel storage (base flow and return)

18. Ground-water exchange from channel storage (base flow and return)

19. Ground-water flow to ocean

20. Ground-water flow to ocean

21. Storage in the ocean

22. Evaporation from ocean surfaces

Fig.5. Diagram Water flow scheme of the hydrologic cycle.

8. Now look at the keys for 45 seconds, try to remember the terms. Close your course book and write down the words. Be honest! The person who has more words is the winner.

9. Look at the schematic illustration of the hydrologic cycle for 30 seconds and then try to draw it. Afterwards ask your partner to describe it.

Fig.6. Schematic illustration of the hydrologic cycle

10. Work in groups and discuss your opinions. Can your group reach an agreement? Read the quotation of the famous hydrogeologist b.L.Lichkov and share your ideas.

“The circulation of natural water on the planet, although not as yet completely understood, must be recognized by all as critically significant for hydrogeology, and for the land areas; the primary significance must be given to their moisture content. Thus, a new hydrogeology must be constructed on three principles – the unity of water, its circulation, and the moisture content of the land. In a word, the circulation of water is one of the cornerstones of modern hydrogeology”


STAGE 1 – group work responding to problem discussion. During these stage, each group will discuss the problem separately.

STAGE 2 – sharing ideas of response to the problem. One person from each group should move to another; so that each group has a member with different information. Now the members of each new group share their ideas.

STAGE 3 – now each of you should jot down all the information you remember.

  • Jig-saw plan (1-2 minute) short one-point talk

  • Multi-point conversation (5 minutes)

11. Now prepare a presentation “The Hydrological Cycle” for the Student Science Conference. The following plan and phrases will help you. Plan

  1. Plan and carry out your presentation.

  2. Define the subject of your presentation.

  3. Think of the introduction of your presentation.

  4. Try to anticipate questions during the preparation of your presentation.

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