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The baby of the family

The Hawks live in London. George Hawks is a tall, stout man of about forty. He is the head of the export department of a large engineering firm. Of course, he is a very busy man.

Linda, Mr. Hawk`s wife, is thirty-six. She is a good-looking woman with brown hair and dark eyes. She works as a doctor in one of the London hospitals.

The Hawks have three kids. Marge, which is short for Margaret, is their elder daughter. She is fifteen. Bob, which is short for Robert, is fourteen. And William or Billy, as everybody calls him, is only seven.

Marge is a pretty, quiet, serious girl. She goes to a comprehensive school. She is doing very well at school. She is one of the top pupils in her class. Her favorite subject is English literature. She is fond of reading. She reads a lot. She is also fond of music and has a good collection of records. But Marge isn`t very sociable. She stays at home most evenings. She reads, listens to music, watches television or helps her mother about the house.

Bob also goes to school. He is different from Marge. He spends too little time on his homework and too much time on sports. Bob`s main interest is sports. He plays football very well. He wants to be a professional footballer. Bob is a member of the local junior team.

William is the baby of the family. He goes to primary school. His teachers say he is a bright boy. He can learn a lot in a short time. He`s got a very good memory. Mr. Hawk thinks William can become a scientist. He spends a lot of time with William. He likes to play with him and often tells him a lot of interesting things about physics.

Linda`s mother, Grandma or Granny, as the children call her, lives with them. She is a kind sixty-year-old woman. She is retired and looks after the house and her daughter`s family.

George`s parents live in a little cottage in the seaside town of Chacewood. They love visitors and the Hawks often visit them. The children are fond of their grandparents and are always happy to see them.

2.Произведите звуко-буквенный анализ следующих слов из текста:

interesting, scientist, junior, retired, comprehensive, serious, quiet, seaside.


professional – 12 букв, 9 звуков.

3.Подчеркнуть грамматическую основу (подлежащее и сказуемое) в следующих предложениях текста: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 14, 17, 29, 34.

4.Письменно объясните употребление артиклей в следующих предложениях текста: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 15, 38.

5.Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме и поместив наречие в нужное место в предложении:

Vera [read, sometimes] English newspapers.

I [never, go to bed] before twelve.

We [have, usually] dinner at home.

Mike and Kate [often, swim] in the river.

I [write, often] long letters.

My father [go, sometimes] to work on Sunday.

You [do, never] your homework!

Our children [play, always] in the yard.

6.Выберите нужную форму глагола:

«My dad is [writing – writes] a letter». «What time is it now?»

«What [are you thinking – do you think] of this picture?» «In my opinion it`s boring!»

[Are you believing – Do you believe] in death after life?

My friend isn`t at home. He [is walking - walk] in the street.

[We`re having – we have] dinner at the moment!

I [am usually having breakfast – usually have breakfast] at 9.00.

There are so many people outside. What [is happening – happens]?

Hurry up! The doors [are closing – close].

Linda [isn`t liking – doesn`t like] her village.

What`s your occupation? What [are you doing – do you do]?

7.Выпишите из текста все прилагательные.

8.Переведите на английский язык безличные предложения:

Темнеет. Сейчас зима. Зимой часто идет снег.

9.Переведите предложения:

(1)Эти новости – для нас.

(2)Это мой сын, а тот – его.

(3)Деньги в кармане.

(4) Технические сведения часто устаревают.

(5)Очки модные.

(6)Это наша квартира, а та квартира – их.

10.Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

bus, man, goose, match, wolf, rose, flat, woman, hero, table, child.

11.Подставьте вместо многоточия неопределённое местоимение:

(1) There is………………….in the room. I hear……………….voice.

(2)I can see……………………through the window.

(3)Have you got…………….money?

(4)We have got…………………flowers in the class.

(5)There is not……………..in the fridge. It is empty.

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