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VI. Планы семинарских (практических занятий):

Фонетическая система английского языка. Имя существительное. Личные местоимения. Глагол to be. Структура простого предложения. Наречия неопределенного времени. Время глагола Present Simple. Время глагола Present Continuous

(4 часа):

  1. Система гласных звуков;

  2. Система согласных звуков;

  3. Транскрипция и ее роль в изучении иностранного языка;

  4. Ударные и неударные слоги;

  5. Соответствие звука и буквы в системе орфографии английского языка;

  6. Число имени существительного, произношение окончания множественного числа;

  7. Собственные и нарицательные имена существительные;

  8. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные;

  9. Существительные, которые употребляются только в единственном или только во множественном числе;

  10. Личные местоимения;

  11. Лексическое значение глагола to be;

  12. Спряжение глагола to be в настоящем времени;

  13. Употребление глагола to be в прошедшем и будущем временах;

  14. Функции глагола to be в предложениях;

  15. Понятие о предложении и словосочетании;

  16. Члены предложения;

  17. Порядок слов в простом английском предложении;

  18. Структура повелительного предложения;

  19. Восклицательные предложения;

20. Функция наречий неопределенного времени в предложении;

21. Характер действия, которое выражается глаголом во времени Present Simple;

22. Место наречия неопределенного времени в предложении;

23. Словосочетания, которые могут сопутствовать глаголу в Present Simple;

24. Спряжение глагола в 3-ем лице единственного числа (Present Simple);

25.Характер действия, выражаемого глаголом во времени Present Continuous;

26. Слова и словосочетания, которые могут сопутствовать глаголу во времени Present Continuous;

27. Какое действие необходимо выразить глаголом во времени Present Simple, а какое действие нужно выразить глаголом во времени Present Continuous?

28. Какие глаголы не употребляются во времени Present Continuous?

29. Употребление формы Present Continuous для сообщения о запланированном действии, которое произойдёт в будущем;

30. Оборот to be going to.


1. Какие звуки обозначают выделенные буквы в словах (запишите транскрипционными знаками):

Kick, accordion, bear, social, anxious, complexion, farmer, purse, February, journey, earth, theatre, ocean, suspicion, word, chef, issue, rush.

2. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

Horse, dog, fox, car, potato, tree, wife, shop, foot, baby, thing, man, ox, boy, woman, hat, child, bag, tooth, deer, wolf, goose, sheep, mouse.

3. В следующих предложениях подчеркните личные местоимения:

  1. John is a boy. He is at home.

  2. I read that book. It is very interesting.

  3. I don`t understand how to do it.

  4. Mary is a pretty girl. She is twelve years old.

  5. I have two cats. They are black.

  6. I and my brother are students. We are clever.

  7. Don`t go to bed. You are dirty.

4. Прочитайте про интересных людей из разных стран, подчеркните глагол to be:

    1. Ali is a scientist. She comes from Cambridge in England but now she lives in Switzerland. She works three days a week at the Institute of Molecular biology in Geneva. She speaks three languages: English, French, and German. She`s married and has a daughter. She likes skiing in winter and going for walks in summer.

    2. Bob is a doctor. He`s English but now he lives in Australia in the small town of Alice Springs. He isn`t an ordinary doctor, he`s a flying doctor. Every day, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. he speaks to people on his radio, then he flies to help them. He works 16 hours a day non-stop but he loves his job. He isn`t married. He has no free time.

    3. My name is Rafael Ramos and I`m a doctor. I`m 30. I`m married and I have two children. I live in a house in Toluca in Mexico. I want to learn English for my job.

    4. My name`s Yasmina Kamal and I`m a student. I`m 19. I`m not married. I have one sister and two brothers. I live in a flat in Cairo, Egypt. I want to learn English because it`s an international language.

5. В следующих предложениях выделите подлежащее, сказуемое и дополнение по образцу:

The medicine cures my headache.

КТО? (ЧТО?)---------ГЛАГОЛ (cures)----------ЧТО?

The medicine – подлежащее headache – дополнение

  1. The woodman lost his old axe.

  2. The old gentleman saw a little boy.

  3. In the next house lived an old man and his wife.

  4. In her hand she held a gold axe.

  5. At the farm I saw some cows, sheep and horses.

6. Прочитайте текст и подчеркните глаголы во времени Present Simple:

The man with thirteen jobs.

Seumas McSporran is a very busy man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteen jobs. He is a postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol attendant, a barman, and an undertaker.

Also, he and his wife, Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel.

Seumas lives and works on the island of Gigha in the west Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha but in summer 150 tourists come by boat every day.

Every weekday Seumas gets up at 6.00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8.00 he drives the island`s children to school. At 9.00 he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island`s only pub. Then he helps Margaret in the shop.

He says: “Margaret likes being busy, too. We never have holidays and we don`t like watching television. In the evenings Margaret makes supper and I do the accounts. At 10.00 we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps our life isn`t very exciting, but we like it.”

7. Раскройте скобки в следующих предложениях и употребите глагол либо во времени Present Simple, либо во времени Present Continuous:

  1. Elizabeth (play) the piano well. She (play) it now.

  2. My father (drive) to his office every day. He (drive) there now.

  3. It (rain) today. It usually (rain) in summer.

  4. He generally (speak) Greek, but he (speak) English today.

  5. Mother (make) toast in the kitchen just now. She usually (make) toast for breakfast.

  6. The sun (set) in the West. It (set) now, and soon it will be dark.

  7. My sister always (sew) the dresses for her doll. She (sew) one now.


1. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 1, с. 12 – 82, 522 – 528, 535 – 536, 543 – 544, 546 – 548, 552.

2.Коссман Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка, с. 14 – 16, 30 – 36, 125 – 128.

3.Куценко Л.И. Английский язык, с. 6 -12, 14 – 15, 20 – 24, 45 – 47.

4.Панова И.И. Английский для начинающих, с. 8 -15, 17 - 18, 25 – 29, 31, 41 – 44, 53 – 56, 58, 71 – 74, 85 – 93, 102 – 104, 151 – 153.

5. Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка, с. 4 – 12, 29 – 31, 46 – 48, 53 – 54, 114 – 116, 124 – 134.

Артикль. Имя прилагательное. Притяжательные местоимения. Указательные местоимения. Безличные предложения. Притяжательный падеж существительного. Местоимения some, any. Количественные и порядковые числительные. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Оборот there is / there are.

(4 часа):

  1. Артикль как самое первое из возможных определений существительного;

  2. Необходимость артикля как части речи в английском языке;

  3. Виды артиклей;

  4. Употребление разных видов артиклей в предложениях;

  5. Употребление вариантов определенного и неопределенного артиклей;

  6. Имя прилагательное как часть речи;

  7. Качественные и количественные прилагательные;

  8. Притяжательные местоимения, их формы и функции;

  9. Указательные местоимения в единственном и множественном числе, их употребление;

10. Случаи употребления безличных предложений;

11. Именные и глагольные безличные предложения;

12. Структура безличных предложений;

13. Функция и употребление притяжательного падежа существительного;

14. Образование формы притяжательного падежа существительного в единственном и множественном числе;

15. Неопределенные местоимения some, any;

16. Слова, производные от some и any (something, anything, somebody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere и др.);

17. Употребление таких слов в предложениях;

18. Числительное как часть речи;

19. Количественные и порядковые числительные;

20. Положительная, сравнительная и превосходная степени прилагательного;

21. Наречие как часть речи;

22.Степени сравнения наречия;

23.функция данного оборота в английском предложении;

24.Изменение данного оборота по временам и числам;

25.Употребление артикля после данного оборота перед существительным.


  1. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо:

  1. Mary`s two children are at….college. ….boy is at….medical school, and….girl is at….teacher-training college.

  2. What was….weather like….day before yesterday? – It was fine. I love….fine weather.

  3. We did our homework, and then played….tennis yesterday.

  4. I seldom go to….hospital. I last was in….hospital ten years ago.

  5. This is….hospital. It`s….new hospital.

  6. When we went out, ….moon was shining.

  7. ….manager told you to do it at once.

  8. ….snow is dirty.

  9. Each of….boys received a free ticket.

  10. ….last week of the month was full of events.

  11. ….old don`t always understand….young.

  12. ….Japanese live on islands.

  13. I`ve got….son and….daughter.

  14. They lived….quiet life.

  15. Did you go to….Black Sea or to….Volga for your holiday?

  16. What….lovely day!

  17. I`d like to say….few words.

  18. The work gives him….satisfaction.

  19. I want to go to…. Moscow.

  20. My friend is….Misha.

2. В следующих предложениях подчеркните прилагательные (количественные это или качественные прилагательные?):

  1. They live in a big, red house.

  2. John is a clever boy.

  3. This plant has small, yellow flowers.

  4. Mr. Green is a kind man.

  5. The camel is a very useful animal.

3. В следующих предложениях обведите в кружочек притяжательные местоимения и покажите стрелочкой, к какому существительному они относятся:

(1) Where is my glue? Can I have yours?

(2) Can I use your pencil? Mine is broken.

(3) - My pen is red.

- Mine is, too.

(4) Our teacher is nice. Theirs is, too.

(5) Their school is big. Ours is, too.

4.Сделайте перевод следующих предложений, обращая особое внимание на указательные местоимения:

  1. Это моя комната, а это комната сестры.

  2. Это её книги, а те книги папины.

  3. Это музей, а то – театр.

5.Сделайте перевод следующих именных безличных предложений:

  1. Эту книгу легко читать.

  2. Ему легко читать эту книгу.

  3. Сейчас лето.

  4. Было 9 часов, когда мы пришли домой.

  5. Ещё не наступила весна.

  6. Ещё не стемнело, когда мы вернулись.

  7. Надеюсь, в сентябре не будет холодно.

6.Сделайте перевод следующих глагольных безличных предложений:

  1. Прошлой зимой часто шёл снег?

  2. Здесь не часто идёт дождь летом.

  3. Сейчас идёт дождь?

  4. Прошлой зимой не часто шёл снег.

7.Следующие предложения перепишите так, чтобы существительные в скобках были в притяжательном падеже:

  1. The man went to the (chemist) shop.

  2. The name of Mrs. (Smith) dog was Micky.

  3. Have you seen (Henry) new bicycle?

  4. We heard the (men) shouts in the distance.

  5. My (sister) friend is coming to tea.

  6. Let us join in the (children) games.

  7. That is a (woman) bicycle.

  8. That building is the (women) Institute.

  9. Ellen is a (lady) servant.

  10. Mary sings in the (ladies) choir.

8.Вместо многоточия подставьте одно из трёх слов, данных ниже:

  1. I`ll post your letters. Have you got ……….?

1) a stamp 2) any stamps 3) any stamp

(2) The streets were empty. There weren`t ……….there.

1) peoples 2) some people 3) any people

(3) Have you got ……….? I can help you.

1) a luggage 2) some luggages 3) any luggage

(4) Do you like ……….? No, I don`t.

1) hot milk 2) a hot milk 3) some hot milk

(5) We`ve just moved into our house, and we haven`t got ………. .

1) a furniture 2) any furniture 3) some furniture

(6) There wasn`t any wood, so we used ………. .

1) plastic 2) any plastic 3) a plastic

(7) Can you help me? I`d like ………. .

1) an advice 2) some advice 3) advices

(8) There`s been a robbery! Call ………. .

1) a police 2) some police 3) the police

9. Сделайте перевод следующих дат:

8-е марта, 1-е января, 31-е декабря, 9-е мая, 23-е февраля.

10.Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Tom is taller than Richard, and Richard is taller than Fred. Which of the boys is the tallest? Which is the shortest?

  2. It is hotter in Athens than it is in London; it is not as hot in Oslo as it is in London. Which of the three cities is the hottest? Which is the coldest?

  3. Richard got fewer marks than Fred in the examination. John got more than Richard. Which boy got most marks? Which boy got fewest?

  4. A train goes faster than a ship but not as fast as an aeroplane. Which is the fastest? Which is the slowest?

11. Прочитайте следующий текст и отметьте галочкой те предложения, которые имеют отношение к данному повествованию:

  1. Joanne loves her home.

  2. You need a ticket when you visit her.

  3. The bathroom is next to the living room.

  4. Joanne sometimes opens the emergency exit doors.

  5. There is a photo of the plane in the living room.

  6. It`s very warm in summer because she doesn`t have air conditioning.

  7. Her friends love her parties because flight attendants serve the drinks.

  8. She doesn`t want to buy another plane.

A lady who lives on the plane.

Joanne Ussery, 54, from Mississippi is a big favourite with her two grandsons because she lives on a jet plane. Her home is a Boeing 727, so a visit to grandma is very special.

Joanne`s front door is at the top of the plane`s steps, but you don`t need a ticket or a passport when you visit. There are three bedrooms, a living room, a modern kitchen, a luxury bathroom. The bathroom is in the cockpit, with the bath under the windows. Next to this is Joanne`s bedroom in the first class section of the plane. Then there`s the living room with four emergency exit doors, which she opens on summer evenings. On the wall there`s a photo of the plane flying for Continental Airlines from Florida to the Caribbean. There are also four toilets, all with No Smoking signs.

“The plane is 27 years old and it`s the best home in the world”, says Joanne. “It has all the things you want in a home: a telephone, air conditioning, a cooker, a washing machine, even a dishwasher. It`s always very warm, even in winter, and it`s very big, 42 meters long. My grandchildren love running up and down. And my friends love parties here, but there aren`t any flight attendants to serve them their drinks!”

The plane cost Joanne just $ 2,000. “Next time”, she says, “I want a Boeing 727, because they have an upstairs and downstairs, and I want to go upstairs to bed!”


  1. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 1, с.529 – 532, 545, 557 – 558, 561 – 566, 603 – 604, 609 – 615.

  2. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 2, с. 499.

  3. Коссман Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка, с. 7 – 14, 17 -20, 22 – 23, 26 – 29, 92 – 93, 99 – 102.

  4. Куценко Л.И. Английский язык, с. 13, 16, 24, 33 – 34, 57, 65 – 66, 91 – 92,

  5. Панова И.И. Английский для начинающих, с. 16, 30 – 31, 45 - 46, 59 - 62, 273 – 274.

  6. Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка, с. 9 – 11, 25 – 28, 34 – 36, 41 – 43, 118 – 119, 131 – 137.

Времена глагола Past Simple и Future Simple. Фразовые глаголы. Отрицание. Вопросительные предложения. Основные двуязычные словари. Устойчивые выражения

(2 часа):

  1. Правильные и неправильные глаголы;

  2. Образование простого прошедшего времени глагола;

  3. Произношение окончания глаголов в прошедшем времени;

  4. Употребление в предложениях глаголов в простом прошедшем времени;

  5. Образование простого будущего времени, сокращённая разговорная форма;

  6. Употребление простого будущего времени;

  7. Понятие о фразовом глаголе;

  8. Употребление дополнений в предложениях с фразовыми глаголами;

  9. Многозначные фразовые глаголы;

  10. Фразовые глаголы и синонимичные им слова и словосочетания;

  11. Краткий отрицательный ответ;

  12. Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения;

  13. Отрицательные частицы;

  14. Двойное отрицание;

  15. Употребление слов nothing, nobody, nowhere, а также частицы not со словами any, anybody, anything, anywhere;

  16. Отрицательные предложения с глаголами, употреблёнными в разных временах;

17. Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях с глаголами, употребляемыми в разных временных формах;

18.Общий вопрос;

19.Специальный вопрос;

20.Альтернативный вопрос;

21.Разделительный вопрос;

22.Вопрос к подлежащему или его определению;

23.Основные современные двуязычные словари;

24.Организация материала в двуязычном словаре;

25.Структура словарной статьи;

26.Многозначность слова, синонимические ряды;

27.Прямое и переносное значения слов;

28.Слово в свободных и фразеологических сочетаниях;

29.Отличительные особенности двуязычных словарей разных авторов;

30.Устойчивые выражения: наиболее распространённые разговорные формулы-клише (обращение, приветствие, благодарность, извинение и.т.п.);

31.Устойчивые словосочетания, наиболее часто встречающиеся в профессиональной речи.


  1. Перепишите следующую историю, употребляя все глаголы, выделенные курсивом, в простом прошедшем времени:

A London Fog.

It is a very foggy day in London. The fog is so thick that it is impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxis are not able to run and are standing by the side of the road. People are trying to find their way about on foot but are losing their way in the fog. Mr. Smith has a very important meeting at the House of Commons and has to get there but no one can take him. He tries to walk there but finds he is quite lost. Suddenly he bumps into a stranger. The stranger asks if he can help him. Mr. Smith says he wants to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger tells him he will take him there. Mr. Smith thanks him and they start to walk there. The fog is getting thicker every minute but the stranger has no difficulty in finding the way. He goes along one street, turns down another, crosses a square and at last after about half an hour`s walk they arrive at the Houses of Parliament. Mr. Smith can`t understand how the stranger finds his way. “It is wonderful,” he says. “How do you find the way in this fog?”

“It is no trouble at all to me”, says the stranger. “I am blind”.

2. Прочитайте и переведите прогноз погоды из английской газеты:

Cloud and outbreaks of rain over England and Wales will clear during the morning. The afternoon will be mostly dry with bright or sunny spells, although wintry showers will develop at times in the north and north-west.

Scotland and Nothern Ireland will have another cold day with sunshine and blustery showers expected. The showers will be heavy in places and falling as snow over the high ground.

Outlook: Bright with wintry showers at times, especially in the north. Rain spreading eastwards on Monday.

Daily Express

3. Прочитайте определения часто употребляемых разговорных фразовых глаголов, а затем заполните пропуски в данных ниже предложениях:

Blow over – be forgotten; cease to arouse feeling or interest

eg – You shouldn`t have been so rude to your head of department. But don`t worry, I expect the fuss will blow over in a few days.

Catch on – become popular or fashionable

eg – Breakfast television (= TV at breakfast time) was slow to catch on in Britain.

Cry off – withdraw from some previous arrangement or agreement

eg – Roy agreed to organize the conference but I`m afraid he`ll cry off now that he`s retiring.

Fall through – fail to be completed or to take place

eg – Their idea to build a house on the coast fell through because they were refused planning permission.

Get by – manage to live more or less normally, succeed, in spite of difficulties, etc.

eg – Things are rather difficult at the moment but we`ll get by somehow.

Let up – relax one`s efforts

eg – George never lets up for a minute. I don`t know where he gets his energy from.

Pass out – lose consciousness, faint

eg – Some people pass out at the sight of blood.

Slip up – make a (careless) mistake

eg - - I forgot to change the address on the parcel.

Well, you slipped up badly there.

Split up – end a relationship; stop working together

eg – After the Beatles split up Paul McCartney started a new group. Wings.

Turn in – go to bed

eg – You can stay up if you like but I`m turning in.

  1. – I haven`t seen Philip and Alison together lately.

Oh, didn`t you know? They`ve………….. .

(2) It sounds a good idea but do you think it will……. .

(3) – I thought you were going on a Central Asian tour in the spring.

I was, but unfortunately it………….. .

(4) When the details were published there was a big scandal but it soon…….. .

(5) I`ve had a hard day today, so I think I`ll…….early tonight.

(6) Somebody has………… .I was told that the lecture was at 7 o`clock but according to the timetable it`s at 8.30.

(7) It`s very inconsiderate of Barbara to…………at the last minute. How can we find anyone else to baby-sit at such short notice?

(8) Mother`s on her feet from morning till night. If she doesn`t………..soon she`ll make herself ill.

(9) When Marion heard that the plane her parents were traveling in had crashed she……….. .

(10) – Sheila seems to have a lot of problems at home.

Yes, but don`t worry. She`ll……….. .

4. Переведите отрицательные предложения на английский язык два раза, но сначала используйте частицу no, а затем частицу not:

  1. У меня нет денег.

  2. У него нет друзей.

  3. Он не солдат.

  4. Я не пишу писем.

  5. Он не дурак.

  6. Она не была медсестрой.

  7. Они не будут писать стихи.

  8. У нас не было мелочи.

5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

  1. It is our classroom.

  2. It`s a light room.

  3. The walls in my room are yellow.

  4. This cup is white.

  5. They are new ties.

  6. The table is at the window.

  7. The chairs are at the table.

  8. Klimov is our teacher.

6. Составьте список устойчивых выражений, которыми вы пользуетесь в повседневной жизни.

7.Составьте список устойчивых выражений, которые пригодятся вам в вашей профессиональной деятельности.


1. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 1, с. 522, 528, 532 - 535, 538, 540 - 542, 549 – 550, 555 – 556, 563, 566 – 567, 569, 581 – 586.

2. Коссман Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка, с. 36 – 45, 56 – 58, 103 – 106.

3.Куценко Л.И. Английский язык, с. 23 – 24, 31 – 33, 48 – 56.

4.Панова И.И. Английский для начинающих, с. 19 – 20, 31 – 33, 47, 62 - 63, 76 – 79, 93, 108, 134 – 135, 203 – 205, 242 – 243.

5.Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка, с. 48 – 52, 137 – 143.

6.Eckersley and Macaulay. Brighter Grammar, c. 159 – 165.

7. Jane Povey. Phrasal Verbs and How to Use Them.

8.Новый большой англо-русский словарь в 3-х томах под общим руководством Ю.Д. Апресяна, М., 2000.

9.Мюллер В.К. Новый русско-английский словарь, М., 2005.

10.Мюллер В.К. Новый англо-русский словарь, М., 2004.

11.Ахманова О.С. и др. Русско-английский словарь: 160000 слов и словосочетаний, М., 1997.

12.О`Брайн М.А. Новый русско-английский и англо-русский словарь, М., 1999.

13.Оксфордский русско-английский словарь: 70000 слов, сост. Маркус Уиллер, М., 1994.

14.Hornby A.S. Oxford student`s dictionary of current English, Oxford, 1978.

15.Бурова З.И. Лексический минимум по английскому языку для гуманитарных вузов, М., 1982.

16.Гарибян С.А. Мой новый Вавилон: Словарь ключей запоминания 1300 английских слов, М., 1996.

Интонация английского предложения. Present Perfect. Модальные глаголы. Неличные формы глагола: инфинитив и герундий. Словообразование. Стилистика

(4 часа):

1. Нисходящий ядерный тон в повествовательных фразах;

2.Фразовое ударение;

3.Редукция гласных в служебных словах;

4.Восходящий тон;

5.Употребление восходящего тона в общих вопросах;

6.Интонация разделительных вопросов;

7.Интонация специальных вопросов;

8.Интонация альтернативных вопросов;

9.Употребление низкого восходящего тона в незавершённых интонационных группах;

10.Характер действия, выражаемого глаголом в данном времени;

11.Образование данной временной формы глагола;

12.Разница между формами глагола Present Perfect и Past Simple;

13.Особенности и употребление модальных глаголов;

14.Лексическое значение модальных глаголов can, must, may, should, ought to, be to, have to;

15.Эквиваленты некоторых модальных глаголов;

16.Личные и неличные формы глагола;

17.Герундий, его формы, образование и употребление;

18.Инфинитив, его формы, образование и употребление;

19.Образование новых слов при помощи суффиксов и приставок;

20.Образование новых слов путём словосложения;

21.Конверсия (переход одной части речи в другую);

22.Языковая система, функциональные стили;

23.Основные противопоставления на уровне нормы;

24.Поэтический стиль;

25.Научный стиль;

26.Разговорный стиль;

27.Газетно-публицистический стиль.


1. Произнесите следующие распространённые вопросы. Следите за постепенным понижением голоса на каждом ударном слоге в предъядерной части:

(1)`Is this `text `difficult? (5) `Is their `flat `big?

(2) `Is this `sentence `simple? (6) `Is `his `name `Flint?

(3) `Is that `hat `dear? (7) Is `Ted’s sister `nine?

(4) `Is this `meat `fat? (8) Is `Sam’s `child `little?

2. Прочитайте следующие фразы. Соблюдайте ассимиляцию на стыке слов в следующих фразах:

(1) It’s a `lamp. (5) It’s a `lake.

(2) It’s a `big lamp. (6) It’s a `deep lake.

(3) It’s a `cat. (7) It’s a `day.

(4) It’s a `black cat. (8) It’s a `sad day.

3.Произнесите следующие специальные вопросы. Следите за высоким уровнем голоса на первом ударном слоге (вопросительном слове) и крутизной падения голоса на ядерном слоге:

    1. `What’s `this? (4) `What is Tom’s `job?

    2. `Where `is he? (5) `What has he in this `box?

    3. `Why is he `late? (6) `What’s there on the `floor?

4.Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол либо во времени Present Perfect, либо во времени Past Simple:

  1. I just (tell) you the answer.

  2. I (tell) you the answer yesterday.

  3. George never (sail) to America up to the present.

  4. John and Richard just (go) away.

  5. She already (answer) it the letter.

  6. She (answer) it on Tuesday.

  7. John and David (go) away five minutes ago.

  8. I (read) that book in the summer holidays.

  9. The baker (sell) now all his cakes.

  10. He (sell) the last one half an hour ago.

5.Выберите один из подчеркнутых модальных глаголов:

  1. We mustn`t / don`t have to go to school on Tuesday. It`s a holiday.

  2. In this country, you have to / should have an identity card.

  3. Sorry, I`m late. I must / had to go to the doctor`s.

  4. You don`t have to / shouldn`t eat so much chocolate. It`s bad for you!

  5. I`m sorry, but I`m not able to / don`t have to meet you tomorrow.

  6. You mustn`t / don`t have to leave the room without permission.

  7. David is only ten, but he must / can play chess very well.

  8. Where did you have to / must you go yesterday?

  9. I don`t think you must / should go out today.

  10. Sorry, I don`t understand. I can`t / mustn`t speak German.

6.Перепишите предложения, употребив инфинитив вместо слов, выделенных курсивом:

  1. I like a walk along the sea-shore.

  2. The shipwrecked sailors were overjoyed at the sight of land.

  3. Truthfulness is sometimes more difficult than winning a battle.

  4. I was glad at the sound of his voice.

  5. I should be sorry if I heard that you couldn’t do this exercise.

  6. Richard was told that he must not touch the cakes.

  7. Mr. Brown asked if he could see the headmaster.

  8. I was very sorry when I heard that you had had an accident.

  9. Richard said that he did not expect that he would get all the exercise right.

  10. The boys laughed when they saw the comical tricks of the clown.

  11. George asked if he could borrow John’s bicycle.

  12. The explorer said that he hoped that he would reach the North Pole.

  13. If I don’t prepare my work it is certain that the teacher will ask me a question that I can’t answer.

7.В следующих предложениях подчеркните герундий:

  1. Swimming is a very enjoyable exercise.

  2. I like swimming very much.

  3. John is fond of swimming but Margaret prefers dancing.

  4. Every Friday afternoon we have singing.

  5. Richard doesn’t like singing very much.

  6. We use a knife and fork for eating meat.

  7. You will only succeed by trying hard.

  8. Mr. Green likes gardening; but he doesn’t like cutting the grass.

  9. I don’t want to force you into doing something against your will.

  10. Richard hates getting up early in the morning.

8.Раскройте скобки и прибавьте к слову суффикс или приставку:

  1. If the word is important, (line) it.

  2. Thank you for inviting me. It was an (enjoy) evening.

  3. I enjoyed this programme. It was really (interest).

  4. Harry was (honest), and stole his friend`s money.

  5. Thank you very much. You`ve been very (help).

  6. Mary cried all night, and felt very (happy).

  7. Don`t touch the lion! That`s (danger).

9.Определите стиль следующего текста:

- Have you interrogate the accused?

- Yes, I have, several times.

- Was it an official interrogation?

- Yes, The objective was to learn the facts and circumstances concerning the crime.

- Has the accused admitted his guilt?

- Oh, no. He alleged to be innocent.

- And have you already interviewed the witnesses?

- Yes, and their statements substantiate the guilt of the accused.

- Have you got the records of the interrogations of the accused and the witnesses?

- Oh, yes, they are in the safe.


1).Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка, Ленинград, 1973.

2).Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 1, с. 522, 528, 533, 535, 538, 540 – 541, 550, 563, 566 – 569, 571 – 578.

3).Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 2, с. 471 – 476, 480 – 487, 525. 4).Коссман Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка, с. 48 – 53, 74 – 85.

5).Куценко Л.И. Английский язык, с. 31 – 33, 44, 64, 68, 72 – 73, 86, 114, 144 – 145, 177 – 180, 202 – 210, 228 – 229.

6).Панова И.И. Английский для начинающих, с. 19 – 20, 31 – 33, 47, 63, 78 – 79, 93, 108, 168, 187, 243 – 244, 299 – 300, 313 – 314.

7).Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка, с.58 – 61, 88 – 97, 100 – 117, 155 – 158.

Времена глагола Past Perfect, Future Perfect, Past continuous Future и Continuous. Пассивный залог. Причастие. Согласование времен. Придаточные времени и условия. Дробные числительные

(4 часа):

  1. характер действия, которое выражается при помощи временной формы Past Perfect, образование и употребление данного времени;

  2. характер действия, которое выражается при помощи временной формы Future Perfect, образование и употребление данного времени;

  3. характер действия, которое выражается при помощи временной формы Past Continuous, образование и употребление данного времени;

  4. характер действия, которое выражается при помощи временной формы Future Continuous, образование и употребление данного времени;

  5. различия в употреблении Past Perfect, Past Continuous и Past Simple;

  6. различия в употреблении Future Perfect, Future Continuous и Future Simple;

  7. активный залог глагола и залог пассивный;

  8. образование, временные формы и употребление пассивного залога;

  9. причастие как часть речи;

  10. действительное и страдательное причастие;

  11. временные формы причастия;

  12. употребление причастий в предложениях;

  13. сложное предложение с подчинительной связью;

  14. смена времён в придаточных предложениях, если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения в прошедшем времени;

  15. изменение модальных глаголов в придаточных предложениях;

  16. придаточные предложения обстоятельственные временные;

  17. придаточные предложения обстоятельственные условные;

  18. употребление таких придаточных в составе сложных предложений и невозможность использования глагольной формы будущего времени;

19.простые дроби (написание и произношение);

20.десятичные дроби (написание и произношение).


  1. Переведите предложения, употребляя глагол либо во времени Past Simple, либо Past Continuous, либо во времени Past Perfect:

  1. Он прочёл книгу до пяти часов.

  2. К одиннадцати Кэти закончили всю работу.

  3. Когда я пришёл, он уже прочитал книгу и смотрел телевизор.

  4. Иоганн заметил, что Анна вдруг остановилась у двери в прихожую и смотрела на него, широко раскрыв глаза.

  5. Он закрыл окно и сел в кресло.

  6. Когда она проснулась на следующее утро, Артур исчез.

  7. Я сожалею о том, что случилось вчера вечером.

  1. В следующих предложениях подчеркните глагол, определите его время (одно из будущих) и объясните употребление:

  1. He will have done his lessons by five o`clock.

  2. You`ll have forgotten me by then.

  3. I hope you will have had a good sleep by that time.

  4. I shall be cleaning up when you come with my things.

  5. She will be typing while I am putting my notes in order.

  6. I shall take the book from the library tomorrow.

  7. He will go to the swimming-pool every other day.

3.В следующем тексте раскройте скобки и употребите глагол в активной либо в пассивной форме:


The first man-made fibre

Nylon (invent) in the early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill. Other scientists (work) with his invention and finally on 27 October 1938, Nylon (introduce) to the world. It was cheap and strong and immediately (become) successful, especially in the making of ladies` stockings.

During the Second World War, the best present for many women was a pair of nylon stockings, but more importantly, it (use) to make parachutes and tyres.

Today, nylon (find) in many things: carpets, ropes, seat belts, furniture, computers, and even spare parts for the human body. It (play) an important part in our lives for over 50 years. Next year about 36 million tons of it (manufacture).

4.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle 1 и Participle 2:

  1. A person taking a bath is our patient.

  2. A person taking to the hospital was his brother.

  3. The letter written by him was very long.

  4. Don`t make mistakes writing a letter.

  5. The question put to the professor were important.

  6. While putting the flowers into the vase he broke it.

  7. I saw my friend saying good bye to his girl-friend.

  8. She didn`t understand word said by him.

  9. He didn`t see the things kept in her box.

  10. Ann entered the room keeping a book in her hand.

5.Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени. Обратите внимание на изменения, происходящие в придаточных предложениях:

  1. Christy says he will tell you the truth.

  2. Nobody knows what she means.

  3. We think that he is joking.

  4. John says he knows how I feel.

  5. Harry doesn`t know when his cousin will come.

  6. I can`t believe she has done it.

  7. He thinks they are driving to the country.

  8. She is sure we will be glad to meet her.

  9. I don`t know where she is.

  10. I don`t think they will be having breakfast so early.

  11. We hope they have noticed us.

  12. He doesn`t suppose she speaks so much.

  13. She says she will let me know when they come.

  14. I think he came in a taxi.

  15. They are sure we will be waiting for them in the bar.

6.Переведите следующие предложения и определите вид придаточного предложения:

  1. Когда я вошёл в комнату, я увидел там Петю.

  2. Я смотрела телевизор после того, как я приготовила уроки.

  3. В то время как я закончила одеваться, раздался звонок в дверь.

  4. Он даст мне эту книгу, если она у него есть.

  5. Я буду чувствовать, что вы в большей безопасности, если вы будете возле меня.

  6. Если я тебе когда-нибудь понадоблюсь, я всегда буду здесь.

  7. Когда он прочтёт эту книгу, он вернёт её в библиотеку.

  8. «Если я буду нужна вам, только позовите», - сказала миссис Макфайл.

  9. Я не знаю, что она скажет, когда увидит это.

7.Запишите словами следующие дробные числительные:

1/5 ton, ½ kilometer, ¼ kilometer, 2/5 ton, 0.5, 3.215,53.75 tons.


  1. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 1, с. 543, 582, 604 – 607, 636 – 637, 570 – 571, 589 – 592, 598 – 602.

  2. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 2, с. 463 – 465, 499.

  3. Коссман Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка, с. 46 – 48, 53 – 56, 59 – 63, 66 – 72, 86 – 89, 110 – 112, 123 – 124.

  4. Куценко Л.И. Английский язык, с. 69 – 71, 87 – 90, 116 – 122, 146 – 152.

  5. Панова И.И. Английский для начинающих, с. 379 – 380, 393 – 394, 453 – 454.

  6. Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка, с. 55 – 48, 61 – 64, 70 – 76, 97 – 100, 146 – 148.

Времена группы Perfect Continuous. Прямая и косвенная речь. Сложное подлежащее и сложное дополнение. Сослагательное наклонение

(2 часа):

1.характер действия, выражаемого перфектно-длительными формами глагола;

2.прошедшее, настоящее и будущее перфектно-длительное время;

3.сравнительная характеристика перфектных, длительных и перфектно-длительных временных форм глагола;

4.способы передачи чужой речи в языке (прямая и косвенная речь);

5.построение предложений в прямой речи;

6.языковые трансформации при переходе прямой речи в косвенную; 7.особенности конструкции сложное дополнение;

8.особенности конструкции сложное подлежащее;

9. изъявительное, повелительное и сослагательное наклонение;

10.сослагательное 1, образование, употребление;

11.сослагательное 2, образование, употребление.


1. Подчеркните в предложениях глагол во времени Present Perfect Continuous и объясните употребление такой временной формы:

  1. He has been doing his lessons since 2 o`clock.

  2. She has been watching TV for two hours.

  3. For how long have you been learning English?

  4. He`s been travelling since 6 this morning.

  5. Let`s take a walk. I`ve been sitting around all day.

  6. What have you been doing lately?

  7. Show me the book you have just been reading.

  8. You look very shaken. What has been happening?

2.Трансформируйте следующие предложения в прямую речь:

  1. She said that she was leaving at six.

  2. He said Peter often went fishing.

  3. She said she would be back later.

  4. I said that I had just seen Mark.

  5. Alan said that they had left at 6.00.

  6. Helen said that she was working.

  7. I said that we were late.

  8. He said he would phone back.

  9. David said that he felt all right.

  10. She said she loved ice-cream.

3.Трансформируйте следующие предложения в косвенную речь:

  1. “I`m leaving”, she said.

  2. “I saw the film on Monday”, Tom said.

  3. “I`ve missed the bus”, Maria said.

  4. “We live in Marsden Street”, they said.

  5. “I`ll phone at 6.00”, Anna said.

  6. “I`m having a good time”, said Carol.

  7. “We`re arriving at 9.00”, they said.

  8. “I forgot to do my work”, said Al.

  9. “I`m wrong”, he said.

  10. “I`ve hurt my arm”, said Harry.

4.Составьте предложения с конструкцией сложное дополнение, используя следующие глаголы и словосочетания:

  1. to want, to make an appointment,

to expect, to arrange an outing,

should (would) like to be settled,

to clear up,

to give up a hobby,

to encourage one`s interest,

to keep something dry,

to put something down to,

to avoid

  1. to see, complain of something (to somebody),

to hear, put up a notice,

to watch, apologize to somebody,

to notice train for,

refuse to do something,

make an appointment,


  1. to find, one`s reasons, convincing,

to consider the matter, urgent,

the arrangement, convenient

the matter, settled,

the occasion, to be worth celebrating,

the complaint, to be worth considering,

the attempt (the film, the play), to be a


  1. to ask, to stay in the shade,

to order, to produce an explanation,

to tell, to come at the appointed time,

to allow (not) to give away,

to put off,

(not) to stare,

(not) to refuse

  1. to make, give in,

to let put up with,

take advantage of,


5. Перефразируйте предложения, используя Complex Subject:

  1. They are very happy. It seems so.

  2. It seems he is a genius in Math.

  3. It seemed she was working hard.

  4. It turned out that the translation of this text was uneasy.

  5. It happened that she was stopped by the police.

  6. It turned out that my watch was wrong.

  7. It seems that they are looking for something.

  8. It appeared that we have lost the way in the darkness.

  9. It did not seem that the question had been solved.

6.Прочитайте о том, что сделали бы эти люди, если бы у них было много денег. А вы? Что бы вы сделали, если бы были самым богатым человеком в мире? Запишите 3 предложения о том, что бы вы сделали и 3 предложения о том, чего бы делать не стали:

Anne If I were the richest person in the world, I would live in America.

John I wouldn`t spend my money if I were the richest person in the world. I would invest it.

Mr Thomas If I were the richest man in the world, I would give my money to my family and friends.

Miss Grant If I were the richest woman in the world, I would buy a fast car. I`ve always wanted a Ferrari.


  1. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 1, с. 591 – 592, 597, 602, 607.

  2. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 2, с. 466 – 468, 476 – 479, 481 – 482.

  3. Коссман Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка, с. 72 – 74, 113 – 117.

  4. Куценко Л.И. Английский язык, с. 122 – 123, 180 – 182, 415 – 417, 431 – 432.

  5. Панова И.И. Английский для начинающих, с. 340 – 341.

  6. Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка, с. 64 – 69, 78 – 87, 148 – 152.

Юридическая литература. Газетно-журнальный информационный текст по специальности. Деловое письмо. Юридическая документация. Отраслевые словари и справочники. Базовая терминологическая лексика по специальности

(4 часа):

  1. особенности юридических текстов;

  2. разнообразие юридической литературы;

  3. особенности стиля газетной и журнальной статьи;

  4. особенности подачи материала в статье, посвящённой правовым вопросам;

5.типы деловых писем;

6.составные части делового письма;

7.основные сокращения, употребляемые в деловых письмах;

8. стилистика делового письма, устойчивые словосочетания;

9.типы британских фирм;

10.стилистические особенности документов физических и юридических лиц;

11.виды документов физических лиц;

12.виды документов юридических лиц;

13.составление и перевод таких документов;

терминологические словосочетания;

14.основные двуязычные юридические словари;

15.толковые юридические словари;

16.структура юридических словарей и особенности изложения материала;

17.справочники и справочные пособия по специальности, их содержание.


1. Прочитайте текст из области Administration of the law:

Government Responsibilities

The United Kingdom judiciary is entirely independent of the Government and is not subject to ministerial direction or control. Responsibility for the administration of justice rests with the Lord Chancellor, the Home Secretary and the Secretaries of State for Scotland and Northern Ireland. Also concerned is the Prime Minister, who recommends the highest judicial appointments to the Crown.

England and Wales

The Lord Chancellor is the head of the judiciary (and sometimes sits as a judge in the House of Lords): he is concerned with court procedure and is responsible for the administration of all courts other than magistrates` and coroners` courts, and for a number of administrative tribunals. He appoints magistrates, and has general responsibility for the legal aid and advice schemes. He is also responsible for the administration of civil law reform.

The Home Secretary is concerned with the criminal law, the police service, prisons, and the probation and after-care service; and has general supervision over magistrates` court, together with some specific responsibilities (such as approving the appointment of justices` clerks). Prison policy and the administration of custodial centres are functions of the Home Office Prison Department, and the

Home Secretary appoints to each prison establishment a Board of Visitors representing the local community who need to satisfy themselves as to the state of prison premises, administration and treatment of inmates. They are required to report to the Home Secretary any abuse or matter of concern which comes to their attention. Boards have disciplinary powers in relation to serious breaches of discipline and hear applications or complaints from inmates. The Home Secretary is advised by a special Parole Board on the release of prisoners on license.

Responsibility for the treatment of offenders under 17 is shared between the Home Office and the Department of Health. The Home Secretary is also responsible for advising the Queen on the exercise of the royal prerogative of mercy to pardon a person convicted of a crime or to remit all or part of a penalty imposed by a court.

The Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General are the Government`s principal advisers on English law, and represent the Crown in appropriate domestic and international cases. They are senior barristers, elected members of the House of Commons and hold ministerial posts. The Attorney-General is also Attorney-General for Northern Ireland. As well as exercising various civil law functions, the Attorney-General has final responsibility for enforcing the criminal law; the Director of Public Prosecutions is subject to the Attorney-General`s superintendence. The Attorney-General is concerned with instituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings, but must exercise an independent discretion, and must not be influenced by government colleagues. The Solicitor-General is, in effect, the deputy of the Attorney-General.


The Secretary of State for Scotland recommends the appointment of all judges other than the most serious ones, appoints the staff of the High Court of Justiciary and the Court of Session, and is responsible for the composition, staffing and organization of the sheriff courts. District courts are staffed and administered by the district and islands local authorities. The Secretary of State is also responsible for the criminal law of Scotland, crime prevention, and the police and the penal system, and is advised on parole matters by the Parole Board for Scotland. The Secretary of State is also responsible for legal aid in Scotland.

The Lord Advocate and the Solicitor-General for Scotland are the chief legal advisers to the Government on Scottish questions and the principal representatives of the Crown for the purposes of litigation in Scotland. Both are government ministers. The Lord Advocate is closely concerned with questions of legal policy and administration and is also responsible for the Scottish parliamentary draftsmen. He has overall responsibility for the prosecution of crime in Scotland and, although he holds a ministerial post, he must exercise an independent discretion on carrying out this responsibility.

Northern Ireland

The administration of all courts is the responsibility of the Lord Chancellor, while the Northern Ireland Office, under the Secretary of State, deals with the police and the penal system. The Lord Chancellor has general responsibility for the legal aid and advice scheme in Northern Ireland.

2.Проверьте своё понимание текста. Прочитайте предложение и выберите один из трёх вариантов высказываний по поводу него:

  1. The United Kingdom judiciary is entirely independent.

a – it is mostly true; it is independent of the Government and is subject to ministerial direction or control;

b – it is independent of the Government and is not subject to ministerial direction or control but there is a special Board of Lords which influences the administration of judiciary;

c – yes, it is true, it is entirely independent of the Government and is not subject to ministerial direction or control. It is under the supervision of the public and mass media.

  1. The Lord Chancellor is the head of the judiciary, he appoints magistrates, and has general responsibility for the legal aid and advice schemes.

a – no, it is not true. The Lord Chancellor is concerned with the criminal law and appoints the heads of the police service;

b – it is partly true; the Lord Chancellor is really the head of the judiciary, but he does not appoint magistrates as it is a function of a local authority;

c – yes, these are his powers and he is also responsible for the administration of civil law reform.

  1. The Home Secretary appoints to each prison establishment a Board of Visitors representing the local community.

a – it is not true. The Home Secretary appoints a special independent adviser to control the state of prison premises;

b – yes, it is true, it should be added that the functions of such Boards are great. They must be aware of all the events that take place in prison: how inmates are treated and administered. These Boards have certain disciplinary powers.

c – yes, such Boards of Visitors function, but their functions are limited, they are only required to report to the Home Secretary any abuse or matter of concern which comes to their attention.

  1. Responsibility for the treatment of offenders under 17 is shared between the Home Office and the Department of Health.

a – no, it is not quite true, as responsibility for the treatment of offenders under 17 is a direct function of the Department of Health;

b – it is a matter of concern of a special medical committee which is directly subject to the Government;

c – yes, it is true. All the matters connected with treatment of young offenders are under the jurisdiction of the Home Office and the Department of Health.

(5) The Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General are the Government`s principal advisers on English law.

a – they are advisers, but they are not principal ones; for these purposes there exists a special law committee of Parliament;

b – the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General have many office functions, but the function of the Government`s advisers on English law is not principal for them;

c - yes, it is true, in addition, they represent the Crown in appropriate domestic and international cases. They are senior barristers, elected members of the House of Commons and hold ministerial posts.

(6)The Attorney-General is concerned with instituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings.

a – a special law committee deals with instituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings. This committee is not under the Attorney-General;

b – yes, it is true, these matters are under the jurisdiction of the Attorney-General and it should be added, that the members of the government do not have a right to exercise influence on the Attorney-General;

c – the High Courts deal with instituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings.

(7)District courts are staffed and administered by the district and islands local authorities in Scotland.

a – these matters are under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State in Scotland;

b – these matters are under the jurisdiction of the High Court in Scotland;

c – yes, it is true.

(8) The Lord Advocate is closely concerned with questions of legal policy and administration and is also responsible for the Scottish parliamentary draftsmen.

a – the Lord Advocate is concerned with questions of legal policy but he is not responsible for the Scottish parliamentary draftsmen;

b – the Lord Advocate has overall responsibility for the prosecution of crime in Scotland, but he does not deal with parliamentary draftsmen;

c – these questions are under the jurisdiction of the Lord Advocate in Scotland.

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