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XII. Вопросы для подготовки к экзамену

1. Phonetic system of the English language

2. The need for law

3. Nouns and personal pronouns

4. The first laws: laws of Babylon

5. Verb to be

6. The first laws: ancient Greece and Rome

7. Structure of a simple sentence

8. The foundation of British law: the Magna Carta

9. Adverbs

10. The foundation of British law: Habeas Corpus Act

11. Article

12. The foundation of British law: the Petition of Right and the Bill of Rights

13. Adjective

14. The European law of the 19th century: Napoleon`s Code

15. Possessive and demonstrative pronouns

16. The study of crime

17. Impersonal sentence

18. Crimes and Criminals

19. Possessive case of a noun

20. The causes of crime

21. Сardinal and ordinal numerals

22. Punishment

23. Adjective, adverb and degrees of comparison

24. The purpose of state punishment

25. Construction there is / there are

26. Treatment of criminals

27. Past Simple Tense

28. Capital punishment: history

29. Phrasal verbs

30. Capital punishment: for and against

31. Negative

32. The history of police forces

33. Basic bilingual dictionaries

34. Police powers

35. Present Perfect Tense

36. Police and the public

37. Modal verbs

38. Scotland Yard

39. Infinitive

40. Police techniques

41. Word formation

42. Origins of the Jury

43. Stylistics

44. Jury duty

45. Passive Voice

46. Selection of the trial jury

47. Participle

48. In the courtroom

49. Sequence of tenses

50. Kinds of cases

51. Subordinate clauses of time and condition

52. Steps of the trial

53. Decimals and fractions

54. The value of juries

55. Direct and reported speech

56. Penal and correctional institutions throughout history

57. Complex object

58. Prison Population

59. Subjunctive mood

60. Prison life

61. Juridical texts (letters, documents, articles etc.)

62. Alternatives to prison

63. Juridical dictionaries and reference books. Basic terminological vocabulary

64. Rehabilitation

65. Present Continuous Tense

66. Cain. Mata Hari. Billy the Kid

67. Pronouns some, any

68. Sir Thomas More

69. Future Simple Tenses

70. John Locke

71. Past Perfect Tense

72. Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu

73. Perfect Continuous Tenses

74. Voltaire

75. Present Simple Tense

76. Jeremy Bentham

77. Gerund

78. Caligula. Guy Fawkes. Alessandro Cagliostro

79. Future-in-the-Past

80. Jack the Ripper. Bonnie and Clyde. Frank Costello

81. Сomplex subject

82. Benito Mussoliny. Adolf Hitler. Joseph Stalin

83. Future Perfect Tense

84. Alphonse Capone. George Blake. Osama Bin Laden

85. Future Continuous Tense

86. The stupidest criminals

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