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29. Intonation. The problem of its definition. Different approaches

Intonation is the main factor that turns a word or a combination of words into a sentence. Pronounced in isolation, as items of vocabulary, i.e. without context or life situation, words do not form sentences, e.g. "fire" or "speak" or "louder". They become sentences only when they are pronounced with a particular tone, loudness, duration and voice timbre determined by a particular context, i.e. with a definite intonation, e.g. "Fire!" or "Speak louder!".

Intonation is a linguistic category. It may be defined as a complex unity of the following components: speech melody, sentence stress, temporal characteristics (duration, pausation, tempo and rhythm) and timbre.

This broad definition of intonation is given mainly by Russian scholars, such as Y.P. Torsuyev, V.A.Vassilyev and others. British and American phoneticians define intonation generally as variations in pitch excluding other components. (H.Palmer, D.Jones, R.Kingdon, D.Crystal and others).

There are two main approaches to the problems of intonation in the words of British phoneticians: a contour analysis and a grammatical approach.

The majority of English phoneticians, such as D.Jones, H.Palmer, R.Kingdon, J.O'Connor, D.Arnold, D.Crystal and others analyze intonation from the point of view of its contours.

In their analysis is laid on the attitudinal function of intonation that determines the type of

The second approach to the analysis of intonation is represented by M.Halliday- the analysis of the syntactical functions of intonation.

The two groups of scholars mentioned above have much in common as they regard intonation as variations in pitch. But their approach to the analysis of intonation is different.

30. Intonation. Its Notation, Different approaches.

Intonation is a linguistic category. It may be defined as a complex unity of the following components: speech melody, sentence stress, temporal characteristics (duration, pausation, tempo and rhythm) and timbre.

Notation (ways of representing intonations in the text).

There are a variety of methods for recording intonation patterns in writing.The first 3 methods reflect variations in pitch only. The first was introduced by Gh.Tries involving drawing a line around the sentence to show relative pitch heights, e.g.: He's gone to the office. According to the second method the syllables are written at different heights. by D.Bolinger. This method is quite inconvenient as its application wants a special model of print. The third method was favoured by some American linguist such as K.L.Pike. He recognized four levels of pitch - low, normal, high and extra-high, numbering them from 1-4. e.g. He's gone to the office.

The 4th method which is favoured by most of the British phoneticians such as D.Jones, R.Kingdon, J.O'Connor and, D.Crystal has been successfully developed and improved by Russian phoneticians (Sokoliva M.A. and others). This method has a number of advantages. Firstly, not only variations of pitch but also stressed syllables are marked. Secondly, distinct modifications of pitch in the nucleus syllable are indicated by special symbols, i.e. by a downward and an upward arrow or a slantwise stress mark [ , ]. More than that, it is very convenient for marking intonation in texts. One of the disadvantages of this method is that there has been no general agreement about the number of terminal tones in pre-nuclear parts. D.Jones recognizes only 2 tones. We give preference to a more complex system, such as J.O'Connor and G.F.Arnold's which has ten different nuclear tones.