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31. The main structural components of the intonation pattern

Intonation is an indispensable component of communication, because it is instrumental in conveying the meaning. It is generally acknowledged that intonation is the language universal. No language can exist and function without it. Therefore we speak about the functions of intonation. Let us consider the intonation pattern, the basic unit of intonation. The components of the intonation pattern are: nucleus, head, tail, prehead

The nucleus is the most important component of the intonation pattern.

The function of intonation pattern is to actualize syntagms in oral speech into intonation groups. Syntagm is a group of words which is semantically and syntactically complete. e.g.: I hope | you understand everything. The sentence contains 2 syntagms. But one can pronounce it in one or two intonation groups. The actualized syntagm is called the intonation group. The number of intonation groups depends on the length of the phrase and the degree of semantic importance or emphasis given to various parts of it.

32.Functions of Intonation.

The role of intonation is very important. It has the following functions: 1. It marks out syntagms (sense groups) thus making our speech intelligible. 2.The main function of intonation is the communicative function which can be realized in various ways. Intonation serves: a) to structure the information content to show whether information is new or not; b) to determine the communicative type of a sentence i.e. whether it is a sentence, a question or a demand; c) to convey connotational meanings of "attitude" such as fear, surprise or annoyance. . For example, "Thanks for helping me last night" can be given more than one meaning. . For example, "Thanks for helping me last night" can be given more than one meaning. d) intonation has grammatical function, for it determines the grammatical type of the sentence or a clause (complex, compound). Dr.M.Schubiger suggests that it would be logical to consider a sentence complex, if the clauses are spoken with the rising tone, a compound if the clauses are spoken with the failing tone.

34. Stylistic use of intonation.

Singled out the following intonational styles: 1. informational; 2.academic (scientific); 3. publicistic (oratorical); 4.declamatory (artistic); 5. conversational (familiar).

There are 3 types of intonation: a) intellectual information; b) emotional information; c) volitional information.

Informational (formal) style is characterized by the predominant use of intellectual information patterns. This intonational style is used, for instance, by radio and television announcers. It is considered to be tylistically neutral.

In scientific (academic) style intellectual and volitional intonation patterns are employed. The speaker's purpose here is not only to prove a hypothesis, but also to direct the listener's attention to the message carried in the semantic component.

In declamatory style the emotional role of intonation increases. The speaker's aim is to appeal simultaneously to the mind, the will and feelings of the listener by image-bearing devices. Declamatory style is generally acquired by special training and it is used, for instance, in stage speech classroom recitation, verse-speaking or in reading aloud fictions.

Publicistic style is characterized by predominance of volitional intonation patterns against the background of intellectual and emotional ones. The general aim of this intonational style is to influence the listener, to convince him

Publicistic style is used by political speech-makers, radio and television announcers

and judges in courts of law, etc.

The usage of familiar (conversational) style is typical of the English of everyday life. It occurs both within a family friends or well-acquainted people. In such cases it is the emotional reaction to the situation that matters. Nevertheless, intellectual and volitional intonation patterns also play a certain role.