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Англійська мова для студентів-медиків (Аврахова...doc
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      1. Do you know that:

Dietary intake of carbohydrates equals 250-800 g/day, which repre­sents 50 to 60 percent of the diet. The daily dietary protein requirement for adult is 0,5-0,7 g/kg of body weight, and for children 1-3 years of age it is 4 g/kg. Daily dietary fat intake varies widely from 25-160 g. Calcium intake averages 1000 mg daily. Iron intake averages 15-20 mg daily.

      1. Use these words and word combinations in dialogues of your own.

Chronic inflammation, sensations of heartburn, epigastric pressure, emotionally disturbed individuals, chronic gastritis, submucosal hemor­rhage, loss of weight, presence of ulceration, pyloric obstruction, tender­ness, ulcerations, subside.

      1. Remember these proverbs.

A good beginning makes a good ending. There's no accounting for tastes.

Text 2

. ten, or fifteen times —шей oy pain and


of the large intestine in which the colon becomes Jri|ia2ied,and ulceratecLft шщц||у ^^^^^n^pe^^^tween fifteen and thirty years old. The иШегІуcause of the c^^de^is not known.

The most common symptom is, a series of attacks of bloody diarrhea that vary in severity and from one person to another, and from

one attack to another. They may start suddenly in seventy-four hours. The attacks are often spasms of the bowel. Attack also may cause fefer, loss of appetite, and weight loss^.

ffess'.'The symp^

ea^between attacks, although some patients may sui*" far from mild diarrhoea. ^

' with a^tidiarr

With mud attacks, the symptoms are less alarming;. ^Ijejiatient may feel tired but usually „there are no signs of generalized і toms usually dj^ - ---- i.

Ulcerative colitis is а disame

The most serious com^Hcajtio^s are associated with a sucMen attack bloody dia^rKe^' with perj^ration of the intestine ./^ftm^fe ,^and in-

of bloody testinal bleeding.

le with ulcerative coUtis also ma^ develop anaemia; arthritis; тяйюп of the eyes; or Render n^Unes under the skin. If ulcerative colitis persists for longer than about ten years, there is a much greater than^^p^e chance of developing cancer of the соїші^.^/'

Mffifattacks of ulcerative colitis are usually freai rhoeal drugs and rest. A specia^ sulfon^tud^l^ug may control the symp­toms of a severe attack and j^ffijnj гте^гёЙоез. Treatment with corti­costeroids by mouth and as ш§®?тау also be necessary.

Persons who suffer an extremely severe attack may гёс[и^ге nospital treatment. If complications develop, such as peritonitis or intestinal bleeding, emergency surgery may be necessary.

The оиїсоте of ulcerative colitis is variable. Most patients suffer repeated attacks, over many years, and about thi^v percent eventuafly'

required some form of surgery. Patients with recurrent ulcerative colitis should have regular internal examinations of the colon to check for early signs of intestinal cancer.


I. Give answers to the questions using vocabulary given below. 1. What is affected in case of ulcerative colitis?

  1. What are the most common symptoms?

  2. May people with ulcerative colitis develop anemia and arthritis?

  3. Are there any complications after ulcerative colitis?

  4. What is an acute attack precipitated by?

Key: partial or complete obstruction, alcohol ingestion, digestion of tissues, pancreatic enzymes, nausea and vomiting, epigastric tenderness, circulatory collapse, penetrating duodenal ulcer.
