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english for law studentsчасть 2.doc
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Dialogue 1. Consulting a Lawyer

Taskread the dialogue, reproduce it a) abridged, b) in the form of a monologue.

Mrs Black: Can my husband get released from custody if I put up the necessary amount as security?

Lawyer: The court is deciding it. But as Mr Blake is charged with murder under aggravating circumstances he might not be given conditional bail before trial.

Mrs Black: He says his case won’t be heard by the Magistrates’ Court. I’ve got some hope as it is going to be decided by a jury. You see I don't believe my husband is guilty. He couldn’t do it, just couldn’t.

Lawyer: You must know it’ll take much longer to have it heard in the Crown Court. Anyhow, people prefer their cases to be conducted by their fellow-citizens.

Mrs Black: Of course, there’s less room for mistakes if 12 people make a decision. What are you planning to do if my husband is found guilty?

Lawyer: It’s too early to plan anything yet. The case is being investigated. The police haven't collected enough evidence. Some new facts might reveal he's innocent. Of course, if we don’t win I’ll appeal to the High Court for reassessment. I’m sure I’ll be able to show certain reasons for dissatisfaction.

Mrs Black: Thank you, Mr Shaw. I know it's a very time-consuming and costly procedure, but you must try all ways.

Lawyer: I say, Mrs Black, I'm ready to carry the case through the system of appeal all the way to the House of Lords. But I don’t believe there'll be necessity of the kind.

Mrs Black: I appreciate your efforts. When are they going to decide whether to release my husband before trial or not?

Lawyer: I must be present in the courtroom in half an hour. As soon as the decision's been made I'll call you or I'll bring your husband home.

Ex. 1. How is the following expressed in the dialogue?

  1. words which prove a statement, support a belief, or make a matter more clear

  2. money left with a court of law so that a prisoner may be set free until he is tried

  3. a group of people chosen to decide questions of fact in a court of law

  4. to make a strong request for help, support

  5. to be thankful or grateful

  6. to examine the reason for smth

  7. the act of hearing and judging a person

  8. a judgement or opinion

  9. expensive

  10. imprisonment

Ex. 2. Study the dialogue and find the sentences in which the speakers express:

  • agreement

  • disagreement

  • estimation

  • certainty

Ex. 3. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

  1. to release from custody

  2. to put up money as security

  3. to be charged with

  4. aggravating circumstances

  5. conditional bail

  6. to conduct a case

  1. to make a decision

  2. to collect evidence

  3. to reveal

  4. reassessment

  5. dissatisfaction

  6. time-consuming

Ex. 4. Present the information from the dialogue making use of the following verbs:

to wonder, to explain, to stress, to mention, to assure, to inform, to analyse, to inquire, to promise, to believe, to thank.

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