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english for law studentsчасть 2.doc
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Word Study

Ex. 1. Read the following words. Mind the stress. State their meanings. Consult the dictionary if necessary.















Ex. 2. Complete the list of derivatives. Use a dictionary if necessary.


noun (agent)

noun (concept)

to inspect

to refer

to enforce

to settle



to serve

to record

to claim

to liquidate

to deliver

to reserve

Ex. 3. Pair the words in column A with the ones from column B.



1. summary

a) matters

2. necessary

b) answer

3. official

c) work

4. specific

d) judgement

5. brief

e) record

6. debtor’s

f) steps

7. plaintiff’s

g) goods

8. preparatory

h) statement

Ex. 4. How are the following ideas expressed in one word?

  1. the process by which the orders of a court may be enforced;

  2. a legal order issued by the authority and in the name of the state to compel a person to do something;

  3. affirmation, admission or declaration recognizing ownership, indicating authenticity, accepting responsibility, or undertaking an obligation to do something, such as to pay a debt;

  4. the one who initially brings the suit; he who, in a personal action, seeks a remedy in a court of justice for an injury to his rights;

  5. statements, in a logical and legal form, of the facts that constitute plaintiff’s cause of action and defendant’s ground of defence;

  6. the first pleading of the plaintiff setting out the facts on which the claim is based;

  7. it is not a mere answer or denial of plaintiff’s allegation, but assertion of an independent cause of action in favour of the defendant;

  8. in legal practice, a point of fact or law disputed between the parties to the litigation, generally an assertion by one side and denial by the other.

Ex. 5. Match English and Russian equivalents.

  1. prior proceedings

    1. изучение документов;

  1. enforcement of the judgement

    1. заочное решение суда в пользу истца (вследствие неявки ответчика);

  1. issuing and serving a writ

    1. жалоба против истца;

  1. acknowledgement service

    1. доставить расписку;

  1. an exchange of pleadings

    1. принуждение к исполнению решения суда;

  1. inspection of documents

    1. предшествующие процедуры;

  1. an official record

    1. предмет судебных прений;

  1. to deliver an acknowledgement

    1. произносить заключительную речь;

  1. the object of pleadings

    1. обмен судебными прениями;

  1. a complaint against the plaintiff

    1. служба уведомления;

  1. a default judgement

    1. выписывание и доставление повестки;

  1. to make a closing speech.

    1. официальный протокол;

Ex. 6.   Choose the best alternative to complete the following sentences.

  1. The proceedings prior to trial take much / little time.

  2. Appeals procedure and enforcement of the judgement are proceedings after / before the trial.

  3. The usual method of commencing an action / arrest is to issue a writ / warrant.

  4. The form of acknowledgment is served by the plaintiff / by the defendant with the writ.

  5. A pleading must contain a brief / full statement of the facts relied on.

  6. The trial starts / ends with the plaintiff’s barrister / solicitor outlining the issues.

  7. Finally the defendant’s barrister and then the plaintiff’s barrister will make a/an opening/closing speech.

  8. The judge / foreman presents the verdict.

Ex. 7. Translate into English.

Источниками гражданского процессуального права в Англии являются прежде всего законодательные акты судоустройственного характера, определяющие структуру, компетенцию и некоторые вопросы деятельности судов соответствующих уровней (Закон о Верховном суде 1981 г., Закон о судах графств 1984 г., Закон о судах и юридических услугах 1990 г. и др.). Важную роль в регулировании гражданского судопроизводства играют законы об отправлении правосудия.

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