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Lesson 2


Presenting Yourself Successfully – Before, During & After Your Job Interview

An interview is a personal meeting with a prospective employer to assess the qualifications of an applicant for employment for a job.

There are a variety of types of interviews that employers may conduct, including behavioral interviews, group interviews, phone and video interviews, second interviews, and even interviews held during a meal.

Job interviews are always stressful - even for job seekers who have gone on countless interviews. The best way to reduce the stress is to be prepared. Take the time to review the "standard" interview questions you will most likely be asked. Also review sample answers to these typical interview questions.

Before Your Job Interview:

Learn all you can about the company or organization so that your questions are sophisticated and knowledgeable during the interview. Employers expect you to arrive knowing background information about the organization.  If you don't, you look like you're not really interested in the job. 

Prepare your clothes for your interview, making sure they are business-like, clean, pressed and conservative; make sure your hair and nails trimmed and clean. Dressing nicely and appropriately is a compliment to the person you meet. A two-piece matched suit is always the best choice for both men and women, in navy, gray or black.

Prepare papers for your interview, including extra copies of your resume, job reference lists, reference letters, legal pad for taking notes, and any other information that you may wish to have with you.

During Your Job Interview:

Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early. Don't take any chances that you might be even one minute late. If necessary, arrive 30 minutes early and wait in your car. 

Treat all people you encounter with professionalism and kindness.

Don't address the interviewer by his or her first name unless you are invited to. 

Don't chew gum or smell like smoke. Don't take cell phone calls during an interview. If you carry a cell phone, turn it off during the interview to be sure it doesn't ring.

Don't ever interrupt the interviewer, even if you are anxious and enthusiastic about answering the question.

Be aware of your non-verbal behaviors - sit straight, smile as often as you can, maintain eye contact but don't stare the interviewer down, lean forward but not invading the interviewer's space. Sit still in your seat; avoid fidgeting and slouching.

Don't be shy or self-effacing. You want to be enthusiastic, confident and energetic, but not aggressive, pushy or egotistic.

Don't make negative comments about previous employers or professors (or others).

Listen very carefully to each question you are asked and give thoughtful, to-the-point and honest answers. Ask for clarification if you don't understand a question.

Always thank the interviewer for his or her time at the close of the interview and establish a follow-up plan.

When the interviewer concludes the interview, offer a firm handshake and make eye contact. Depart gracefully.

After the Interview:

After the interview, make notes right away so you don't forget critical details.

If you are working with a search firm or recruiter, call that recruiter immediately while the facts of the interview are fresh on your mind. The recruiter will want to know what you thought went well and what you may have concerns about.

Don't call the employer back immediately. If the employer said they would have a decision in a week, it is OK to call them in a week, again to thank them for the interview and reiterate your interest.

If you receive word that another candidate was chosen, you may also send a follow-up letter to that employer, again thanking him or her for the opportunity to interview for the position. Let them know that should another or similar position open in the future, you would love to have the opportunity to interview again.


Exercise 1. A. Match the words and expressions in the box with the headings below.

Job seekers





Job offer

Pension plan







Health insurance


Company car





1. fringe benefits ……………………. ………………………..

2. education ……………………. ……………………….

3. stages in recruiting ……………………. ……………………….

4. personal qualities …………………… ……………………….

5. people looking for work ……………….. ……………………….

B. Now put the words you have chosen to the headingstages in recruiting’ in the correct order.

Exercise 2. Complete the conversation using the words given below.


fringe benefits



personal details






job offer

job title

job description

curriculum vitae

job advertisement

George: Good news about your new job, Tony.

Tony: Yes. I saw a ………. in the newspaper. The …………. seemed just right for him.

George: What about the money?

Tony: The ………. was good too. So I sent in a letter of ………….. along with my ………… .Three weeks later they said I was on their …………….. of six ………….. for the job. They asked me to go for an ……….. . There were four ………….. , and they asked hundreds of questions.

George: What about?

Tony: Well, first they checked my ……….- age, family, education, and that sort of thing. Then they asked about my …………… from college. And they wanted to know about my work ……… - what jobs I’ve done in the last three years.

George: Did they offer you job immediately?

Tony: No, they made a formal written ………. .

George: So, what exactly is your new ……….. ?

Tony: Assistant Sales Manager.

George: Sounds good. Do you get any nice …………. with the job?

Tony: Well, a car of course, and the holidays are good.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps in the text below with appropriate words on the right.

When there is a __________ (1) in a company, it is the job of the Personnel Manager and his department to manage the recruitment of a new ____________ (2) . One way an organization can find staff for job vacancies is __________ (3) in-company. Management can inform people of new appointments by means of the firm's notice board or news bulletin. Another possibility is to ask for __________ (4) from departmental managers and supervisors.

If it is necessary to recruit outside the company, the personnel department may use commercial and government __________ (5) or consultants. It may prefer to put its own advertisement in a __________ (6) or magazine.

It is usual for an advertisement to give a short description of the __________ (7) , conditions of work and salary, and to invite introductory letters from __________ (8) . After studying these, management decides who receives an application form. .



employment offices


to recruit




Exercise 4. Answer the following questions. Think of a job you would like to have . Make up a conversation with your partner.

  1. What is your future profession?

  2. Did you have a dilemma in choosing your profession?

  3. Did your parents impose their views, likes and dislikes on you?

  4. When did you make a choice to become a lawyer / an economist / a secretary?

  5. What do you have to do to master English?

  6. What is your regular business?

  7. Do you have a big personnel?

  8. How do you earn your living?

  9. What special education does your profession require?

  10. How many hours a day do you work?

  11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your job? Give the reasons.

Exercise 5. A. Work in pairs. Imagine that a friend is going to start a new job. Decide which are the six most important pieces of advice that you’d give to your friend for his first day at work. Which of these tips do you disagree with?

Arrive twenty minutes early.

Wear your smartest clothes.

Go to the hairdresser’s the day before.

Smile at everybody you meet.

Make a note of everything somebody tells you.

Show your new colleagues pictures of your family.

If you’re a smoker, don’t smoke in an office you share with someone.

Enquire about the company pension scheme.

B. Add two more pieces of advice you’d give to someone starting a new job.

Exercise 6. Have a look at the Interview Questions below. How would you answer them? You can consult best answers on http://jobsearch.about.com/od/interviewquestionsanswers/a/interviewquest.htm

Who was your best boss and who was the worst?

Why are you leaving your job?

Why were you fired?

What is your greatest weakness?

What is your greatest strength?

How do you handle stress and pressure?

What motivates you?

What are your salary expectations?

How would you describe the pace at which you work?

Tell me about yourself.

What do people most often criticize about you?

What type of work environment do you prefer?

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