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Адаптация к стрессорным ситуациям и физическим нагрузкам. Меерсон Ф.З. / Адаптация к стрессорным ситуациям и физическим нагрузкам. Ф.З. Меерсон.doc
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Дополнительный список литературы

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By F. Z. Meerson and M. G, Pshennikova Moscow, "Meditsina", 1988, 256 pp., illustr.

Readership: pathophysiologists, cardiologists, internists.

The text deals with mechanism of organism's adaptation to physical loads and stress situations and application of the adaptation and its chemical ''mediators" for prevention and treatment of noninfectious diseases. It substantiates a new concept of stress-limiting systems of the organism and proves that the use of these systems' metabolites and their synthetic analogues enables physicians to successfully prevent and treat a variety of stress lesions of the organism from ulcerative affections of the mucous membrane of the stomach to cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac fibrillation in myocardial infarction.

Contents: Introduction. Mechanism of adaptation of physical loads. Defensive effects of adaptation to physical loads. Adaptation to stress situations and its defensive effects. Mechanism of adaptation to stress situations and stresslimiting systems of the organism. Prevention of cardiac fibrillation by means of adaptation to stress situations and other environmental factors. Prevention of cardiac arrhythmia by means of metabolites and activators of the stress-limiting systems. Conclusion. References.