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How to Lay the Table

I like to lay the table carefully (тщательно), especially when we have an important guest to dinner. First, I spread the table-cloth (скатерть) and then I put out table-mats (подставка под блюдо) to protect the table from hot plates and dishes - a small mat for each guest and larger ones for the hot dishes. I take out of the drawer (ящик) in the sideboard (сервант, буфет) all the cutlery (ножи и вилки), which I clean and polish every week. A fish knife and fork for the fish, a large knife and fork for the meat, a small knife for the butter, and a fruit-knife for the dessert. Then there is a pudding-spoon and a fork for the sweet, and a soup-spoon for the soup.

I put the knives and the soup-spoon on the right-hand side and the forks on the left, except the pudding spoon and fork, which I put across the top.

Then I put out the serving-spoons and forks. The carving knife and fork (большие нож и вилка), the bread-board and a knife to cut the bread, and my husband sharpens (точить) the carving-knife, as he knows I hate a blunt (тупой) one.

On the left of each guest I put a small plate for bread and on his right a wine-glass if we are having wine, and in the middle of the table I put a jug of water with a few pieces of ice from the fridge in it. Then I put out the table-napkins (салфетки) for each guest, put the tea-cups and saucers (блюдца), with cream and brown sugar and tea-spoons on the tray (поднос), and I am ready for the guests to come in.

salt cellar, pepper box, napkin, water jug, butter dish, sugar basin, mustard pot, tablecloth, salad bowl, place card, fork, knife, spoon.

Ex. 17. When you want to invite a person to go somewhere or do something, say: Would you like to...? Example: Would you like to go the theatre this evening? Now make invitations using the following information:

a) have, dinner, my family, tomorrow night;

b) drink, coffee, us, bar, at 2 o'clock;

c) have, snack, McDonalds, together;

d) meet, us, drinks, cocktail bar, hotel, 10 p.m.;

e) go, restaurant, Chinese cuisine.

Ex. 18. When you accept an invitation, say: Thanks, I'd love to. If you want to decline it, you must be polite and to give a reason. Example: Thank you, but I'm afraid I can't. I have a prior engagement. Now accept or decline an invitation.

a) How about a drink at the hotel this evening?

b) The director would like to invite you to dinner at the country club on Sunday. (You are leaving on Friday).

c) Can you join us for a barbecue tomorrow evening? (You are not feeling well).

d) Would you like to meet us to have dinner at the hotel bar?

e) We are going to a picnic on Sunday. Will you join us?

Ex. 19. Which nationalities do you think go with the following foods? Here Is a list of nationalities. See if you can match them to the food in the list below.

Italian French Spanish German Brazilian Chinese Swiss Indian Russian Scottish Japanese Irish Mexican Israeli Danish American Greek Swedish Portuguese Tunisian

1)__________ whisky;

2)____________ rice;




6)____________ sardines;



9)____________ stew;


11)_________suki yaki;

12)______ wine:

13)________ chilli beans;

14)_________ coffee beans;

15) _________caviar;

16) ________dates;



19)________ olives;


Ex. 20. What do we say when:

1. You want to praise a dish? 2. You want some more of something offered at the table? 3. You want to propose somebody’s health? 4. You want your guest to put some food on their plates? 5. You don’t know what to order as a restaurant? 6. You are at the table and can’t reach a salt-cellar? 7. Don’t like the dish you are offered?

Ex. 21. Let’s discuss

1. Comment the picture.

2. What is a keep-fit programme?

3. Do you go in for sports ? Why?

4. Do you agree or not with the following statements:

  1. Exercise changes fat into muscles

  2. Vitamin pills can give an extra burst of energy.

  3. Dieting alone is enough for losing weight.

  4. People who do not eat meat, fish and poultry are not healthy.

  5. Laughter helps people keep fit.

  6. Eating carrots is good for the eyes.

  7. Fish is good for the brain.

  8. Eating cheese at night makes you dream.

  9. Garlic stops you getting cold.

  10. Drinking coffee stops you sleeping.

  11. Yogurt makes you healthy.

  12. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  13. Crusty bread makes your hair curl.

  14. Brown eggs taste better than white ones.

  15. A hot milky drink helps you go to sleep.

5. What is a pot-luck party? What are the advantages and disadvantages if any of a pot-luck party? What is a traditional party in a Russian family?

Ex. 22. Crossword puzzle


    1. A soft food made of serial boiled in water or milk until thick.

    2. Small balls of dough cooked in boiling oil.

    3. A vegetable while cutting you are usually have tears on your eyes.

    4. Tomatoes, onion, cucumber, cabbage

    5. Fried pieces of fried potato.

    6. A dish served at a meal.

    7. The process of preparing dinner.

    8. Vegetables served at table


1. Extra money that we give to a waiter in a restaurant.

2.A particular kind of food, or food prepared in a certain way; a shallow plate for serving food.

3. Any of various alcoholic drinks made of liquor mixed with wine, juice, etc. and usually iced.

4.Stile of cooking; manner of preparing food.

5.A small portion of a tasty food or drink to stimulate the appetite at the beginning of the meal.

6.A general term for anything that people eat.

7.The sweet nectar of flowers collected by bees.

8.Substances we add to food to make it tastier.

9.Sliced bread made brown and crisp on the outside by heating in a toaster or in an oven, or over the fire.

Ex. 23. Listen and insert the missing words into the dialogues.

At Dinner

Ann: How; do you like the _________?

John: Awfully nice really. Don't you think so?

Ann: Yes; it is indeed: __________ me the salt, please.

John: Here you are. Some more ________?

Ann: Yes, please.

John: What comes next, Ann?

Ann: Pork chops with roast __________.

John: And what follows that?

Ann: Wouldn't you like to make a guess?

John: ______ apricots as usual, I suppose.

Ann: There you are wrong, John. It's _________ pudding with whipped _________.

John: Apple pudding and with whipped cream! My, isn't it fine!

Ann: I am happy that I've suited your _________.


А: The table is ________. Come along and let's start. It's high time to have ________.

B: I'm ready. I feel quite __________. I could eat a horse.

A: So am I. I haven't got a horse for you but your favourite ________ will be served today.

B: What are they? I've got so many.

A: For the first _________ we'll have chicken soup and cutlets with mashed potatoes for the main.

B: And for the________?

A: I've made cherry pie and _________ fruits.

B: Oh, that's wonderful. Let's sit at the table as soon as possible.


Jim: Shall I help you dish up, Maggie?

Maggie: Well, I'm afraid lunch isn't ready yet. You see the meat hasn't ________ properly. It's been stewing for two hours but it's still not quite tender. Perhaps another 10 minutes...?

Jim: Of course, of course. We are not in a hurry. We'll have a ________ of sherry while we are waiting. Oh! It doesn't seem to be here. Maggie! What have you done with it. I ________ it in the sideboard.

Maggie: I've been using it for ________. It's all gone.

Jim: But that happened to be a very good sherry. I've been keeping к for special occasions. By the way, there is a rather funny ________ coming from the kitchen.

Maggie: Good heavens! While I've been chatting with you the _______ must have burnt. Oh! it's burnt to a cinder (тлеющие угли). I really don’t know what to do. Perhaps I might make an _________.

Jim: I’ve much better idea. I’ll come into the kitchen and make ________. I love cooking. And I’ll trust you to break the ______, Maggie.

Ex. 24. Read and dramatize the dialogues

Ordering Drinks

Conversation A

Manager: Good afternoon, ma'am. Do you have a reservation?

Jessica Adams: No, I don't. But I'd like a table for one, please.

Manager: Smoking or non-smoking?

Jessica Adams: Non-smoking, please.

Manager: Right this way, ma'am, your waiter will be with you in just one moment.

Jessica Adams: Thank you.

Conversation В

Waiter: Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm Stefan, and I'm your waiter for today. Would you like a drink while you are looking at the menu?

Jessica Adams: Yes, please. Could I see the wine list?

Waiter: Certainly, ma'am. Here you are.

Jessica Adams: Could I have the California Blush? (сорт розового вина)

Waiter: Yes, ma'am. A glass or a bottle?

Jessica Adams: Just a glass, please.

Waiter: Right away, ma'am.

Jessica Adams: Oh, and could I also have a glass of ice water?

Waiter: Yes, certainly. I'll bring it right away.

Jessica Adams: Thank you.

Waiter: You are welcome.


Counter Help: Hi. What can I do for you?

Jeff Kramer: Is there any fish?

Counter Help: There was, but it's all gone.

Jeff Kramer: No fish! Well, what else do you have?

Counter Help: There's some fried chicken. It's Today Special.

Jeff Kramer: Sounds good.

Counter Help: One Special!

Voice: One Special coming right up!

Jeff Kramer: Got any green beans?

Counter Help: Sure do. Nice and fresh. Do you want mashed potato or French fries?

Jeff Kramer: I'll take mashed potatoes.

Counter Help: Do you want a roll with your meal?

Jeff Kramer: Sure. Thanks.

Counter Help: Help yourself to butter or margarine. The ketchup is over there.

Jeff Kramer: Is there any pecan [pi'kaen] (орех) pie?

Counter Help: Sorry. There's none left. We've got some ice-cream

Jeff Kramer: No, thanks. This is fine.

Ex. 25. Translate the dialogues from Russian into English.

В русском ресторане

А: Есть ли столики на девять человек?

B: Боюсь у нас нет таких больших столов. Есть несколько, но они расположены очень близко к оркестру.

A: Вот хороший столик. Давай займем его. Какие закуски вы можете предложить?

B: Я могу предложить вам салаты, икру, сардины. Рекомендую настоящий русский салат.

A: Что в него входит?

В: Он приготовлен из огурцов, помидоров, перцы и лука.

А: Хорошо, мне салат из помидоров. И еще, я хочу попробовать вашу знаменитую окрошку.

В: Она очень освежает в жаркий день. Она состоит из кваса (kvass), огурцов, картофеля, мяса и лука.

A: Лук! Тогда мне не надо окрошки.

Обед у друзей

A: Не могли бы Вы передать мне соль, пожалуйста?

C: Да, конечно, пожалуйста.

A: Спасибо.

C: А сейчас я угощу вас знаменитым Йокширским пудингом.

A: C удовольствием. Я никогда не пробовал его раньше.

C: Пудинг превосходный! Так готовит его моя мама.

A: Ты давно не был в Англии. Ты замечаешь какие-нибудь перемены в поведении за столом?

C: Да, вы, например, не говорите, что надеетесь, что гости получат удовольствие от еды.

A: А в вашей стране так же кладут ножи и вилки?

C: Да, но после еды мы кладем нож и вилку возле тарелки, а не на неё.

A: Угощайтесь пирогом и кофе.

Ex. 26. Compose your own dialogues on the situations given below.

1. You are having lunch with a friend or colleague. Choose and order the food from the waiter. Work in groups of three.

2. You are sightseeing in New York with an elderly professor from abroad. You both feel tired and hungry. You see a fast food place. Make a suggestion about interrupting your tour and dropping in there.

3. Someone asks you for suggestions for a birthday party; when and where to have it; what food to serve; what kind of music to have. Make practical suggestions.

4. After a long day at the University you and your friend decide to go for a meal at a self-service cafe. Your friend shows indecision. Make your suggestion attractive.

Ex. 27. Speaking practice

Speak about any national cuisine.

Ex. 28. Writing practice

Write a recipe of your favorite dish. Here is an example for you:

Brownies (dessert)

2 and 1/4 cups of flour

1 teaspoon of baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup of butter

3/4 cup sugar

3/4 cup brown sugar


2 cups chocolate crumbs or chips

vanilla essence

• Mix flour, baking powder, salt and chocolate crumbs

• Beat eggs and sugar together , add vanilla

• Melt butter

• Mix all ingredients blending completely

• Preheat an oven to 180 С

• Put foil in the baking pan and spread the batter on it

• Bake for about 25 minutes

• Remove from the oven and let cool

• Make chocolate glaze and drizzle it over cooled brownies. Let the glaze set for 30 minutes or so before slicing the brownies into squares.

Supplementary reading

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