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I Have a Complaint


by Robert O'Neil

Salesgirl: Yes, madam? May I help you?

Linda: Yes, about the sweater. I bought it here last month. A few days ago, I Washed it and the color ran and the sweater shrank.

Salesgirl: Hmm, You must have washed it in boiled water.

Linda: No, I didn't, I followed the washing instructions! I washed in lukewarm water, just as the label said I should.

Salesgirl: Well, I'm afraid I can't exchange it for you.

Linda: Why not?... Well, then I'd like to see the manager.

Salesgirl: I'm afraid he's busy.

Linda: I'm sorry but I'd like to see him.

Salesgirl: Very well. If you insist. One moment.

(She goes for the manager)

Manager: Yes, madam. May I help you?

Linda: ....about this sweater. When I washed, the color ran and the sweater shrank even though I followed the instructions.

Manager: Really? This has never happened before.

Linda: There's always the first time, isn't there?

Manager: I really don't see what we can do.

Linda: Excuse me, isn't there a poster over there?

Manager: Yes, what about it?

Linda: It says "We give our customers satisfaction".

Manager: Yes, I know what it says.

Linda: Well, this store is supposed to give their customers satisfaction! But I am not satisfied. Manager: I. uh, hmm. There's a flaw in this sweater. One of the threads is a different color.

Linda: Is it? I can't see.

Manager: Yes, there's definitely a flaw there. All right, madam. We'll exchange it for you, but only because of the flaw.

Comprehension questions.

1. Why is complaining about faulty goods never easy?

2. When does a shopper have a right to complain?

3. What arrangement can be made to satisfy the complaining customer?

Unit VIII. Food and drink.


  1. acid – кислый

  2. appetizer\starter – закуска

  3. beef – говядина

  4. beverages – напитки

  5. bill – счет

  6. bitter – горький

  7. boil – варить

  8. cabbage – капуста

  9. canned food – консервы

  10. chop – мелко нарубить

  11. cottage cheese – творог

  12. cream– сливки

  13. dairy– молочные продукты

  14. dough– тесто

  15. eatout– есть вне дома

  16. flour– мука

  17. food – пища, съестные припасы

  18. for a first course – на первое

  19. for a main course – на второе

  20. frozenfood– замороженные продукты

  21. fry\roast– жарить

  22. game– дичь

  23. grain– зерно

  24. grapes– виноград

  25. have a snack – перекусить

  26. help yourselves – угощайтесь

  27. herring - селедка

  28. hungry – голодный

  29. lay the table – накрыть на стол

  30. mash – толочь

  31. meat – мясо

  32. mustard – горчица

  33. mutton – баранина

  34. nutrition – питание

  35. onion – лук

  36. order– заказ, заказывать

  37. pancake– блин

  38. peel– чистить

  39. pork– свинина

  40. pot- кастрюля

  41. poultry– птица

  42. refreshmentroom– буфет

  43. salmon– лосось

  44. sea-food– морепродукты

  45. serve– подавать на стол

  46. shrimp(prawn) – креветка

  47. softdrinks– безалкогольные напитки

  48. stale– черствый

  49. stew– тушить

  50. strongdrinks– крепкие напитки

  51. tastefood– пробовать пищу

  52. thirsty– испытывающий жажду

  53. uncookedfood– полуфабрикаты

  54. veal– телятина

  55. vegetables– овощи

  56. whip– взбивать

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.

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