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American Food and-Eating Habits

Speaking about typical American food, well, we have a phrase "as American as apple pie," so that's the first thing that comes to mind. I suppose that a hamburger is rather American and pancakes with maple syrup (кленовый сироп). Pumpkin pie, of course. Hot dogs, I guess, would be another American thing. We've had people all over the world come into America throughout its history and so we've rather absorbed all the world's cooking. You know, pizza is a very American thing now. I am not positive, but I believe it really comes from Italy.

Now, for main dishes - especially for dinner - Americans eat a lot of red meat, but more and more people are eating fish and poultry. Beef is the most popular red meat, followed by pork, and, least popular, lamb. In general, Americans like thick steaks. There are three ways to cook the meat: rare (not cooked very much), medium, and well-done (cooked a lot).

The favorite American vegetable is the potato. It is served in many ways, but the most common are: baked potato, mashed potato, and French fries. Corn, too, is a truly American vegetable. It is especially popular to eat the whole ear (cob) holding in the ends with fingers. This is called "corn on the cob."

Eating out is popular in the USA. Some restaurants are open even for breakfast, many restaurants, especially the better ones, open at about 11.30 a.m., others are open twenty-four hours a day. It is often necessary to make a reservation. Otherwise the restaurant you choose may be filled up. By the way, do not expect to share the table with other parties. It just isn't done. If you want to ask for a bill, which is usually called the check, signal the waiter with a raised hand. If that doesn't work, you can say: "Excuse me, may we have the check, please."

As the charge for service is not included in your restaurant check, everyone from waiters to porters anticipate tips (ждать чаевые). The amount you give should take into account the quality of service you receive. You should give 15 percent for good service, 20 percent for outstanding service and 10 percent for less than adequate service. Figure the tip on the total of the bill (excluding tax). Don't tip the headwaiter, though. Now, many restaurants post menus in the windows so you can see the prices before you enter. If they do not, it is acceptable to enter the restaurant and ask for a menu before you sit down. If it is too expensive, it is OK to leave. If you do not eat all your food, you may ask for a "doggie bag." The waiter will pick your uneaten food in a paper or plastic bag and you can take it home. You should not do it at an expensive first class restaurant, of course.

Ex. 11. Answer the questions.

  1. Is it easy to speak about typically American foods? Does American cuisine exist?

  2. How do; most people eat corn in the USA?

  3. Why is it recommended that you should reserve a table in restaurant?

  4. What foreign dishes have become popular in the USA?.

  5. What kind of meat is the most popular in the USA?

  6. Do people usually give tips only to waiters in the USA?

  7. Are tips a large part of their pay?

  8. Do you tip at the restaurants in your country?

Ex. 12. Find in the text the equivalents to the following words and phrases.

1. Первое, что приходит в голову (на ум) 2. мы скорее впитали кухню всего мира 3. на второе 4. мясо с кровью 5. жареный картофель 6. есть кукурузу початками держа руками. 7. ресторан может быть переполненным 8. подсчитать чаевые общей суммы счета 9. выставить меню на витрине 10. оплата, 11. обслуживание.

Ex. 13. Answer the following questions.

  1. What are the most popular fast foods in your city?

  2. What types of fast food can you buy?

  3. What do you think some fast foods of the future might be?

  4. Are hot dogs healthy for you? Why or why not?

  5. What are some foods that are not so healthy?

  6. How do most people eat hamburgers?

  7. Do you know a Coca-Cola recipe?

  8. What kind of fast food do you like?

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fast food?

  2. When did you drink your first Coke?

Ex. 14. Work in groups. Think of the area you live in, or the place you are studying in. Decide what is the best place locally to get the following things, and give your reasons.

Fresh fruit, bread and cakes, a quick snack, a good inexpensive meal, a good cup of coffee, a slap-up meal - шикарный обед, а refreshing drink, a sandwich.

Ex.15 . Fill in the blanks with the words best suited: food, meal, dish.

1. Man cannot live without ……. 2. How many …… a day do you have? 3. At a restaurant you look through the menu-card and make your choice of the ……. 4. The doctor said that the patient needed good nourishing ……. 5. What’s your favorite ……? 6. Supper is an evening ……. 7. Where do you usually buy your ……? 8. I don’t want any hot ……, I think I’ll do with a snack. 9. Indians taught the Europeans how to make different …… of corn. 10. starter is …… served before or at the beginning of ……. 11. Dinner in England is usually the most substantial …… of the day. 12. They served fruits on a big …….

Ex.16. Read the text and write the names of the objects in the picture.

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