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16. Read some more Information about an interview.

There are two basic ways of interviewing. You may simply be asked to "tell about yourself. In this case you must do most of the talking, and include of your qualifications for the job.

The other way is which the interviewer finds out about your qualifications is by asking questions. This is probably the way most interviewers learn about you.

Here are the questions which are most often asked during an interview:

- Why would you like to work for this company?

  • Are you looking for permanent or temporary work?

  • What job would you like most?

  • What do you want to be doing in five years? In ten years?

  • What qualifications do you have for this job?

  • Do you prefer working alone or with others?

  • What subjects did you like best in school (university)? Least?

  • How do you spend your spare time?

  • What is your main strength? Your main weakness?

  • What jobs have you had? Why did you leave?

  • What salary do you expect?

  • Do you have any debts?

  • Have you had any serious illnesses?

  • Do you smoke?

  • How do you feel about working overtime?

  • When can you begin work?

  • How did you become interested in this company?

Be prepared to answer these questions completely. Do not answer "I don't know", "Anything", "I didn't think about it", "I don't care". Such answers are irritating to many interviewers. Show that you are interested in the company.

Now, look through the negative factors that often lead to rejection of the applicant. They are given in order of frequency.

- Poor personal appearance;

- Inability to communicate clearly - poor voice, diction, grammar;

  • Lack of planning career - no purpose and goals;

  • Lack of interests and enthusiasm - passive, indifferent;

  • Lack of confidence - nervousness - ill-at-ease;

  • Failure to participate in activities;

  • Overemphasis on money;

  • Poor scholastic record;

  • Unwilling to start at the bottom - expects too much too soon; -Lack of tact;

17. Role-playing

Select someone to take the role of the interviewer and several other students to take the role of job applicants. The others in the class can listen and watch carefully to see which applicants would most likely to be hired. After several have been interviewed, discuss the correct and incorrect behaviour shown in the interviews.

Ex. 18. Fill in the right word in the gap.

1. She works at a ……… of 100 dollars a month.

a) wages b) pay c) salary d) earnings

2. Mr White is a junior ……… , he works under Mr Young.

a) colleague b) executive c) subordinate d) foreman

3. In what ……… do you work?

a) position b) post c) job d) capacity

4. Ann was unemployed doing only odd ……….

a) work b) jobs c) occupation d) position

5. He ………. from Oxford with honors.

a) graduated b) left c) quitted d)finished

6. Your campus career counselor is professionally ……… to advise your on job search technique.

a) experienced b) qualified c) well-known d) skilled

Ex. 19. Let’s discuss

1. There are some individuals that "know" what they want to be from the time they are children. Have you ever known anybody like this?

2. Do you think that choosing an occupation is more difficult today than it used to be for young people 30 or 40 years ago? Give your views.

3. By what age (18? younger? older?) should a person "know" what he or she wants to do? Discuss your idea.

4. Do you enjoy working with people, data, or things?

5. How important is it to be your own boss?

6. How important are salary, benefits, job stability, working environment, colleagues, job stimulation?

7. Would you rather work for a large or small company? Why?

8. How would you describe the perfect job, boss, and coworkers?

9. What is more important: high salary or satisfaction from job?

10. Would you hire your friend?

11. Would you like to work at the company where the boss is your friend?

12. What do you think about the distinction between brain work and manual work?

13. What can a person do to ensure his or her employment? Do educated people have less chances of becoming unemployed?

Ex. 20. Listen and insert the missing words into the dialogues.

Receptionist:Good morning, Pilot agency.

Applicant:Good morning. My name is Ivanov, Sergey Ivanov. I’m interested in finding a _________ in quality control. Is there someone with whom I can speak?

Receptionist: I'm sorry, we don't handle _______ of that kind.

Applicant: O.K I’m sorry to bother you, but can you suggest an ________which does ______ with such a job.

Receptionist: You might try the Greenfield agency.

Applicant: Thank you very much for your help. Have a good day.

Receptionist: You too.

Receptionist: Yes, Just a minute, Mr.Robinson will be right with you.

Mr. Robinson: Good morning, Robinson ____________.

Applicant: Good morning, my _______ is Ivanov. I'm interested in finding a _____ in quality control. May I come and discuss the possibilities?

Mr. Robinson: What are your ____________ in this field?

Applicant: I have a five year diploma from Baltic State Technical University in certification.

Mr. Robinson: Do you have any _____ _____________?

Applicant: Not in this field, but I have worked as an electrician in St Petersburg Constructions.

Mr. Robinson: O.K. come and see me at 3 o'clock tomorrow and bring your ___________.

Applicant: Thank you. Good bye.

Mr. Robinson: Good bye. See you tomorrow then.

Mr. Robinson: I'm sorry, I have no such listings right now.

Applicant: May I __________ with you anyway in case something comes in?

Mr. Robinson: Of course, you can. You can come any time during the day. You will be _____ in the file.

Applicant: Thank you. Good bye.

Mr. Robinson: Good bye. Have a good day.

Calling Directly the Possible Employer

Secretary: Good morning, OSHA Partners

Applicant: May I speak with the ____________ department?

Secretary: Are you looking ____ a job or are you already ___________ with us?

Applicant: I'd like to _________ for a job.

Secretary: One moment, please.

Secretary: (Personnel department): Hello, Personnel Department.

Applicant: I'm _________ in a job in computer programming, with whom can I speak?

Secretary: I'm sorry, we are not ____________today in this field.

Applicant: All right, but can I come in and give you my ____________ anyway?

Secretary: We receive applications every Wednesday between 1.00 and 3.00 pm.

Applicant: Shall I bring a _________?

Secretary: If you like.

Applicant: Thank you. Good bye.

Secretary: Good bye.

Personnel Department. Wednesday

Applicant: Good morning, my name is Ivanov, Sergey Ivanov. I'd like to give you my ___________ for a job.

Secretary: All right, here you are. _______ it out.

Applicant: (in 20 minutes) I've ______________ this application and I also have a resume. Is there someone with whom I can speak?

Situation I.

Sec: No, if there is any interest in your __________ someone will call you.

App: Thank you. Good bye.

Sec: Good bye.

Situation II,

Secretary: Yes, someone will talk to you in a few minutes.

Mr. Green: Mr. Ivanov? Sit down, please. I've _________ your application and your resume and I'm not quite sure what you're ________ for. So explain again to me your education and your ______.

Applicant: I graduated ______ St Petersburg Technical University, Standards Department. I'm qualified as standards control engineer.

Mr. Green: We don't have a quality control department here, but we do have a product assurance department in which you'd fit nicely. I'll pass your _____ on to the department head and I'll call you in a couple of days about the result.

Ex. 21. Translate the dialogues from Russian into English.

Деловые разговоры по телефону


- Доброе утро. Г-на Брауна, пожалуйста.

- Доброе утро. Извините, в данный момент его нет на месте. Кто говорит?

- Это Борис Рудаков. Я получил письмо от мистера Брауна, в котором он меня просит связаться с ним по телефону, чтобы договориться о деловой встрече. У него мое резюме.

- Понимаю. У г-на Брауна сейчас обеденный перерыв, но он скоро должен прийти.

- Когда мне можно позвонить ему снова?

- Он обычно возвращается в офис в два часа. Может быть я лучше попрошу его перезвонить Вам? Какой Ваш номер?

- 459-645

- Спасибо, как только он вернется, он Вам позвонит.

- Спасибо. До свидания.

- До свидания.


- Добрый день. Попросите, пожалуйста, Петра Орлова.

- Слушаю Вас.

- Это Мэри Томас из компании MetroDataControl. Я секретарь г-на Диллона. Ваши письмо и резюме его заинтересовали, и он хотел бы с Вами встретиться.

- Очень хорошо. Я бы очень хотел поговорить с ним.

- Давайте договоримся о времени встречи.

- Хорошо.

- Как насчет завтрашнего дня в 10 часов утра?

- Меня это вполне устраивает.

- Наш адрес – Пушкинская 516, седьмой этаж. Вы знаете, как сюда добраться?

- Да. Где мне нужно выйти?

- Вам нужно доехать до центра. Оттуда пойдете пешком. За пять минут вы доберетесь до нашего офиса.

- Спасибо. До свидания.

- Пожалуйста. До завтра.


- Здравствуйте, агентство «Континенталь».

- Здравствуйте, я ищу работу секретаря. Занимается ли Ваше агентство подбором работы в этой области?

- Мы работаем только с иностранными компаниями. Вы хотите работать в российской или иностранной компании?

- Я не знаю, подойдет ли моя квалификация для работы в иностранной компании.

- Тогда Вам надо поговорить с нашим консультантом. Хотите записаться к нему на прием?

- Спасибо, конечно. Когда я могу с ним поговорить?

- В пятницу в 3 часа. Удобно ли для Вас это время?

- Да, спасибо я буду в пятницу в три. До свидания.

- До свидания.

Ex. 22. Make up your own dialogues:

1. You have finished your school. You are hunting for a job. Ask for advice from your friend or relative.

2. You need to write a resume but don’t know how. Ask your friend for help.

3. Your friend is going to the interview tomorrow. Give him some pieces of advice.

4. You are at the interview. Try to convince the manager that you are the best candidate for the position.

5. You are the director of a firm. Your ex-classmate came to the interview with you. He/she wants to work at your firm.

Ex. 23. Speaking practice.

1. My future profession.

2. My ideal place of work.

3. How to find a good job.

Ex. 24. Writing practice

Write your own resume and cover letter

Here is an example of a resume:

Supplementary reading

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