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Unit II. Appearance


1. Age – возраст, young – молодой, middle-aged – средних лет, elderly – пожилой, in one’s early forties – чуть более 40, in one’s late forties - около 50, to be of legal age – быть совершеннолетним

  1. Height – рост, tall – высокий, short – низкий, of medium height – среднего роста

3. Face – лицо, thin – худое, long – вытянутое, round – круглое, oval – овальное, square – квадратное, high cheekbones – широкоскулый, high forehead – широкий лоб, domed – выпуклый, double chin – двойной подбородок

4. Eyes – глаза, brown – темно карие, hazel – карие, greenish-blue – зелено-голубые, thick eyelashes – густые ресницы, bushy eyebrows – густые брови

5. Mouth – рот, thin lips – тонкие губы, full lips – полные губы

6. Nose – нос, turned-up (snub) – курносый, flat – приплюснутый, aquiline – орлиный, straight – прямой

7. Distinguishing features – отличительные черты, full beard – круглая борода, moustache – усы, side-burns – бакенбарды, scar – шрам, mole – родинка, freckles – веснушки, dimples – ямочки, wrinkles – морщины

8. Hair – волосы, of medium length – средней длины, curly – кудрявые, auburn (red) – рыжие, grey – седые,fair – светлые, dyed – крашенные

9. Build – телосложение, thin – худой, fat- толстый, slim – стройный, plump – полный, well-built – хорошо сложенный, overweight – c избыточным весом, broad-shouldered – широкоплечий

10. Ears – уши,lop-eared – лопоухий

  1. to look like father – быть похожим на отца, to take after father – пойти в отца

  2. to loose (gain) weight – терять (набирать) вес

Ex. 1. Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What American actress did one of the girl's boyfriends compare, her with and why?

2. What color were the girl's eyes?

3. Was the girl a blonde?

4. Could she have been a model?

5. Why didn't she become a ballet girl?

6. What made her look fit?

7. What kind of sport did she go in for?

8. What were the most remarkable things about the girl's figure?

Corporal (капрал) Romanova examined herself in a big oval looking-glass. One of her early boy-friends had said she looked like the young Greta Garbo. What nonsense! And yet tonight she did look rather well. Fine dark brown silken hair brushed straight back from a tall forehead and falling heavily down almost to the shoulders, there curled slightly up at the ends (Garbo had once done her hair like that and Corporal Romanova admitted to herself that she had copied it), a good, soft pale skin with an ivory sheen at the cheekbones (с оттенком слоновой кости); wide apart level eyes of the deepest blue under straight natural brows (she closed one eye after another. Yes, her lashes were certainly long enough!) a straight, rather imperious (властный) nose - and then the mouth. What about the mouth? Was it too broad? It must look terribly wide when she smiled. She smiled at herself in the mirror. Yes, it was wide, but then so had Garbo's been. At least her lips were full and finely etched (четко очерчены). There was a hint of a smile at the corners. No one could say it was a cold mouth! And the oval of her face. Was that too long? Was her chin a shade too sharp (чуть немного острый)? She swung her head sideways (качать головой из стороны в сторону) to see it in profile. The heavy curtain of hair (тяжелая завеса волос) swung forward and across her right eye so that she had to brush it back. Well, the chin was pointed, but at least it wasn't sharp. She faced the mirror again and picked up a brush and started on the long, heavy hair.

In fact Corporal Romanova was a very beautiful girl indeed. Her tall firm body moved particularly well. She had been a year in the ballet school in Leningrad and had abandoned dancing as a career only when she grew an inch over the prescribed limit of five feet. The school had taught her to hold herself well and walk well. And she looked wonderfully healthy, thanks to her passion for figure-skating, which she practiced all through the year at the Dynamo ice-stadium and which had already earned her a place on the first Dynamo women's team. Her arms were faultless. Her muscles were so hardened with exercise that it had lost the smooth downward feminine sweep (женская округлость), and now, round at the back and flat and hard at the sides (по бокам), it jutted (выдаваться) like a man's.

Ex. 2. Find the English equivalents in the text

овальное зеркало, похожа, волосы зачесаны назад, слегка подкрученные, бледная кожа, ужасно широкий, полные четко очерченные губы, качать головой, перестать профессионально заниматься танцами, предписанные нормы, страсть к фигурному катанию, безупречный, накачанные мышцы.

Ex. 3. Read and translate the text. Give your own title of the text.

General G. opened the file and took out a large envelope containing photographs, which he emptied on to the glass surface of the desk. He picked them up one by one. He looked closely at them. General G. carefully went over the face with his magnifying glass.

It was a dark, clean-cut face, with a three-inch scar showing whitely down the sunburned skin of the right cheek. The eyes were wide and above them there were straight, rather long black eyebrows. The hair was black, parted on the left, and carelessly brushed so that a thick black comma fell down over the right eyebrow. His long straight nose ran down to a short upper lip below which was a wide and finely drawn but cruel mouth. The line of the jaw was straight and firm. A dark suit, white shirt and black knitted tie completed the picture.

He passed the photograph down the table and turned to the file, glancing rapidly down each page. Then he turned back to the first page.

"First name: James. Height: 183 centimeters; weight: 76 kilograms; slim build; eyes: blue; hair: black; scar down right cheek and on the left shoulder; signs of plastic surgery on back of right hand; expert pistol shot, boxer, knife-thrower; does not use disguises (переодевание, изменение внешности). Languages: French and German. Smokes heavily; vices: drink, but not to excess (не чрезмерно), and women. Not thought to accept bribes (взятки).

Conclusion. This man is a dangerous professional terrorist and spy. He has worked for the British Secret Service since 1938 and now holds the secret number "007" in that service. The double 0 numerals signify an agent who has killed and who is privileged to kill on active service. There are only two British agents with this authority.

Ex. 4. Decide whether these facts True or False according to the text.

  1. This text is about Mr. Putin.

  2. James Bond was dark-eyed and fair-haired.

  3. He was a short, plump man.

  4. He was good at shooting.

  5. He went in for sports.

  6. He was a heavy smoker and a drunkard.

  7. He was an operator.

  8. He spoke two foreign languages.

  9. He was brave.

  10. He was a bribe-taker.

  11. He adored (обожать) women.

Ex.5. Find the English equivalences in the text.

1. увеличительное стекло; 2. чисто-выбритое лицо; 3. шрам на правой щеке; 4. прямые черные брови; 5. с пробором слева; 6. густая прядь волос; 7. хорошо очерченный рот; 8. черный трикотажный галстук; 9. на левом плече; 10. слабые места; 11. брать взятки.

Ex. 6. Match parts of the body in the list with the correct number in the picture:

    1. ankle

    2. arm

    3. chest

    4. elbow

    5. finger

    6. foot

    7. hand

    8. knee

    9. leg

    10. neck

    11. palm

    12. shoulder

    13. toe

    14. wrist

Ex. 7. A person with fair hair is fair-haired. Somebody who writes with his or her left hand is left-handed. What are the adjectives for these people?

1. a person with grey hair is…

2. a person with a thin face is…

3. a girl with long lags is…

4. somebody with broad shoulders is…

5. a person with green eyes is …

6. a man with a beard is…

7. a man with a heavy build is …

8. a person in his middle ages is …

Ex. 8. Complete the text with words below

Bald beard blue casually early ears fair glasses good-looking heavily look narrow serious smile straight thin

I’m in my ……. fifties. I’m very tall, and quite …… built, but I have rather …… shoulders. I’m a little overweight. I have …… medium-length …… hair, but I’m going ……, so there is not a lot of it left. I have a grey beard and moustache. My eyes are ……, and I wear ……. I’ve got a rather long face, with a big nose and big ……. I have …… lips, and I usually have a …… expression; my face changes a lot when I ……. I have a high forehead; I like to think that it looks intelligent. Clothes are not very important to me, and I’m usually very …… dressed. I don’t think I am very ……, but I’m not all that bad-looking either. I probably …… a bit younger than I am.

Ex. 9. Try to unscramble the following words

airh ________ draeb ______ sone _____ thmou ______ iehthg ________ yeealshse ___________ goyun _______ stacheoum _________ zelha ________

Ex. 10. Complete the sentences with the nouns and adjectives given below. Use a comparison structure “as…as”.

Nouns: peacock, ghost, leather, toast, post, picture, lightning

Adjectives: quick, proud, warm, pale, pretty, tough, deaf

1. What a terrible meal! I couldn’t cut the steak, it was as … as…. 2. My father has just run a marathon, he is ……………. 3. I think she is going to faint, she is ……………. 4. You’ll have to shout if you want Grandpa to hear, he is ……………. 5. These fur-lined boots are great, my feet are as …………. 6. I can’t help looking at her wonderful face with dimples on her cheeks, she is …………….7. Do not pay attention to him, he is too ambitious I would say, he is ……………

Ex. 11. Give a word for the following definition and find it in the table

  1. The upper part of a man’s body.

  2. The part of the face above the eyebrows.

  3. The part of the face between the nose and the ears.

  4. The part of the body from hand to the shoulder.

  5. The part of the body that connects the head and the shoulders.

  6. The end of the human arm.

  7. The hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid.

  8. The eye cover when the eyes are shut.

  9. The part of the body for hearing.

  10. The thin line of hair above the eye.

  11. A small, light-brown spot on the skin.

































































Ex. 12. Follow the commands.

  1. Shrug (пожимать) your shoulders and turn your head to the left.

  2. Shade (заслонять от света) your eyes with your left hand.

  3. Press your right hand to your forehead.

  4. Scratch (чесать) your chin.

  5. Fold (складывать) your arms on your breast.

  6. Knit (хмурить)your eyebrows.

  7. Nod your head.

  8. Touch the tip of your nose with your thumb.

  9. Brush your hair upward.

  10. Point to the door with your forefinger.

  11. Go to the door on tiptoe.

  12. Touch your open palm.

  13. Shake your forefinger in warning.

  14. Put your thumbs on your temples.

Ex. 13. Try to understand difference between the words recognize, learn, find out. Fill the gabs with appropriate words. Translate the sentences.

1. “Will you kindly ______ Mr. Parker’s address?” “Certainly.” 2. “How do you know Martha has left?” “ I ______ it quite by chance.” 3. Barbara has changed so greatly, I could hardly ______ her. 4. The other day I _________ Mr. Carter had left for Italy. 5. “I don’t know Arthur’s phone number.” “We’ve got to ________ it.” 6. Do you think you’ll _______ Constance if you see her? 7. It strange that you didn’t ________ Nora. I don’t think she’s changed at all.

Ex. 14. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Сначала я не узнал его. 2. Я никогда не узнаю вашего голоса. 3. Мы (случайно) узнали, что они подозревают нас. 4. Вы узнали (выяснили) их адрес? 5. Вы ведь спрашивали его об этом, не так ли? И что вы выяснили? 6. Вы не узнаете его, он очень изменился. 7. Сначала узнайте, откуда он получил такие сведения. 8. Я уже давно стараюсь выяснить это.

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:

  1. What color of eyes do you like most?

  2. What is the difference between a near-sighted person and a far-sighted person?

  3. What can happen to a person’s voice if he shouts too loudly or too long?

  4. What complexion do blond people usually have?

  5. With which fingers do we hold a pen?

  6. What happens to a child’s milk teeth?

  7. How does hard manual work affect people’s hands? (callosity – мозоль)

  8. What do we call people who lost their hair?

  9. Where do earrings usually attached?

  10. What is the difference between a sunburnt (tanned) and a swarthy (смуглый) face?

Ex. 16. Listen and insert the missing words into the dialogues.


A: If you are not too busy, come one evening and have dinner with us. I’ll ____________ you to all my people.

B: Is your family large?

A: Yes, our family is quite a big one. There are _____ of us. I have two ________ and ______ brothers.

B: Are your sisters as ________ as you are?

A: Oh, they are both prettier than I am. Ruth is ___ prettiest girl I know. They both have long _____ hair, but Ruth’s hair is longer and _______ than Margaret’s. Margaret is fatter than Ruth. She doesn’t like you to say she is _____; and we tell her she will get thinner when she gets ________.

B: Tell me about the others in your family, Freda.

A: Well, the _______ and the smallest one is Fred; he is the baby of the family. He is only four. Then there are Hans and Peter, the twins. They are exactly as ____ as each other, thirteen, and exactly as ______ as each other, and they are so much alike that people can hardly tell one from another.


A: Why do you look so worried, Helen?

B: The news of my daughter's engagement has nearly killed me in fact.

A: I thought you liked John.

B: I hardly know him. All that was so unexpected.

A: You'll learn to love him when you know him ________, I’m sure he'll prove to be a good husband and an affectionate son. I’ve known him for years.

B: But he looks so strange. So very _____, with small head ______ at the top,

too large ______ eyes, big ears and that long sharp nose of his. Besides he looks _____ for his age.

A: Oh, you are exaggerating things. True, he's a bit too tall but his big green ______are clever, intelligent eyes.

B: I wish his ______ were not so ugly.

A: Why, I like his face: there's something awfully nice about it. He isn't_____ at all, especially when he smiles and shows those perfect _______ of his.

B: I thought Ella would choose Henry. He is serious and decidedly __________. They would make such a nice couple.

A: You'll never make me agree with you. Henry is __________________, indeed, but there's something unkind in the look of his _____ eyes. I always feel uncomfortable when he looks at me. It's wise of your daughter to have chosen John. Remember: appearances are deceitful, a fair ________ may hide a ,foul soul.

Ex. 17. Translate the dialogue from Russian into English

Алиса: Почему ты не танцуешь с Генри?

Кэт: Потому что мы составляем очень смешную пару: он маленький,толстенький и лысый, я высокая, худая и бледная.

Алиса: Чушь, дорогая. Он вовсе не маленький, он среднего роста. И ктому же он прекрасно танцует.

Кэт: Да, я знаю. Но я предпочитаю танцевать с Билли. У негодлинные ноги, стройная фигура, и он тоже прекрасный танцор, не правда ли?

Алиса: Да, это так. И мне нравится его лицо. Оно может показатьсябезобразным, но в нем есть что-то очень привлекательное.

Кэт: Но он вовсе не безобразный, особенно когда улыбается и видныего ровные белые зубы.

Алиса: И все же Генри решительно красив, а Билли — нет.

Кэт: Но есть что-то очень недоброе во взгляде его серых глаз. Я всегдачувствую себя неуютно, когда он смотрит на меня.

Алиса: Кстати, у Билли есть брат близнец, довольно красивый парень.

Кэт: Да, я видела его. Он похож на мать, а Билли пошел в отца.

Алиса: Я должна сказать, что не люблю красивых мужчин. Япредпочитаю, чтобы мужчина был умным, добрым, щедрым.

Кэт: Я совершенно согласна с тобой, но танцевать я предпочитаю скрасивыми мужчинами.

Ex. 18. Let’s discuss!

1. Do you think that the saying “Appearances are deceptive” is correct?

2. Do you agree with the saying “Beauty lies in lover’s eyes”?

3. Do you think the appearance is important in your feature profession?

4. What is your ideal of male/ female beauty?

5. Do you think that “Extremes meet”?

6. What kind of person makes you laugh?

Ex. 19. Role playing

There was a bank robbery. Suppose you are a witness to this crime and help the Police to identify the robber. Use the following key words to identify him:

  1. Age

  2. Height

  3. Build

  4. Face

  5. Hair

  6. Eyes

  7. Nose

  8. Ears

  9. Distinctive marks

Ex. 20. Speaking practice

Describe a famous person, his/her appearance and some facts from his/her life. It may be a movie star, a rock star, a politician, etc. See if your classmates can guess who you are describing.

Ex. 21. Writing practice

Write a description of yourself. Then a teacher will collect the descriptions of all students in the class and read them for you. Listen and try to guess who wrote each one.

Supplementary reading


It’s widely assumed that ideas of beauty vary from era to era and from culture to culture. But studies have established that people everywhere – regardless of race, class or age – share a sense of what is attractive. And though no one knows just how our minds translate the sight of a face or a body into rapture, new studies suggest that we judge each other by rules we’re not even aware of. We may admire Kim Bessinger’s legs or Arnold’s biceps, but it isn’t to say that beauty is all that matters in life. Most of us manage to find jobs, attract mates and bear offspring despite our physical imperfections. But everyone wants to be good-looking.

One key to physical attractiveness is symmetry; humans, like other species, show a strong preference for individuals whose right and left sides are well matched.

Biologists have long used symmetry to measure what’s known as development stability. Scientists found that the bugs with the most symmetrical wings did best in the competition for food and mates. When the researches started noting similar trends in other species, they turned their attention to people.

Working together with psychologists, scientists started measuring the body symmetry of hundreds college-age men and women. They have measured an index of asymmetry of the feet, ankles, hands, wrists, elbows and ears. Then they asked the person to fill out a confidential questionnaire covering every aspect of his life. They were not disappointed. For both men and women, greater symmetry predicted a larger number of friends and sex partners.

That was just the beginning. From what they knew about other species, scientists predicted that women would be more sexually responsive to symmetrical men, and that men would exploit that advantage. They surveyed 86 couples and found that symmetrical men are less attentive to their partner and more likely to cheat them. Women showed no such tendency. Further studies showed that facial symmetry is also associated with health. The least symmetrical have the most physical complaints and show more anger, jealousy and withdrawal.

Discussion questions and problems

  1. Do you think that symmetry is really so important for successful life?

  2. How do we feel physical beauty and why do we place so much significance in it?

  3. What goes into sex appeal?


He was one of the greatest scientists and thinkers in history. However, he was not considered very bright when he was a child. When he was nine, his father told his wife that he was very worried about Albert because the boy was "a little slow". His teachers complained that the boy had no sense of discipline and that he was a bad influence on the other students.

When Albert was fifteen, he was thrown out of school, but a few years later he was allowed to study mathematics and physics at a special technical university in Zurich. But even at the university, he was hardly "a good student". He rarely attended classes, and he was often in trouble with his professors because he constantly argued with them. One of them told him: "You're smart, extremely smart. But you have one real fault: you never let yourself be told anything!"

When he graduated from the university, he couldn't get a job—partly because none of his professors would recommend him for one. Finally, he found one in the Swiss Patent Office in Berne. One of his duties was writing descriptions of new inventions. This helped him learn how to write clearly and simply. He later said that the only thing that made many problems in science seem difficult was the language they were described in.

In 1905, when Einstein was only twenty-six, he published an article in a scientific journal. The article dealt with a theory which he called the Theory of Relativity. He became very famous for this theory.

All his life, he lived very simply and was totally uninterested in money, power, or fame! He could never understand why so many people admired him and wanted to meet him. He knew that most of them had never read anything he had written and that they didn't understand his ideas. "Are they crazy or am I?" he asked.

Discussion questions and problems

1. What is a 'difficult child' in the family or a 'difficult student' at school?

2. Have you ever met extraordinary talented people? Do they seem strange?

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