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Пойман за башмак

Мистер Ватсон собирался закрыть свой магазин, когда в него вошел мужчина в прекрасно сшитом костюме и попросил показать ему пару дорогих туфель. Мистеру Ватсону показалось, что он уже где-то видел этого человека; и вдруг он вспомнил, что видел это лицо по телевизору. Это был находящийся в розыске преступник (wanted criminal).

Мужчина примерил несколько пар туфель и купил одну пару, которую мистер Ватсон особо рекомендовал ему.

“Туфли мне немного малы, ” пожаловался мужчина, но мистер Ватсон заверил его, что они скоро растянутся (stretch).

На следующий день, как и ожидал мистер Ватсон, тот же мужчина, хромая, вошел в магазин. Сразу же он был окружен полицией. Мистер Ватсон специально продал преступнику пару туфель, которые были на размер меньше, зная, что ой придет вернуть их в магазин на следующий день.

В магазине

С: Не могли бы вы мне помочь? Я ищу куртку для сына.

А: Зимнюю или летнюю?

С: Летнюю, светлого цвета.

А: У нас хороший выбор летних курток из хлопка. Какой размер носит ваш сын?

С: 48

А: Вот замечательная светло-голубая куртка. Это сейчас самый модный стиль.

С: Ему хочется куртку с молниями на карманах.

А: Понимаю, как насчет этой?

С: Да, замечательно. Сколько она стоит?

А: 25

С: Прекрасно, я возьму ее.

А: Спасибо. Вот ваш чек. Касса в конце зала у выхода.

Ex. 10. Make up your own dialogues:

1. Your friend is asking you to buy some clothes for the party.

2. You need some kind of formal clothes for your new job. Ask for advice from your friend.

3. You came in the shop with your friend to buy a costume for the Halloween party.

4. You are trying to buy some clothes for the members of your family in foreign country.

Ex. 11. Let’s discuss!

1. I have to dress in a way which I can afford.

2. I choose my clothes so I can follow the fashion in the music world.

3. I like to be in fashion and love expensive things.

4. I don't really care what other people think about my clothes.

5. I have to be well-dressed to make a good impression on people.

6. I think it is best to have smart expensive clothes.

7. I wear clothes which go with what I do, that all.

8. I dress the same as my friends, and not to look like anyone famous.

9. It’s not fair to kill animals for their fur.

Ex. 12. Speaking practice

Speak about

1. Different styles of clothes. Is it important to follow fashions? Why?

2. How to choose clothes

3. We judge people by their clothes.

Ex. 13. Writing practice

Write an one page essay on one of the following proverbs.

1. Clothes make the man

2. Good clothes open all doors.

Supplementary reading

Formal and Informal Wear

Americans are generally not very formal, so there are only a few special occasions when it is necessary to wear a formal dress. For men, formal wear is a tuxedo and tie or bowtie. Tuxedoes are usually either, white or black. The shirts worn with tuxedoes can be very fancy. Some of them have beautiful lace or frills in front. Most me wear tuxedoes when they get married or are attendants at a wedding party. Men in high positions in government, companies or those in the entertainment world may wear formal dress when attending banquets, receptions or parties for very important people. Though there is a much greater variety of styles and colors in formal wear for women, it generally means long dresses. For weddings, brides, of course, usually wear long, beautiful, white dresses. Bridesmaids wear long dresses made of lace and beautiful fabrics in pastel colors. At receptions, banquets and parties for important people, women may wear long evening dresses. They are usually more daring in color and style than the formal dresses worn at weddings. There is a great variety of shoes, handbags, coats and jewelry that women may wear to make the outfit complete.

There are many more occasions for semiformal wear. Semiformal wear for men includes suits, blazers and trousers in many colors and styles. Semiformal wear for women includes a wide variety of long dresses, suits, cocktail dresses, pants suits, skirts and blouses. Semiformal wear can be worn at parties, restaurants, theatres, concerts, graduation ceremonies, dances and other such occasions.

Informal wear is the most popular kind of dress in the USA. There is a great variety of clothing which can be called informal wear, but jeans are still the most popular. Both men and women of all ages wear jeans, denim vests, denim jackets and denim caps in many styles. In the past, jeans were, worn only by workers because they were cheap, comfortable and long-lasting. For these reasons, they became popular with young people especially college students. Now, the popularity of jeans is widespread. It is not surprising to see some university professors wearing jeans to teach their classes. Today some jeans manufacturers are very stylish and expensive.

Words: a tuxedo - смокинг; a bowtie - галстук-бабочка; blazer - спортивная куртка; informal wear - повседневная одежда; denim jacket - джинсовая куртка; denim vest - джинсовая рубашка; denim cap - джинсовая кепка; semiformal wear - полуофициальная одежда; cocktail dress - платье для вечеринок.

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