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Устные темы по англ. языку. Елукова Ж.А..doc
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Topical vocabulary

daily routine

обычный распорядок дня

accomplish smth

совершать, выполнять что-либо

a first-year student


to do some gentle stretching


to perform morning routine

совершать обычные утренние дела

to take a quick shower


to put in contact lenses

надеть контактные линзы

to get something on the way

перекусить на ходу

a "long" break

большая перемена

to do some shopping on the way back

зайти в магазин на обратном пути

to take the dog out

погулять с собакой

to get a little snack


to find it really relaxing

считать, что-то расслабляющим

to think of something really mindless

не думать ни о чем серьезном

to be a slave to housekeeping routines

быть рабом порядка в доме

to give priority to smth

отдавать приоритет чему-либо

to go out on a date

пойти на свидание

to go for a trip

съездить в путешествие

to devote more time to smth

посвящать больше времени чему-либо


выходные дни


будние дни


Match the highlighted words or word combinations in the text with their definitions.

  1. the activities and experiences that constitute a person's normal existence;

  2. a regular journey of some distance to and from one's place of work;

  3. an interval during the school/university day:

  4. a plan of the times when particular events are to take place;

  5. a situation in which a lot of things are happening or being done;

  6. to reach in time and board;

  7. I put on my clothes;

  8. a situation when two people meet by arrangement;

  9. the act or process of copying data from one computer system to another or to a disk;

  10. to cut something into small pieces with a knife or other sharp implement.


How often do you do these things? Use the frequency adverbs or adverbial phrases from the box:



not often/often



once/twice/ three times a week/ a month/ a fortnight

hardly ever

four or five times a year or less

less than once a year

come on time /come in time

spend most of time in the kitchen

listen to music

start the day by getting up at 11 o’clock

wake up at 6 am & do yoga

make a cup of tea in the morning

eat junk food

work in the garden

shampoo and condition the hair

clean the windows

use body scrub to wash the body

take tranquillizers or sleeping pills

buy magazines or journals

find it difficult to relax

read books

dry the hair with a hair drier

send or receive emails/ check emails

do the dishes

have on-line conversations

clean the house

go to the cinema, theatre

do the cooking

go out to the Disco\Nightclub\to a bar

take a bath

go out on Friday or Saturday nights

do the ironing

come to work late

do the washing

act lazily

do crosswords

put on makeup

make the bed in the morning