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2. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Slow moving; short-term profit; equality; to hold the post; vital; to deal with .(problems); a prerequisite; to lay out one's thoughts; beneficial; shared values; political will; to pull out of poverty; laws of gravity; by nature; prosperity; the means and capacity; fragility; underestimate; decade.

3. Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases.

Благосостояние; политическая воля; краткосрочная выгода; общие ценности; занимать пост; недооценивать; выгодный; обязательное условие; изложить мысли; медленно действующий; равенство; жизненно важный; вытащить из нищеты; средства и силы; хрупкость; решать проблемы; десятилетие; законы земного тяготения; по природе.

4. Complete the following statements using the active vocabulary

  1. We have to choose between a global market driven only by...

  2. Arguing against globalization is like arguing...

  3. We have the means and capacity to ...

  4. Women's equality is...

  5. Governments tend to be slow moving ...

  6. Open markets offer the only realistic hope of...

  7. We shouldn't underestimate ...

5. Give your own answers to the questions that Mr. Annan was asked.

6. Questions for discussion.

  1. What are shared values? What shared values can you think of?

  2. What to your mind did Mr. Annan mean by «a global market which has a human face»?

  3. What skills and resources do you consider vital «in helping to build a more robust global community»?

  4. Why do you think Mr. Annan is worried that the fragility of the global world is being underestimated?

  5. Can the United Nations really influence the direction of globalization?


1. Read the interviews and look up the meaning of the underlined words and phrases in the dictionary.

Women are playing a central role in contributing to the growth of the global economy. This is increasingly true in business and in politics — two realms traditionally dominated by men. Some of the global economy's leading women thinkers lay out their views.

Are the fruits of globalization available to all?

«It would be wrong to be blind to the economic benefits that globalization has brought to some. The real question is how can we humanize globalization, how can we shape it in such a way that it can benefit all — instead of some».

(Mary Robinson, UN high commissioner for human rights, September 2000)

What risks come with globalization?

«Polarization rather than progressive globalization is what is in the future — unless corrective actions are taken in time».

(Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratung, Sri Lanka's President, on unchecked economic liberalization, October 1997)

What is an example of this polarization?

«My 26-year-old daughter in London is earning almost as much money as I do — and she is just working as a secretary».

(Helen Clark, New Zealand's Prime Minister, on why many young professionals leave New Zealand for good, February 2001)

How can globalization be made to work for all?

«Globalization could be the answer to many of the world's hard problems. But this requires strong democratic foundations based on a political will to ensure equality and justice».

(Sharan Burrow, President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, on globalization, September 2000)

How does one succeed in the business world today?

«You shouldn't have a long-term strategy anymore, because you won't be able to move fast enough».

(Orit Gadish, chairman of Bain & Co., April 2001)

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