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1.3. Наблюдение как форма получения информации в маркетинге

Получение (сбор) первичной (полевой) информации осуществляется в форме наблюдения.

Под наблюдением понимается единовременное или систематическое научно организованный сбор и использование данных, характеризующих какой-либо рыночный процесс или явление и предназначенных для удовлетворения информационно-аналитических потребностей маркетинга. Лицо или организация, собирающие информацию (регистратор), фиксирует факты и другие сведения об изучаемом объекте. Методология наблюдения в рыночной сфере использует и сочетает приемы и методы маркетингового, статистического и социологического наблюдения.

Маркетинговое наблюдение – научно организованный сбор и использование информации, предназначенной для удовлетворения информационно-аналитических потребностей маркетинга.

Маркетинговое наблюдение заключается в получении информации о маркетинговой деятельности, в частности о процессах маркетинг-менеджмента, управления маркетингом, принятия маркетинговых решений. Статистическое наблюдение предполагает характеристику массовых рыночных явлений и процессов, выраженных в количественной форме и базирующихся на действии закона больших чисел. Социологическое, а правильнее социометрическое наблюдение представляет собой сбор количественных данных о социальных процессах и явлениях, связанных с рыночной деятельностью. На практике все эти виды наблюдения успешно сочетаются. Наиболее информативным считается статистическое наблюдение.

В маркетинговом исследовании используются различные виды наблюдения. В систему маркетинга входит отчетность предприятий перед руководством фирмы. Кроме того, по ряду показателей рыночной деятельности предусмотрена отчетность государственная статистическая отчетность, которую обязаны представлять все хозяйственные системы. В систему отчетности входят регистры предприятий, осуществляющих торгово-рыночную деятельность.

Выделяются две основные формы наблюдения, используемые в маркетинговом исследовании:

-непосредственное (прямое) наблюдение: слежение за объектом наблюдения (часто визуальное), которое может быть открытым, когда объект наблюдения знает, что за ним наблюдают и скрытым, когда изучаемый объект не знает, что он становится предметом наблюдения;

-непрямое наблюдение: изучение результатов какой-либо деятельности; в непрямом наблюдении видное место отводится документальному способу наблюдения.

Визуальное наблюдение можно применить при оценках полноты ассортимента, наличии товаров и т.п. Открытое наблюдение широко используется при различных опросах, например, при опросах потребителей. При проведении различного рода экспериментов может быть проведено непрямое наблюдение, например, использование каких-либо материалов, статистических данных, опубликованных работ, документов и т.д. К непрямому наблюдению относится использование данных архивов, документальных справок и т.п. Непрямым наблюдением может считаться обследование качества обслуживания покупателей.

Одной из форм наблюдения в маркетинговом исследовании является измерение рыночных объектов. Измерение – определение или сопоставление количественной меры (характеристики) изучаемого процесса или явления. Цифры, характеризующие маркетинговые явления и процессы, позволяют осуществлять их количественное измерение, т.е. нахождение их числового значения. Результаты измерений отражаются в форме присвоения численной оценки объектам, имеющим количественные характеристики.

В маркетинге измерения могут носить как объективный, так и субъективный характер. Объективные измерения осуществляются измерительными приборами, а субъективные - выполняются человеком. В последнем случае приходится делать поправку на субъективное восприятие изучаемого процесса и явления.

Изучаемые маркетинговые характеристики, как правило, фиксируются (регистрируются). Процесс фиксации регистрируемых данных осуществляется либо с помощью простых записей в блокноте/тетради, или с помощью технических средств (аудио- или видеопленки, компьютерной технологии). Записи необходимо систематизировать и упорядочить, выделяя главное, наиболее важное для целей исследования. Для этого используются разработочные таблицы и группировки, карточки, компьютерные файлы и банки данных. Разработка и группировка данных осуществляется на компьютере с помощью пакетов прикладных программ.

В маркетинговом исследовании необходимо обеспечить точность и надежность измерений. Они обеспечивается:

-контролем достоверности полученных данных (выборочным путем рассчитывается коэффициент надежности);

-использованием двух и более наблюдателей, регистрирующих одно и то же событие (коэффициент согласия);

-проведением повторного наблюдения объекта (коэффициент устойчивости).

В организации наблюдения выделяются два вида: по времени регистрации фактов; по охвату изучаемых единиц. В свою очередь в наблюдении, осуществляемом по времени регистрации фактов, выделяются: непрерывное (текущее), периодическое и единовременное наблюдение. В текущем наблюдении фиксируются все возможные изменения по мере их возникновения.

Периодическое наблюдение может быть постоянным, которое проводится в течении длительного времени, периодическим, которое регулярно повторяется, и единовременным, которое может быть разовым, или приуроченным к каким-либо событиям.

По признаку охвата единиц изучаемой совокупности наблюдение делится на сплошное, обеспечивающее информацию о всех единицах изучаемой совокупности, и несплошное (частичное), когда обследуется лишь часть совокупности.

Наиболее информативным является выборочное наблюдение, или выборка, когда специальные статистические методы дают возможность с высокой степенью вероятности судить по некоторой части совокупности обо всей совокупности.

Достаточно распространен метод основного массива. Обычно при нем обследуются наиболее представительные предприятия и организации, имеющие наибольший удельный вес в изучаемой совокупности.

Иногда используется метод моментных наблюдений, когда единицы совокупности регистрируются в заранее определенные моменты времени (выборка во времени).

В маркетинге иногда отбираются и тщательно, детально исследуются наиболее типичные предприятия или регионы. По ним можно судить о закономерностях состояния и развития всего явления или процесса. Такое несплошное наблюдение называется монографическим.

Выборочный метод (выборка) – статистический прием, который на некоторых положениях закона больших чисел. Он широко используется маркетинговой информации, так как:

-дает возможность экономить значительные средства;

-позволяет ускорить получение нужных сведений;

обеспечивает сбор сведений, которые иным способом получить невозможно.

Во-первых, на организацию выборочного (частичного) обследования расходуется значительно меньше средств, чем на изучение всех единиц без исключения. Во-вторых, на организацию выборки тратится меньше времени, чем на сплошное обследование. И, наконец, в-третьих, некоторые данные нельзя получить другим путем, в частности, если выборка связана с необходимостью уничтожить обследуемую совокупность (классический пример: проверка лампочек на непрерывность работы).

Применение выборки требует строгого соблюдения требований:

-необходимо обеспечить качественную однородность отобранной совокупности.

-отбор не должен быть преднамеренным, т.е. все единицы совокупности должна быть иметь равную возможность быть отобранными (попасть в выборочную совокупность);

-размер совокупности, из которой ведется отбор (генеральной совокупности), должна быть достаточно большой, чтобы действовал закон больших чисел;

В выборке могут быть использованы два основных метода: повторной и бесповторной выборки. В маркетинговом обследовании при организации устных опросов рекомендуется использовать метод случайной бесповторной выборки. Он заключается в том, что респондент отбирается случайно и второй раз уже не опрашивается. Данный способ часто используется для уличных интервью. При этом применяется следующая формула численности отбора:

где n – число единиц, которые следует отобрать для обследования (опроса);

t – коэффициент доверия, вычисляемый по таблицам в зависимости от вероятности с которой можно гарантировать, что предельная ошибка не превысит t-кратную среднюю ошибку.

σ2 – выборочная дисперсия (ее обычно определяют на основе эксперимента, пробного обследования, или же по аналогам);

Δ – предельная (задаваемая) ошибка выборки;

N – численность генеральной (изучаемой) совокупности.

При вероятности 0,990 значение коэффициента доверия t = 3, а при вероятности 0,999 – 3,28, чаще всего опираются на вероятность 0,954, при которой t составляет 2.

Для того, чтобы повысить степень однородности совокупности, что способствует большей точности расчета, выборочную совокупность стратифицируют, т.е. разбивают на ряд групп по какому-то признаку. Например, осуществляется деление покупателей или продавцов по каким-то социальным или экономическим группам (в частности по уровню дохода). Формула численности выборки отличается от предыдущей только тем, что выборочная дисперсия заменяется средней из внутригрупповых дисперсий.

However, in this case it is advisable to selection for each group in proportion to the differentiating characteristic. Then the formula for the number of samples (for each group) is greatly simplified:

where k is the number of groups;

Ni is the number of i-th group of the population;

σi is the standard deviation of the trait in the i-th group.

When interviewing (for example, by telephone) or in the course of the survey it is useful to use the method of mechanical selection. Taken phone book or a list of the tenants, and then selected every tenth the phone or every tenth apartment.

To generate in order to expedite and cheapen the process of selecting data you can use the methods of a small sample. A small sampling is the selection of units less than 20 (i.e., n < 20).

The average error of a small sample is calculated by the formula: 2

where σм.in. - standard deviation of a small sample;

σ is the RMS deviation of the normal sample;

x - independent random variables (characteristics of the studied values);

- the average of a small sample;

n - sample size.

The maximum sampling error is determined from the following formula:

Δм.in = t ∙ µ

where t is the trust factor, which is determined by the table of probabilities student:

The accuracy of the data is the main requirement in marketing research observation. The accuracy of the observations in marketing research, or the actual value of the phenomenon/process depends primarily on compliance with rules and requirements methods of data collection and analysis. To avoid errors, to identify or prevent them, you need to constantly perform logical and arithmetic control data collected.

However, sometimes there are registration errors, or discrepancies between the actual value and the resulting observations. These errors can be random or systematic. The first is a result of unforeseen factors. At a sufficiently large set of random errors cancel each other out. This is the law of large numbers.

More dangerous systematic registration errors, which can have a tendency to increase and to decrease. It can accumulate. Often the error due to the desire to rounding of data. In non-continuous observation are errors of representativeness, when the target population is not enough to accurately reproduces the original set. They can be both random and systematic.

Chapter 2. The structure of the marketing information 2.1. Typology of marketing information

Marketing research in accordance with different goals and methods of forming outlines the various types of marketing information. Marketing information has a different degree of urgency processing and presentation to the user.

Some types of information need to be urgently transferred to the workers of marketing services for urgent action. Other operational research require a certain, albeit limited expenditure of time before you make conclusions. Strategic information, as a rule, does not require a high degree of urgency and opportunity for reflection. Some time is necessary for operations research, discuss and make important decisions.

Systematization of information processes leads to the need to identify and group the following types of marketing information. 1

The first problem typing information was the question: when is gathered and researched information. Marketing information on the urgency and depth of research is divided into two important groups:

-operational, i.e., urgent information, which is used in the operational (operational) research for immediate use; it is possible to allocate a warning or signaling information, which represents a short-term forecast (often informal, sometimes even intuitive information);

-strategic, i.e. information that is deep and covered the period; its flavor is medium-and long-term forecast).

The need for marketing research in operational (tactical) information reflecting the momentary market market situation at some point in time or over a short time period is very significant. There is a continuing need in daily, weekly and ten-day operational information.

On the other hand, marketing management activity requires in-depth analysis, evaluation of the strategic situation, research the current levels and trends. Consequently, the first group of marketing information is made on the basis of time.

Another important problem is the question: who and where to gather information. Grouping information collection allows you to select two types of information: internal and external. Internal refers to any information collected by the company or its order; to the external - information collected outside the company, but used by the company for marketing research.

Internal information, in turn, is divided by time on the primary and secondary. Primary information is collected specifically for the specific marketing needs of the company. The primary data are organized by the company or its order of the various surveys, surveys, panels, etc. Up to this point it does not exist.

Secondary information is proprietary business information. It already exists and is collected by the company for various purposes, in particular it is used for the specific marketing needs of the company. Except for marketing purposes, this information is collected by the company other purposes (for accounting and management accounting, taxes). However, all these data can be used as a marketing service for their own purposes.

External information form the data and information obtained from various sources, both public and private, or public, in addition to the operating company. External information for marketing firm is secondary.

To the external information includes:

-information collected and developed by the state and its local agencies, and other state and public organizations; to this type of information include also all other official publications;

-information collected and develop a variety of domestic and foreign scientific and educational institutionsinstitution;

the information published in domestic and foreign media;

-information advertising and commercial nature of other companies;

-reference information: newsletters, registers, directories;

information derived from economic censuses and census of population, various economic and social surveys.

Sometimes information in marketing shares on Desk research (desk research), i.e. work with already collected materials, and field research (field research), i.e., the primary collecting material for a specific marketing research. All primary information is collected in the form of field research.

Of great importance is the classification of the information for its intended use. Some of the information is the object of the analysis of market processes and phenomena. This type of information is called analytic.

It adjoins Advisory or consulting information, proposed and developed specialized marketing and consulting firms.

In the analytical information can include collected and developed by the firm or external information services database, forecasts and scenarios.

With analytical information related regulatory information, which gives information about adjustments and changes in marketing activities, in particular on the implementation of the marketing plan.

An intermediate position between the analytical and the signal information is the monitoring or continuous monitoring data on the status and development of the market.

Finally, the analysis can not do without regulatory information. It includes various rules and regulations, regulatory guides, collections of laws and regulations.

Analytical information is intended description of market processes and phenomena: an assessment of the situation on the market, the study of the structure and dynamics of the market, identification and analysis of patterns and trends, the development of models. Part of the analytical data generated may not be the most firm, bought by another firm, for example, specialized marketing or consulting. Under the consulting is usually understood as a consulting or marketing services to other companies.

An important role in the play information database, specially organized information system: any information about actual and potential customers and competitors, their behavior, and other data required for marketing activities. Databases are adjacent to a previously developed and sold various users of forecasts and scenarios of development of the market.

Certain information network marketing controlling, in particular the characteristic deviations from the plans, changes in the assessment of the situation, analysis of the implementation of the marketing budget. Under the controlling realize the provision of company management the results of the evaluation of marketing activities.

A prominent place in the system information is analytical monitoring, i.e. the system is regular (periodic) measurement/tracking options market using a set of indicators intended to reflect the market situation and to provide the basis for continuous evaluation and forecasting.

Monitoring may be operative, oriented to the needs of market analysis, and strategic monitoring key economic indicators in the strategic perspective.

Information marketing can be distinguished by the regularity of its receipt/collection. Constant information reflects the unchanging nature of some market phenomena and processes (for example, market conditions, or the basic parameters of activity of the enterprise and so on). Part of the permanent information arrives continuously, with no significant gaps. Continuous, for example, can be monitored.

Discrete information is collected from a certain period in time. Variable information is irregular. Some types of information are collected sporadically, as needed. Another part of the information is collected periodically, with equal intervals of time. The third piece of information refers to the number of sporadic or episodic collected as needed.

An important marketing information is internal reporting, which is an element of marketing management. As a business division of a large firm, and an independent unit reporting, including various statistical and operational credentials. Reporting refers to the category of secondary internal information. It is usually presented accounting, planning Department, sales Department and other departments of the firm.

In addition, some of the reported data is intended for various government agencies: the state statistical agencies, for the tax service. All data such statements can be used in marketing. Sometimes however, in accordance with the specific needs of marketing there is a need for additional development data.

A significant array of marketing information can be obtained from the organization and conduct of specially organized surveys (complete or custom). The name itself says that such surveys are conducted specifically for any marketing purposes, to receive certain marketing information as a single and continuous.

In marketing research meets the concept of marketing intelligence marketing intelligence), which includes obtaining current information about the microenvironment of marketing (suppliers, customers, Resellers and competitors). Part of this information forces environmental marketing provide (legal information), for example, publications, data that are voluntarily by other firms. The other part of such information is considered confidential or polyethyleneamine. Sometimes in order to obtain such information used methods of economic espionage, gathering rumors, tracking internal publications.

2.2. Carriers and sources of marketing information

Information is collected among the holders (owners) of information, i.e. persons having access to any information and engaged in specific marketing activities (both active and passive). Some carriers have exclusive ownership of ownership of information, while others buy it or obtain it by any means. The media are legal entities and physical persons who, by their official duties, or by virtue of their inherent properties, image and lifestyle, the prevailing mentality have potential. This information is reflected in their actions and statements.

To the holders (owners) of information include:

consumers (including people);


-distributors (Resellers);

trading competitors, and so on;

-non-trading institutions and organizations.

Information can be presented in the form of documents, messages, results of marketing and marketing research, may be the expression of certain trends and patterns, etc., Laid in the media information may even be in the subconscious of the medium (physical persons) and to appear in any action. Potential information is sometimes stored in the form of knowledge of the media, which are then provided to certain conditions. Information is designed. that knowledge can be used for various purposes and in various forms, in particular for marketing research. Persons who collect, accumulate and use information are called users.

The concept of media is different from the information source. Source of information this is concentrated and specialized guide a variety of information about market activity, channel marketing information, where her borrow interested users.

In marketing there are two channels of getting information from the media and user:

the media itself tells the user the necessary information;

the user receives information from other sources (free or purchase order or exchange).

In some countries, enterprises and organizations voluntarily or mandatorily publish a specific set of information about themselves (of course, without violating commercial secrets, but enough to get an idea of the competitor). In many countries, including in Russia published registers of enterprises and reference bulletins continuous range of indicators. The communication channels of marketing microenvironment provide a constant exchange of information, without which it is almost impossible to commercial activities. An independent source of information are the channels of macro marketing, primarily mass media (mass media).

In marketing research formed a rather complicated structure of sources of information. Main channels/sources of marketing information, the identified content information coming through, a way of getting information: Sources of information vary according to availability of information. There is information available to all, the other is for internal use only and, finally, there is a closed, secret information.

There are a number of channels through which marketing information is delivered to users. Formed an independent classification of the sources of marketing information. These include the following types of information:

publication: digital, factual, theoretical, graphics;

-information, acquired by the company on a commercial basis;

-exchange of information;

data from special surveys;

-information trading correspondents;

data expert judgement;

data direct observation;

-participant observation;

surveys of consumers, entrepreneurs and professionals;


experiment (test marketing): field and laboratory.

One of the main sources of information are considered to be publications. There are several types of publications. For marketing the most informative publications are digital. Quantitative characteristics are widely used in marketing and marketing research, marketing management etc., publication of the facts and their assessment provides the source material for marketing and makes it possible to draw certain conclusions marketing management. Without a description and assessment of the facts marketing virtually impossible. Theoretical publications are most widely spread in the scientific and applied scientific research.

An important source of information considered in the marketing graphic publishing. Drawings, charts, graphs and charts, you can visually judge the structure of the market, its trends, some regularities, etc., Publishing as a source of information are used: in the media, in official handbooks, message exchanges, ad banks and JSC (for shareholders), messages, unions of entrepreneurs, in registers and industry bulletins, scientific or journalistic literature. There are even Bureau clippings, where on a commercial basis shall be prepared in accordance with the order of the marketing service dossiers are interested in a company issue.

No less important source of information are the information acquired by the company on a commercial basis. Large buyers of information are the state statistics Committee and its local authorities, including management of the census. Information also sell and sometimes provide free of charge alternative information services, private enterprises, with any data.

Information is also provided on channels of internal accounting and reporting, including financial statements. Not less important source of marketing information is the exchange of information between participants in the process of product distribution, as well as between parties to commercial negotiations. Source of information you can read data from special surveys conducted by the company or its order; in particular one-time or ongoing measurements of the parameters of the market in so-called reference points (often in the form of monitoring).

In trade and services, as a rule, constantly gathers information trading correspondents. This trade workers (sellers, managers, administrative employees), which for a fee regularly report their observations of market conditions. Sources of market information are also certificate market environment, introducing the trading correspondents. Often the collection of information organized during the exhibitions, sales, fairs. In wholesale trade uses information collected by the sales representatives and sales agents.

An extremely important source of marketing information are rightly considered various expert estimates and projections (in their time, they will be explained in detail). In marketing information you can use direct observation (e.g., check the time spent on the purchase).

A special kind of information is included observation when the observer is tacitly embedded in the collective of employees, without informing its members (this method is widely used in the study of competitors, but also for research productivity, morale contingent workers own the company).

The most common in marketing research and very informative source is surveys. There are many types of surveys. For example, surveys of consumers, entrepreneurs, professionals (for surveys include interviews and questionnaires). Specific surveys are panel - single or continuous sample survey of families/households or surveys of entrepreneurs.

Independent form information are the so-called tended specialists that differ from conventional surveys. In some other program questionnaire, which focused on market assessment of the market situation. For example, in some segments of the market raises the question of the propensity of consumers to shopping, etc. In this form of survey in the composition of the respondents include the firm's managers and prominent industry professionals and trade workers marketing services. The interviewed persons are opportunistic help (not to be confused with information trading correspondents), which contains the answers to the questions. Help are, statistically processed and analyzed.

An important source of information, based on scientific principles, is the experiment (in particular test marketing). There are different:

field experiment - evaluation and modeling results of some types of market activity (for example, sales of small lots of goods, the study of consumer reactions to changing factors);

-laboratory building according to field observations of the simulation model.

Important source of secondary information is a standardized information service. Its essence lies in the fact that users (customer information) provided the results are already ready standardized research. Firm-customer decides that it is more profitable - to conduct an independent investigation, to order an individual study or use of typical standardized study. You can apply the technique of model research, tailored to the needs of the customer. Standardization research allows the use of codes of international industry classifications with the help of a scanner, a device that allows to automatically read information. In particular every product has its own bar or numeric code. This allows you to automate the inventory and sale of goods.

3.Marketing research on the company "MAVI" 3.1. The history of the company. The founder of the brand Mavi, Ersin Carlile grew up watching the growth of the company for the production of clothing, which his father founded in 1954. While still a student in the late 1980s, he dreamed of creating a global brand. The first critical moment after joining the family business was the decision Carlile of moving from a factory service to create a denim brand. Soon he created the brand "Mavi Jeans" and immediately developed a strategy of "Ideal setting" (Perfect Fit), according to which customers were offered a special style solutions and system sizes, adapted to each particular country. In addition, the concept has been developed, which took into account the Mediterranean origin of the brand. In just five years, "Mavi Jeans" became a leading Turkish denim brand, sales of which exceeded the indicators of well-known international giants. The turning point was the decision Carlile output "Mavi Jeans" outside the country and to start with the United States, where competition is most severe in the world. The courage of the founder of the "Mavi Jeans" was paid for with a vengeance: over America was soon followed by Canada, Europe and Australia. Already in 2006, Time magazine called "Mavi Jeans" in the top 16 of the world's denim brands. Today "Mavi Jeans" has the world turn 154, 6mm in million of US dollars, sold in 50 countries, including in Russia. Date development Mavi 1984 The Foundation of the company ERAK, getting started and manufacturing jeans for brands 1991 Family Aquaclear created its own brand "Mavi Jeans" 1993 The beginning of a national company 1994 Export Mavi jeans in European countries. 1996 The company Mavi North America based in new York for the U.S. and canadian market. The yield on the German market. Mavi is the most popular denim brand in the Turkish market. 1997 Mavi started selling jeans into new markets, such as North Africa, the middle East, Eastern Europe. Mavi has opened a showroom in Los Angeles and Vancouver. Running an advertising campaign “It's too” 1998 Mavi jeans exported 1 million pairs of jeans around the world. America falls in love with the style of "Molly" that was the beginning of a huge success Мavi Presentation on Mavi model showing the “fairy tale” in Las Vegas. Nordstrom and Bloomingdale started selling Mavi. 1999 Mavi opened a shop in SOHO and new York. Opened a showroom in Montreal. Started production and warehouse in new Jersey. Running an advertising campaign “We have gone too far” 2000 Мavi enters UK market Erak 128 in the list of the top 500 manufacturers in Turkey 2001 Hosted the First exhibition in new York, USA. "Made in Maviland" Mavi is the first Turkish brand and begins an advertising campaign in the USA, Canada and Germany. Mavi published in the Australian and Danish markets. Mavi 10 seats in the survey Asay Nilsens “the Most famous brands ” 2002 Running the second national advertising campaign in the United States - "Mavifits" - “Mavi-fits-all” Ersin Carlyle CEO Mavi, according to the magazine DNR took 93 place in the list of the 100 most influential people of the United States. In the national the survey “My brand” in the frame of the conference “My brand 2002” Mavi in the first place. December 19, 2002 Mavi opened its first international flagship store in Vancouver. 2003 In a survey done by the magazine "Capital" and "Adecco", among 890 students in Turkish universities, Mavi Jeans at the second place popularity after Coca-Cola In new York opened a second flagship in Union Square. ( 5000 square feet) Also opened two flagship stores in Berlin and Frankfurt. Advertising campaign "We went too far" in Turkey. Mavi in Time magazine. Mavi in the spotlight famous model show Bread & Butter show in Berlin. 2004 Mavi opened a shop in Montreal, Canada . The CosmoGirl magazine in the US called Mavi jeans "the most sexy jeans". 2006 Mavi has been listed as "16 best jeans" according to Time magazine. Mavi has launched its first organic collection . Journal of Brand Finance and Capital” included the Mavi among the most important brands on the market clothes 2007 Ersin Carlile took first place in the contest "Ernst & young" in the category "entrepreneur of the year". Rifat Ozbek developed its first denim collection for Mavi. According to marketing firm Nielsen, brand Mavi named the most famous denim brands. According to research by the magazine Capital, Mavi became the first among the most favorite brands, surpassing last year's leader ZARA 2008 The opening of the official representative in Russia. Reputable Fortune magazine, gave Mavi 281 position among the 500 most successful and finansovlozheny companies of Turkey . 2009 Mavi recognized as the best denim brand magazine Instyle. 3.2. Strategic directions identified three main areas of its activity: - expanding the range of goods; -improved quality of service; - have goods store.

Анализ сильных и слабых сторон проекта, опасностей и

благоприятных возможностей.

Сильные стороны предприятия — то, в чем оно преуспело или какая-то особенность, предоставляющая дополнительные возможности. Слабые стороны предприятия — это отсутствие чего-то важного для функционирования предприятия или то, что пока не удается по сравнению с другими компаниями.

Анализ сильных и слабых сторон Таблица 1.

Сильные стороны

Слабые стороны

1. Высокое качество продукции фирмы;

1.  Отсутствие детской линии одежды;

2. Правительственная помощь

2.  Слабый маркетинг

3.Квалифицированный персонал

3  Недостаток финансов

4.Замена старого торгового оборудования

4.Вложение значительных средств

5.Выход предприятия на новый уровень

5. низкая заинтересованность рядовых сотрудников в развитии предприятия

6. Известность торговой марки

6. устаревшие технологии и оборудование

Анализ опасностей и благоприятных возможностей

Возможности определяются как нечто, дающее проекту шанс сделать что-то новое: выпустить новый продукт, завоевать новых клиентов, внедрить новую технологию, перестроить бизнес-процессы и т. П. 

Угроза — то, что может нанести ущерб проекту, лишить его существующих преимуществ: появление новых конкурентов, появление товаров-заменителей и т. П.

Таблица 2.


Благоприятные возможности

1. Жесткая конкуренция

1.В данном магазине множество постоянных покупателей

2. Обслуживание дополнительных групп потребителей;

2. Изменение вкусов покупателей

3. Покупатели ожидают разнообразного дизайна

3.Увеличение числа желающих

приобрести одежду из детской линии одежды

4.Непредвиденные обстоятельства при установке оборудования

4.Возможность расширения производства

Факторы риска , их вероятные характеристики, мероприятия направленные на снижение рисков.

Таблица 3.

Факторы риска



Мероприятия, направленные на снижения риска.

1. Несовместимость работы старого и нового оборудования

Агрегаты могут не подойти по определенным параметрам, скорости выполнения операций


Внимательно подбирать оборудование, учитывая его техническую характеристику

2. Инфляция

Увеличение цен на материалы


Увеличение цен на продаваемую продукцию

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