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December 2,1996 us consulate General

15, Furshatskaya Street

St. Petersburg.191028

Attn.: Mr. Josh Overcast

Dear Sirs,

By this letter I would like to apply for the FSN personnel clerk position at the US Consulate General.Thank you for taking time to deal with my application. Please kindly find my references enclosed.

Faithfully yours, Anna

IX. Read the dialogues in pairs and learn them.

1. - Are you pleased with your new job, Mary?

- Yes, very much. It's just my cup of tea. I work as a translator at

the Research Institute.

- And what sort of translation are you engaged in?

- Well, I translate articles on chemistry from different American

and English magazines.

2. - My brother has an awful lot of work. He's so booked up these days.

- Why? Isn't he going to take a leave?

- Oh, no: most of his colleagues are on their vacation and the

chief keeps him at work day and night.

- Nothing doing.The coming of the holiday-making season is in the air.

3. - What are your wages, Bill?

- It depends, you know. I'm on piece-work.

- And how much did you earn last month?

  • Well, 150 dollars let alone the bonus.

4. - Why do you want to change your job, Bill? It's interesting and

quite well-paid.

- The one I've found suits me better.

- Really? Are you sure?

- Absolutely, it offers more opportunities and also I'll do the work

for which I'm more qualified.

5. - You know, Richard has come to work though he's on a sick leave.

- Oh, did he? I wonder what for!

- He wants his boss to see what a hard worker he is.

- That's almost incredible.

- And he did the same last month. He wants to put on a show that he deserves a raise.

6. - Nick will be dismissed if he keeps working like that. Mark my words.

- But he is so out of practice, you know.

- I don't mean that. The foreman says he shirks work and does

things by halves.

- Maybe the chief is simply trying to find fault with him.

- By no means. Nick is very lazy. When at school he often stayed

away from classes and never worked hard.

7. - I'm told you want people at your plant. Is that so?

- Yes, we need skilled workers of different trades.

- Any- vacancies for welders?

- Yes, there are some. Please apply to the personnel department at

the plant.

8. - You look very smart today, David. Are you going out?

- Yes, I've got an appointment with Professor Roberts.

- Is it Roberts, the famous polar explorer?

- Yes, I'm going to be his assistant.

- You'll have an interesting job. You are lucky, David. You'll travel

all over the world.

Unit 4. Information Exchange

Business Letter

I. Read and learn the new words and expressions.

Address - адрес

recipient’s address - адрес получателя

sender’s address - адрес отправителя

body of the letter ( syn. main paragraph ) - основная часть письма

complimentary ending - благодарность в письме

concluding ( closing ) paragraph - заключительная часть

date - дата

enclosure - приложение

introductory paragraph - вводная часть

position / title - положение/титул

reference - ссылка

salutation - приветствие

typed signature - напечатанная подпись

signature - подпись